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Lunacy My Life Is Starting Over Again


I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
So, my friends and I had a deal with a certain streamer. Now the deal is off the table. So fuck it.

My team is in tatters. One of the four decided to go make babies and take her life seriously. One decided to move into a cult home where only middle aged men live and never leave the house. One decided to buy a pound of magic mushrooms and hit the open road and hasn't been heard from since. And the last one, she kissed me softly on the cheek and apologized before she drove away. So, yeah. Fuck it.

I've only been writing this for 25 years. Feel free to abandon it because it's no big deal.

So, the gist.

A dude gets out of prison, where he's been for an indeterminate amount of time. Wildman beard and some gray here and there. You can do the math. He goes around through his hometown to his old friends and collects what he can and gets turned away by all family and friends. The viewer feels bad for him but slowly it's revealed why everyone wants nothing to do with him.

But he's still a sympathetic character. He got lost and never found his way back because life got in the way. He never got over the suicide of his best friend in high school. She still lingers. As does the blanket she made for him, which is made of patterns of stars and planets and dinosaurs and spaceboys.

His whole journey over the course of one day is to talk to his ex-wife, the only person he knows would talk about his friend, and who spends time talking to him, but eventually turns him away, and he spends the night in her garage, and sifting through all the shit of his she saved because she's actually not a bad person. He throws a hissy fit and leaves it all behind for her to deal with, and takes the blanket with him. A bison on the plains.

He is forever lost. Still in prison.

Despite all his rehearsal, things all go terribly wrong, and nothing is solved. In a metaphorical way, he decides to join his friend, who beckons to him, in the afterworld because there is no place for him in the really real world.

There's a whole lot more to it than that, but it's not a happy story.

Here's where the story is fun!

The girl whose death he can't get over was a writer girl. And what she writes all gets fun songs. That's why he can't get over it. He keeps imagining it.

So ... what I need from y'all is some fun songs that are from before .... let's say .... 2000.

And maybe involve a certain day. An Every Day theme.

This is the song meant for the ending credits:

Not bad, Mommy Dearest.

But ... here's another cut off the presupposed soundtrack:

Back to work, people! This shit ain't gonna write itself! :buzz:
You've always had interesting taste in music.... I'll bet that sound track would be a good one.

Okay.... how about this one? I was 18 the year this was released. Kicked out of the house and heavily into drugs.... Living large. I remember seeing him perform this that year... and it was sort of an anthem. So not a day.... more a year.

Not the show I saw....... but a good one...

We're gonna get there, @momofthegoons

I'm thinkiing more flaws in the design. The ones that say anyone born after 1980 is inherently flawed.

They need to be loved. By all. By you. To a ridiculous degree. The little boy you sang to even though he became a robot boy. The one whose fire in his eye was put out by the crazy firepower of life. The boy who gave up.

And yes, I'm totally fucking with you. But not really. But yeah.

Do you want to watch a sad movie you can relate to or not? !!!

This is what smart sad boys listen to:

Okay. Acknowledging the public outcry for more from this thread, I'm willing to make a deal with you sinners and drunks and lowlifes and poor decision makers.

I will post the first 15 minutes, in proper screenplay format, if I see 5 song suggestions - @momofthegoons doesn't count - and you can then all tear it to pieces and tell me how bloody awful it is.

I get the attention, and you get the glory. Everyone's a winner.
What?!? And here I was... taking a trip down memory lane trying to find fun songs! I've relived a whole lot of stuff I could have avoided if I had known my entries didn't count!

I wouldn't take it personally, @momofthegoons - even though that comment was aimed directly at you and no one else.

Let's look at the facts.

First of all, you're always trying to feed us more cheese and crackers. As though you've discovered the longevity to life is corrolated to the amount of american cheese squares put on saltines. It's weird.

Second, we can hear you walking up the stairs, and carrying up that tray of cheese and crackers. We all heard it the moment you opened up a new thing of saltines. And what is with the Dr. Pepper?

Finally, you have that weird pre-grandma smell going on. It's like a mix of kasha and perfume and mom-sweat that everyone is too embarrassed to admit.

But shine on, you crazy diamond. bonghit
What?!? And here I was... taking a trip down memory lane trying to find fun songs! I've relived a whole lot of stuff I could have avoided if I had known my entries didn't count!

Jesus Goddamn Holy Hell. You're fucking old, mom. Decrepitly speaking.

I'm wondering if you are the one who "found" Judy Garland's Wizard of Oz dress ...

Cry it out homie......

I've actually been drunk enough to karaoke this song even though I was at the bar alone. Yep. I've never seen an audience more eager to see "the talent" leave the stage. Whatever. They just weren't ready for my Jeff Lynne impression.

One of my high school albums. I remember watching the videos on MTv .... believe it or not. I remember hoping Limp Bizkit would go away forever because NIN had come back. My prayers would not go answered for a number of years.

Y'all are on the right track!

Blue days. Black nights.
Second, we can hear you walking up the stairs, and carrying up that tray of cheese and crackers. We all heard it the moment you opened up a new thing of saltines. And what is with the Dr. Pepper?

Finally, you have that weird pre-grandma smell going on. It's like a mix of kasha and perfume and mom-sweat that everyone is too embarrassed to admit.
Okay. I see what's happening now.

You're just jealous cause the others got Ovaltine.
Oh. I see how it is...

You got to bring one of your goons with you because I'm too much to face on your own.

I don't blame you. I'm a force. I'm no Rodney Dangerfield but ...

Okay ... this went a little off the rails here, but ... story of my life.

This is, in all honesty, the first song of the soundtrack. I feel it works for both boys and girls of all ages. Puts everyone in the right mindset of when youth goes just horribly wrong. And what happens when one relives it. Endlessly.


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