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Lunacy Jokes

hypocrisy much...rules should be applied equally @Baron23 gets another pass and so does staff, bullshit

No... not necessarily. I might not like it because it breaks this forum rule:

"Discussion regarding cannabis legalization and law is allowed here. Otherwise we are an apolitical forum and discussion of general politics is not allowed. They tend to create disharmony. Leave your drama at the door."
hypocrisy much...rules should be applied equally @Baron23 gets another pass and so does staff, bullshit

We can start with the definition of a joke if you like.

Joke (n) a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.

Now that we both understand what a joke is we can get into the meat & potatoes of your complaint.

Barons meme is actually funny in a somewhat crass manner most can find mirth in it to a degree. It has a subject & punchline all wrapped up in one neat little picture. Is it political in nature? Not exactly but it is walking a fine line via source subject.

As for the Sarah Sanders meme I made a considered decision to post it as it is funny & relevant to the forum by caption alone. It would not matter who the subject matter was in that instance. It just happened to be an unfortunate image of a political figure perfect for a cannabis related joke. I was hoping people could see past party lines on that & enjoy a giggle. Guess I was wrong on that score.....

Regarding Dynalowriders post there was a bunch wrong with it. A lame at best joke as a thinly veiled political stab. No warning point was issued in this instance. It was not warranted & I am sure @Dynalowrider did not mean to sail into murky waters.

That is besides the fact. You are posting about memes from the meme thread rather than jokes. If you don't like it, or feel it breaks a rule, then I suggest you report it.

This goes for every member who reads this post as a reminder

Vapor Asylum is apolitical. Politics are not discussed here. End of story. If there is one rule for all members to keep front of mind it is that we are apolitical. If one feels the need to vent on politics there are 1,000,000 places out there you can do so with like minded people. Vapor Asylum is not the place. We are a cannabis community & what your politics are does not contribute to our community.
@Madri-Gal posted this meme that reminded of an old, terrible joke. That I think is funny.


Two cannibals are having lunch. The first cannibal looks at the other and says, “I hate my mother-in-law”. The second cannibal replies, “Then try the potato salad”.

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VGoodiez 420EDC