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Grow Mold


Herb Gardener.....
Vaporizer safety is very important...
I get a bit ocd about it all...
Especially when it comes to my flowers...

Mold can be very harmful and should never be inhaled...

All my flowers are fresh to start, I dry and cure them completely myself, so I'd like to think I'm a pro at spotting early stage growth...

Alot of pictures that are posted about online, look like they have some mold going on...
Could be camera/lighting, or not....???
I'll never know...

So the purpose of this thread is mainly for me to document an experiment...
It involves me losing some stash, but I'm happy to take one for the team, for the greater good as it were...

I'm going to purposely create some mould on some herb, and take many pics, many ways, to try and act as a guide to help people identify whats foreign growth, and whats headless, or smashed trichomes..

Alot gets lost In translation with a photo, so I'll do my best, I sure wish I had @I'm Ron Burgundy? to take my pics for me...
My first priority is get my close ups nailed through the scope, then I'll ruin some herb....

Any other relevent information, opinions or news is welcome here....
Vaporizer safety is very important...
I get a bit ocd about it all...
Especially when it comes to my flowers...

Mold can be very harmful and should never be inhaled...

All my flowers are fresh to start, I dry and cure them completely myself, so I'd like to think I'm a pro at spotting early stage growth...

Alot of pictures that are posted about online, look like they have some mold going on...
Could be camera/lighting, or not....???
I'll never know...

So the purpose of this thread is mainly for me to document an experiment...
It involves me losing some stash, but I'm happy to take one for the team, for the greater good as it were...

I'm going to purposely create some mould on some herb, and take many pics, many ways, to try and act as a guide to help people identify whats foreign growth, and whats headless, or smashed trichomes..

Alot gets lost In translation with a photo, so I'll do my best, I sure wish I had @I'm Ron Burgundy? to take my pics for me...
My first priority is get my close ups nailed through the scope, then I'll ruin some herb....

Any other relevent information, opinions or news is welcome here....
Excellent idea brother, I can offer some extreme close up shots of early pre-mold (the white hairs that you start to see on the stems as botrytis begins) when I next come across it :D
Yes! Mold and any pics of other phenom to look for. Like say insects and spider mites that are known to cut plants. And any other harmful examples to look out for.
I got some bud a while back that hadn't been properly cured. This was not easily visible to the naked eye so I strongly recommend everyone get themselves a jeweler's loop... preferably one with a light.



Yep that defiantly looks affected...
A uv light is another usefull aid for spotting contaminants and other undesirables...

Is it law that the herb soldin dispensaries over there have to be tested for such things???
Mold is a very dangerous thing to be warming up and inhaling, I've done it.

Also had Spider Mite, which can be sole destroying to get rid of, commercial veg growers sometimes introduce them along with the predators so they have it all under control from the get go.

Great idea for a thread.
Mold is a preoccupation for me. I check my stash regularly but am sometimes not sure what I see. I do open my long term stash every so often which I don't think is a bad thing. I would love to be more knowledgeable in this area.

I have Bodeva packs in my stash and a hygrometer. Even though my stash has been slowly and evenly dried and cured, the thermometers often register a RH close to 70%.

My bud is stored in a dark cool place. Is 70% RH asking for trouble?
@Squiby Smell is a good give away, I'm new to Boveda and currently use 62%. Old jelly jars and a dark environment.
The hygrometer you have may not be as accurate as you'd expect.

Given your lung problems I can understand why you'd be keeping a regular eye on your stash.

Funny things is that when I fell ill because of inhaling mold it was my legs and joints that suffered and not my lungs.

The portly Doc asked if I could bend over and touch my toes, 'No can you' didn't go down well with him.
The portly Doc asked if I could bend over and touch my toes, 'No can you' didn't go down well with him.
Hahaha! Had a similar experience when my Dr mentioned that I was due for a Mamogram. I said, I'm not going to have those anymore. They are unbelievably painfull and when was the last time YOU had one?

He said his wife has the same objection to them and had said the same thing to him.
@Squiby I wouldn't store my cannabis at 70%, thats a little high for me..
I store at 62 with boveda...
But like @phattpiggie said, cheap mini hygrometers tend to unreliable for accurate readings..
I don't like storing my buds any higher than 65% but I'm always aiming for 62%.

I have a reusable tea bag I fill with rice that I can leave in a Ball Jar full of cannabis to bring down the RH if it's wildly out of control.

Don't forget to leave about 20% free space in the jar as well, you don't want to fill it to the brim.
After I dried it down to around 60% RH, I jarred it with a 62% bodeva pack.

Then every week for a couple of months or so I opened the jars, dumped out the flowers and let them sit for 10 minutes or so before re-jarring with a bodeva pack. Now, just lately I'm noticing that the RH has creeped up. ?????

Maybe, I need to dump them out and let them dry for a half hour and re- jar again. :nusenuse:
After I dried it down to around 60% RH, I jarred it with a 62% bodeva pack.

Then every week for a couple of months or so I opened the jars, dumped out the flowers and let them sit for 10 minutes or so before re-jarring with a bodeva pack. Now, just lately I'm noticing that the RH has creeped up. ?????

Maybe, I need to dump them out and let them dry for a half hour and re- jar again. :nusenuse:

I'd just keep burping the jars once a week for about 10-15mins until the RH settles below 65%, no need to pull all the material out of the jars, maybe give them a stir/nudge, those disposable chopsticks you get with every chinese take away are perfect for that.

If you pull the material out there is a danger it will over dry quite quickly.
I'd just keep burping the jars once a week for about 10-15mins until the RH settles below 65%, no need to pull all the material out of the jars, maybe give them a stir/nudge, those disposable chopsticks you get with every chinese take away are perfect for that.

If you pull the material out there is a danger it will over dry quite quickly.
OK, thanks. I'll keep burping the babies.....:dogpile:
Yes! Mold and any pics of other phenom to look for. Like say insects and spider mites that are known to cut plants. And any other harmful examples to look out for.
The only thing that I MIGHT try is the bike... :facepalm:

After I dried it down to around 60% RH, I jarred it with a 62% bodeva pack.

Then every week for a couple of months or so I opened the jars, dumped out the flowers and let them sit for 10 minutes or so before re-jarring with a bodeva pack. Now, just lately I'm noticing that the RH has creeped up. ?????

Maybe, I need to dump them out and let them dry for a half hour and re- jar again. :nusenuse:
Peace squilby!

I never add a Boveda until 6 months. It messes up the cure - if you attempt to keep adding the boveda, well it will mean it is *always* trying to force the RH up, even if it can't strain it to 62.

I have had *weird* stuff happen with those. Never again. I fuss multiple times a day for a few weeks until 65 or below stabilizes. 4 weeks once daily, until it will hit 55-58. Open weekly, perfect for 6 months. Maybe THEN a Boveda (but mine never lasts that long...)

Anyway SUCH an imo, peace and good things to you!
Everytime I come into this thread I can't help but just stop and stare at that bike.

The thumbnail image looks like a rough aluminium cast of a bike that's been lent up against a tree. Then when you click the image and go full screen it's like Shelob's had her way with it.
I've been married multiple times.

Shelob was wife number...shoot, I forget now... :sherlock:

Matchmaker who ate raw fish I believe!

So I am not afraid.

That nasty weed on the other hand...


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VGoodiez 420EDC