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Misc. Only one vaporizer

I think that the mighty tastes better than the Tera...Tera gets stale tasting quicker for me and I get a sorer back of throat end of sesh....I find mighty is better in flavour and clouds
Plenty is a beast and one of cleanest tasting vapes I have, but I think the Mighty has a unique taste and much better fluffy clouds

I use the mighty with out water
I use the plenty in a bubbler

Tera I use mainly native also - it goes good in water but as stated above you have to suck and pull a lot to get results - I own a GH so it smashes all of them in water

If I was to be stuck with one vape atm it would be a WS as it hits well is like smoking cones and has the DV portability

But I use my Mighty, my GH and my WS daily as my main go to's

F2 and Tera are for outings only - when the Mighty is too big or conspicuous or I need to possibly dump my vape (illegal country)

I use my PSM IH with VC shadow ti tip or WS cigar Ti tip now and then to mix it up

I am one of the ppl who own a Plenty looking dearly at an LSV as it gets much love here for great rips and big clouds in a bong - what I wanted from my Plenty which I still love but it does not get used much anymore
I am also thinking a V-Rod or Shower Head might work for a one vape stop, I think Rosin is going to be a staple in my diet! I could always use an inverter away from home but NewVape stuff seems quite expensive(for complete kits), especially with freight costs to OZ.:thumbsup:
I have been rocking the Mighty until a flat battery on the J-hook tody, quite tasty, as @felvapes says, no added water required. Had a few Tera bongs while the Mighty is charging...gee it tastes good.:thumbsup:
I am glad to be able to own so many great vapes (it sounds like there were quite a few duds around not too long ago), it seems we are spoiled with choice as manufacturers all compete for our dollars as places like this keep them honest...:clap:
I looked at SH and V-rods.....but the price etc is a lot
Also looked at and have used a sub

great - but having used so many others now I don't know they are needed

The sub is big and takes ages to heat up and wasnt all that much better to me than some of the ones I use now

My mate owns a sub and a GH he uses the sub less these days due to convenience and effort

I have a halo Sic now and think it is all I need for dab rigs plus the QB

So I do look at subs and v-rods etc but not sure how much I need them

The sub is good as it does all concentrates and flower....so as you say for an all in one these may be good vapes to own.....but again my mate tends to not fire the sub up so much now

I am spoiled with the many vapes I have to try thanks to the money saved from no tobacco buying

I think my GH has me spoiled so the Tera does not taste the same to me...

It is great though and I have likened it to a portable plenty in some ways

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VGoodiez 420EDC