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Misc. Only one vaporizer

Definitely a WoodScents log kit, you get a home and portable vape in one unit!:myday:
Tough call but I would say my Wood Scents as it really is two vapes in one but the Mighty bears strong consideration as it is just a little beast suitable for any occasion.
I've been thinking about this ever since you made your post @Shredder and I'm struggling to answer.... I have a couple vapes I use daily and to have to choose just one... I don't know if I can do it lol...

But I guess the WoodScents sort of gives you a 2 in 1 bang for your buck. So if limited to just one vape I think it might be that one since I would have a heavy hitting desk top vape as well as a portable with the stem (as long as I was also allowed a cap....)
I've been thinking about this ever since you made your post @Shredder and I'm struggling to answer.... I have a couple vapes I use daily and to have to choose just one... I don't know if I can do it lol...

But I guess the WoodScents sort of gives you a 2 in 1 bang for your buck. So if limited to just one vape I think it might be that one since I would have a heavy hitting desk top vape as well as a portable with the stem (as long as I was also allowed a cap....)

It is a tough question, especially if you have a drawer full of vapes, lol. I'm not even sure how many vapes I've bought, or how many I gifted. But our mighty has been with us four years, and still gets used daily. No small feat, when I have so many choices.

I'm surprised at all the WS votes. I've had three logs, but no WS, at least yet, lol.
I'm surprised at all the WS votes. I've had three logs, but no WS, at least yet, lol.
I was a little surprised as well. But I think it's because it's two vapes in one? You get the obvious desktop... but with the interchangeable vapcap stems... you also get a portable. So it sort of fills both voids...

I almost said my SSV. It's the vape I pull out when I need to really smack myself quickly. But that would leave me no portable option.... :nusenuse:
I'll toss out my favorite, Dynavap. I have purchased many vapes in the past. I still get the volcano out for parties but I have several nice vapes that are collecting dust that I was enamored with at the beginning. The battery hassles and wait times kind of took the edge off.
I'll toss out my favorite, Dynavap. I have purchased many vapes in the past. I still get the volcano out for parties but I have several nice vapes that are collecting dust that I was enamored with at the beginning. The battery hassles and wait times kind of took the edge off.
My journey is not special really!

I 2 have decent unit’s?

Some R great 4 some but R dusty?

We all like something different?
BLING 4 some?
FUNCTION 4 others?






No Bling here (Ii don't even know another person that vapes to try and get one up on), all pot and anything related is illegal here and can't be shown off. So stop sitting on the fence and join the club, just get a Tera and or a Mighty and enjoy them before you get too old and die.:myday:
No Bling here (Ii don't even know another person that vapes to try and get one up on), all pot and anything related is illegal here and can't be shown off. So stop sitting on the fence and join the club, just get a Tera and or a Mighty and enjoy them before you get too old and die.:myday:
I had a PLENTY this evening!
I must have 20 units?
20 water pipes?
Lots of grow stuff?
More stuff = reminds me of GEORGE CARLIN?

I am waiting 4 U 2 tell me which one?
This is a tough one. I think I could get rid of all my Vapes except my toasty top and I would be fine. While I use other Vapes regularly, the TT is my solid rock that gets me where I'm going with the least effort. Yes, it's a desktop vape, but I don't use that much outside of the house.
I considered the vapcap, but it's nowhere near my favorite vape. I also considered my mistvape essence because it's so small, powerful, and easy to use native or through glass. However, the I have the bare bones version with no protection and I know I can break that glass intake with my clumsiness.
The toasty top wins because I have a wide variety of stems to choose from that significantly changes the vape signature. I usually rock the stainless steel tip, but I sometimes enjoy the bigger and airier glad stems. Lately I've been enjoying wooden bowls with the toasty top. So yeah, my toasty top is the one to keep, though I would be equally satisfied with the underdog I passed on to my sister and her family.
Log vape. That's my keeper.
No favs here. There can't be only one just can't happen.


Favorite of the moment is GH. It has it's gripes and I even had to rma mine. But I have 3 working ones (ridiculous but I didn't want to be without ) and there's nothing like it unfortunately.. flavor and clouds in 5 seconds.... Only thing faster is to light a doob on fiya.

Vapcap will last a lifetime. Not my OG tho lol I try not to take that one out a lot because George won't even make them anymore.

Um vapwood (Mike) lil bud is fun but it's unregulated .. the elite (dna chip) will be regulated and I'm excited to see how that turns out.

One vape. Yeah right

If Desktop...that is, electrical outlet is available...then EVO for ease of use, versatility, combined with great performance.

If portable, then Mighty

If it needs to be apocalypse resistant, then SB Jr, I believe with VapCap a very close second.
I've been lucky to have purchased really good vaporizers over the years. The crafty was my introduction to a really awesome portable, and I would put that up to be the one vaporizer for me, but I've had some of the platic parts on the housing break over time. I've owned it since it was released, bought it the month it came out. Had it warranty replaced 3 times and now they've told me they won't sell me a replacement body, only offer me a brand new unit highly discounted ($180).

For that reason I have to put the vapcap M up as my one and only device if I had to make a choice. I can use it with just about any heat source and any type of material. It won't break, and I can use it at home or on the go.

If I was stuck only being able to medicate at home I'd pick my cheap dhgate enail with the dnail SiC halo as it's super reliable and I can run it off the many UPS units we have in the house in the event of a power outage. It's also served me for the past 3 years flawlessly.
More stuff = reminds me of GEORGE CARLIN?
And when you leave your house, you gotta lock it up. Wouldn't want somebody to come by and take some of your stuff. They always take the good stuff. They never bother with that crap you're saving. All they want is the shiny stuff. That's what your house is, a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get...more stuff! Sometimes you gotta move, gotta get a bigger house. Why? No room for your stuff anymore. :rofl:

My father was a Hoarder he had that old world mentality "you never know you might need it!"
I am the opposite of that generation. If its not in use it gets donated, sold.
Most vapes that are not in use have been given away,
what remain now are 2 log's for home and a few VC's when the power goes out.:flamethrower2:
...as of the last couple months i've mainly been solely using my woodscents.... to be honest, since i received my woodscent i have not even used my @Pipes IH :roto2palm:
...as of the last couple months i've mainly been solely using my woodscents.... to be honest, since i received my woodscent i have not even used my @Pipes IH :roto2palm:

Why bother when you have a regulated always ready WS? Such a beast of a vape,

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VGoodiez 420EDC