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Accessories Timberhead Designs


Vapor Accessory Addict
Staff member
I don't know if anyone has seen the stands that @Ed's TnT is carrying for the WoodScents... ?

WS Stand Walnut w-Unit - 3-28-19-500x500.png

These are made by @Timberhead . Those of you on Instagram may know of him....


Got me thinking that I needed one for my @phattpiggie stems and other Dynavap products; including Ed's stems. So I contacted him and got the ball rolling. I didn't want to specify what I wanted other than what it was being used for... I really like giving the artist free range in creativity.

What happened next was that I was given a choice of two different stands lol. Well... I couldn't decide. And bought both. :lol: Really not an issue since I've already almost run out of room on one of them...

This stand is made of walnut with a turquoise inlay around the recessed magnet:


And this stand is made of Wenge.... It's got a tiered pattern and two magnets; one of which has the turquoise inlay.


Between the two I have plenty of room for more of the artisan stems... I know I want one from @Andy Capp and have been eyeing a few that @Aezhenn has been making recently as well. And, of course, the list is never ending from @phattpiggie :lol:

(@Ed's TnT forgive me please for not having your stems in the stands.... my daughter has commandeered my office and I can't get to them.... :shakehead:)

Anyway... back to the stands. The workmanship is beautiful on these. And I'm really happy I gave him 'artist's prerogative.'
I can't imagine them turning out any better. If anyone is interested in ordering something from Timberhead Designs, he can be contacted on Instagram @timberheaddesigns or you can reach him by email, timberheadpm@gmail.com
Haha all good @momofthegoons and great post btw. @timberheaddesigns is killing it with his stands for the WS and DV stems as well. Am very happy with his work and thankful to have him doing what he has and is for the WS. Walnut stands sold quick and maple not far behind em. Am waiting on another shipment from him any day to restock. If ya havent seen em pls go by my site and so so they have a beautifully organic and natural shape and look to them.

Wish all the best and thanks again Missy!
I got a message with a couple of pictures of them, pre-drilled, asking which one did I think you'd prefer @momofthegoons:smile:
I went Walnut and promptly asked how many stems was it for.:thinker:

@Timberhead and myself spoke about his coming over to the dusty side back in March.
I can only wish him all the best in his new venture.
Not only is THD turning out some lovely pieces he's a great guy to spend time with.
Thanks for the kind words @momofthegoons, @phattpiggie and @Ed's TnT.
Ed I'm not so sure about but everyone else seems pretty chill. :smug:

And thanks for starting a thread for me Mom. It was a pleasure getting to work on some stuff for you!

Some stuff I've done so far.


I'm working on some other things but I do enjoy secrecy! So I will need to show them later.
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Hello again Vapor Asylum! Hope everyone is kicking butt and taking names!

I've been busy in the shop.
As always there are a couple of secret projects going on but I've also been working on replenishing @Ed's TnT WoodScents stands, filling some custom orders and finalizing the design for the G43 stand.

Here it is unfinished

And here it is finished and about to be put in the mail.

Major changes after prototyping were to give more room to grab the glass arm and a larger hole to pass the wires through to the back.

As I've gotten some questions like, "What the hell is that thing," here is a video of its intended use.

I was able to get the price down a bit by producing a batch of 8 with one casualty (on the final step of course).

I also had a custom vapcap stand completed and received by a customer that wanted 8 holes for vapcaps and 2 magnets.

The customer picked this hunk of walnut and cherry.

And this is how it came out.
As folks can probably tell, I like my sexy curves!

Have a killer weekend!
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Thanks @momofthegoons!
The laminated stands are fun since they offer 3d shaping but getting them smooth is a ton of work!

And don't tell anyone but there are 2 more secret magnets under that turquoise.

I also wanted to mention my logo.
I have a son in college who is majoring in graphic design so I asked him months ago if he wanted to give my logo a try. Being that he is a professional procrastinator, when he came home for summer the logo wasn't even started.

I kept pestering him and we set some time aside, sat down and ironed most of the design out in a few hours.

So in essence, my logo cost me about $140,000...what a bargain.
Timberhead Wordmark white border.jpg

And I got my first branding iron which is challenging to get perfect!
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I've been busy in the shop.
As always there are a couple of secret projects going on but I've also been working on replenishing @Ed's TnT WoodScents stands, filling some custom orders and finalizing the design for the G43 stand.!

Always good to see what youre doing bro, gotta say you see and do things in a way that is very fresh and unique. I really appreciate the work and efforts you have put into what you do for me and those that enjoy the WS.

You know I am looking forward to your secret projects, anxious to hear how close you are getting with em.

Keep it up and do what you do, you killing it bro!

Oh btw really digging your logo, believe me after ya do it enough it will hit the same spot every time ya wont even have to concentrate itll just find its way to there.
Been doing a bunch of wood combo laminates lately as that's what folks have ordered.

These were the heftiest pieces I had done at the time. The customer chose the walnut/padauk one and then came the scary part of drilling holes into it.

Another customer almost purchased the padauk/maple steps but we decided that he needed more space. Which led to my current largest piece!

This thing is heavy! But we got in spaces for three 510 vapes, a large hole for his mod to sit in, three stems for his 510 vapes and eight vapcaps.
Loaded up with some @phattpiggie, @Ed's TnT and @Aezhenn stems.

I decided to try some bookends out of walnut/padauk for shits and giggles which came out very well.


Then I completed my two-tone wood phase with a second batch of G43 stands with some wild combos.

The one with the large hole in the base is drilled for a specific mod. There are three mods that most folks are using with the G43 so I've been drilling that last hole once someone orders and I can match the hole to the mod they are using.

That's it for now and thanks for the kind words and support!
Hello VA!
I've been busy with some custom work as well as trying to build up some inventory and get @Ed's TnT restocked with Woodscents stands.

Last batch of this design of Woodscents stand!

Here is a complex (for me!) stand with very specific needs.

The customer wanted a debowler too so I had the opportunity to coordinate with @Ed's TnT and son of Ed on having it fit and match the stand. Ed's son did a great job.

Next was a stand out of ambrosia maple and walnut for a customer that wanted to hold 44 vapcaps and showcase 4.


It's big and heavy so I added some finger grooves to help lift it.

I also put together some smaller options that I'm calling the Pipsqueak.

These hold 3 vapcaps and for this batch I used variations of padauk, canarywood and walnut.

The latest project was finally putting together my take on an induction heater. This was a prototype. I ordered the guts directly from Pipe's and added a 2200 mah lipo battery. I'm sarcastically calling it the Mobile Executive.

I made this one out of roasted ash and cherry. The roasted ash looks great when done, but is quite hard to avoid tear out. I don't think I'll be using it again. Here you can see the tear out around the battery level indicator.

And we got t-shirts with my son's logo design!

Thanks for looking and hope everyone is staying chill!
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