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Community It said to introduce myself

Mikey Fingaz

New Member
Hello all. I'm completely new to vaping. I've been a combustion flower user for decades and am looking to switch it up. I never got into vaping because I like the old school way of breaking up flower, smelling the aromas, packing bowls or rolling one, the taste of good flower and all the terpenes when you take that first or second hit (not so much into the ashy flavor that comes after though).

So I stumbled across a pic of a dynavap which then lead me to looking more at stuff like the vestratto anvil, various dynavaps ECT. This seems like the closest thing to old school smoking so I plan to get a dynavap soon! I didn't care for the metal stems, but then I started seeing stems from simrell, azzwood and others, do now I want to put together one for myself.

I like the look of wood and am wanting to get a stem that kind of matches the aesthetics of a short cigar. Something that is about the size of the VONG G but with different shaped stems and mouth tips.

So I'm looking for a gallery, but can't find one! Can anybody direct me, or do we not have a gallery in the old sense where it's just a bunch of pics to look at. Looks are important to me as silly as that sounds lol.

(I also plan to pair it with a Zippo single torch for the aesthetic, even though I know they run out of butane fairly quickly. I'm a light user these days and honestly am mostly doing it for the taste and the ritual)
Welcome aboard Mikey :wave:

a few threads for you to check out
These guys have Instagram accounts with lots of pics too

I can't find a thread for kgwoodcrafts or khelek41girl at the moment, they're also worth a look on Insta for inspiration

Sorry to say it but forget the Zippo for dynavaps - I've tried a few of the butane inserts but the tanks are just too small for us and only hold enough for one or two bowls in my experience
Hi @Mikey Fingaz and welcome to the forum. You are right when you say that the Vapcap is the closest thing in vaping to smoking a blunt. So if that is your goal, that type of vape is the right direction.

@Hippie has given you some very solid leads to beautiful wood stems. While they do pop in occasionally, @phattpiggie and @Aezhenn are both easily contacted on Instagram via dm.

Unfortunately, @Timberhead is no longer in business.

You can see some of phattpiggies works for sale at VGoodEZ here. He also carries Madheaters stems.

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