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Community Paying It Forward



I will take this opportunity to let all of you know my role in life.
After a 5.5 week coma I was in a rehab hospital for a couple of years.
Against all odds, I learned to walk again (with assistance of walker or canes).
Not only that, but I met the woman of my dreams! @PattyVapes
We were married, and live together very frugally. I am on SSI, while she applies for SSDI.
I felt that I owed the Universe so large a debt that I would never be able to repay it.
I began to repay my obligation to the Universe in the virtual world of Second Life.
I could not visit for long with people in person, because I would become ill and need to medicate.
In Second Life I am called Vitolo Rossini (Google the name for fun!). I built a dog park and a center for coma survivors... "Survivors of TBI".
Once Medical Marijuana was approved in my state, I was able to help other patients in person.
I will go back a step...
For 10 years I had been a BETA tester for most major Vaporizer makers, (and many minor ones).
They would send me vapes and ask my opinion on how they could be improved for people with a myriad of disabling conditions.
I then started saving pennies and buying used vapes so I could share them with the community.
A number of local Doctors heard about this, and began referring new Medical Marijuana patients to our home to learn about alternative uses of MJ.... Medibles, Tinctures, topicals, and most of all, Vaporization.
By this time I had collected about 100 Vaporizers.
Patty and I also have no debts or financial obligations, so we find it easy to share, in spite of our low income.
I had been telling of some of my greater successes on another related forum, and it was there I learned of my own selfishness. I was repaying my debt , and others wanted to be a part of this karma-lifting experience.
I began to receive donations of money for consumable goods (batteries, butane, Iso, and stems and mouthpieces.)
When I wrote posts to thank these people, others read along, and some asked if they could send their vaporizers that were no longer in rotation. Some even found great deals and sales, and bought units to send.
Some have become regular vape and parts providers.

There are stipulations for the people I will help. They are all similar to me in the 3 stipulations.
  1. They must have a Medical Marijuana Card.
  2. They must be Low Income, and they do provide the Doctors with proof prior to the Doctors sending them to me.
  3. Their condition must be chronic, or Terminal, OR they must be a Senior Citizen
I bring these patients here to see "The Vape Show". They learn about the plant, and they get to see about 100 Vaporization Units. We discuss their needs, and they then get to see a half dozen units in action, and from there we narrow down the vapes to which would be easiest and most effective for each patient.

To date, since cards were issued in May of 2011, we have gotten well over 300 Vaporizers into the hands of patients in need. Their lives have improved greatly, and my shoulders become lighter each time.. as I feel my debt to the Universe being paid. I live my life as does Patty, by the words "Paying it Forward".
It is the only tool I have to share... is my knowledge and the means to get Vaporizers into hands that need them.

There is a sad part of my work.
I get units back from Family members that have lost the patient I had been seeing and helping.
Since 2011 two dozen patients that we helped passed away.
I cry every time, and Patty soothes me, and says that "we did everything we could to make those last days fun and comfortable for the patient.".

My life has revolved around this activity for years, except during the 587 day span during which All vaporizers and tools from my home were confiscated. We were arrested for our Marijuana and Paraphernalia due to an anonymous tip.
At the end of those scary 587 days, we were released, and all charges became misdemeanors, and the police were ordered to return our vaporizers... in fact they had to return everything.
That was in Aug of 2016. and we began again immediately helping patients.

IF any readers of this post feel the urge to help some very poor people, who are terminally ill, and legal Card Hoiders, you are welcome to join my fight.
I accept donations of any vaporizers that are not being utilized.
I also accept donations to buy parts.
PM me for information about getting unwanted Vaporizers to us.
If you are in a comfortable financial spot in your life, and wish to provide humble donations for parts and consumable goods, you can touch the word "help" on the bottom line of my signature. it is a link that takes you to a donation screen for VAPOR TRAIL.
Thanks for reading.
I will post stories about successes here, that you might share in the joy I experience when we work to make lives better.
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Peace out, @Vitolo !

Getting ready to shoot a Vivant Alternate your way. Find her a good home.

Good things back around to you for your service to others.

I wish to thank the anonymous donor, who went through Puffitup, to purchase some Vapes for me to donate to the community. The order was for XMax V2Pro units, and there are a number of them (about a dozen).
Thanks goes out to this individual, and to Randy from PuffItUp who kicked in some variety of similar sized units.
I wish to thank you ALL for what you do to help, and for all you have done.
With the financial horizon as it is, it makes sense for me to provide these self enclosed portables as an alternative to low income individuals that often have no permanent living arrangement.
Among the units are a Vapor Blunt Version 2 (it will go along with some pongs, and water tool sent by one of you last month, a couple of Pinnacles, and some new units I never tried (yes... as I get them set up for patients, I get to test each one out... that besides a good conscience are my rewards!)
Among the units I had not tried is a Vaped Flora.
It has only one setting, but that setting seems a great one.
I will describe my test with the Vaped Flora, once the portable threads are open for posting.

Patty and I are done now with getting Sammy set in his rehab center... and we connected him with a representative from Arizona's Long Term Care System.. to get him proper living arrangements. We will be getting him his MJ Card once a permanent living situation has been established.

The Volcano that came back from the Police is getting a home within a few days.
One Hospice has 3 MMJ patients at their facility.
They only house 4 patients there, and all 4 are seniors.
The Volcano is going to go there.. I have discussed with them the benefit of getting that last 4th resident her card, as she suffers from the discomforts of MS (and Stage 4 Cancer)... both qualifying conditions.
Wouldn't that be amazing if that Volcano could serve all 4 patients in one Hospice home!:nod:
The closest I have come to that was two couples that lived in similar settings....
one couple got the Zephyr Ion, and the other got a Volcano. This Volcano that was returned by the Police was that very Volcano, on it's way to a new Hospice. I am giving them 3 bags to go with it, one for each patient... and I will go back there in a couple of months to clean the EZ Valve, and teach a staff person at that time what needs to be tended to in way of cleaning.
Will talk with you friends later on... Saturday Night approaches, and Patty and I love to get ready to settle in!
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Without a doubt what you are doing is some of the most warm and caring things I heard of in a long time. The impact you and @PattyVapes have had on others is so overwhelming and inspiring. I have never dropped you a message before but let me tell you that you and Patty have my highest regards.
I won't go into many old success stories here... except when needed as an example.
I would like to move forward with Successes that occur since the Vapor Asylum opened it's gates.
I may tell of special patients from time to time.

I would like to tell you about one patient that touched my heart.
I still cry flowing tears when I think of R.J.
RJ was an early patient I was in touch with.
He was 4 years old then, and was diagnosed with advanced Renal Cancer... an MMJ Card Holder.
The MMJ Club in his area(now a dispensary) contacted me about me giving him a vaporizer.
Rick Harlow gave me a special deal, and I provided many (50) patients with free CRZs (Arizona Medical RockZaps)

This is Janis
I sent it by courier to Sun City.
I skyped with RJs Grandmother to teach her about the unit.
I then had 3 skype sessions with RJ.
On the fiirst one, He looked at the screen, then looked at his grandmother and asked...
"Is he the man that sent me a magic sippy cup?"
she said "yes".. and he looked me in the eye, and said;
" Thank you Mister. My cup makes me feel better and I even ate my whole dinner"
I skyped every 6 months wih RJ.
I called for our 4th Skype meeting, and learned that at 6 years of age, RJ left us for a more peaceful place.
His Grandmother asked if she could keep RJ's Zap.
I said she could, of course... and she then became a patient, and the Zap is with her to this day.

The MMJ Club thanked me for my help, and then in their blog all they said was that 'they had arranged help for young RJ'.
I did not care about the credit... but what hurt me was their answer when I offered them more vaporizers for the poor in their area.
The response was: "Thanks, but we will take care of our own patients here. It seems that wherever you go business people lose money"
I still have helped many in their area though..
...just not through their enterprise.
Thanks for letting me tell about an Older Success.
RJ was a big reason I continued to provide services to terminally ill patients.
He was not our first, but he locked my commitment to the community down solidly.
His innocence on the screen.. and doing a session with a 4 year old was likely the best session of my life.
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The Vivant Alternative has arrived @OldOyler .
That means another unit I will learn to use so I can explain it well to its next recipient.
It sure looks interesting, and I will surely report back with info about it's landing point!
Yes, and it's a metaphysical law that the intention must be only in the giving, not in the karmic payback.
No problem here, jeff.

I am still paying Her back, she won't owe *me* for...probably ever.


That was just to get the ball rolling on the thread. Vito's good people, and I wanted people to know he could be trusted. :thumbsup:

The Vivant Alternate is a fine unit, and I am about to make a post about it in the Vivant thread.
There are many beliefs I hold dear about low income patients.
Their carriage, the way they move and walk increases when they have reason to feel pride in themselves.
Being given an upper tier vaporizer does a great deal to a patient's ego.
They come not knowing what to expect, but they leave with more than they hoped for.
When they leave with a working unit that in the marketplace is reserved for those with high income.....
They feel rich!
Imagine being poor, and being passed an old model car that is worn and smelly... but it gets you there.
The poor man will love and use this car to get where they must.
Give them a nicer car, and they will walk with a straighter gait as they go to their ride....
... and in their feeling of luxury they will surely pay it forward to others.

So it is with vaporizers.
All I used to be able to provide was old used EZ Vapes, and it was always appreciated.
Now I hand a patient a Pax or a new XMax Pro, and they walk away a bit taller.

A couple very low income patients have contacted me from near Phoenix.
We are shy to have patients from so far away at our home.
They wanted to know where we would meet, and I had no place set up.
We will use the back gate of our '95 Explorer and meet at a parking lot and do the instructing and physical display there, then will continue on Skype later on.
Thank God that these two have internet access!
They asked if we could meet at a local "420 Social Club", but there are always tie dye clad patients marching up and down on the street in front of the place that boasts a "dab bar" and more.... and of course there are always cops watching from under 100 feet away.
I had to reject the idea, and decided to meet these strangers in a public area.

That is OK... It works, and it was how we met all patients during the 587 days of terror, so this will be acceptable.
We have been visiting patients at their homes, except for those that we have worked with before.
Talk soon all!
For Desktops, I could not go wrong with SSV (standard) or VaporBrothers box type units

Portables seems of late to be the wisest choice for patients that may be partially transient.
Patients seem to always be happy with a Solo.
I am starting to believe that self enclosed units fare better and also avoids glass breakage
I am pleased with Boundless CFX for their use... but am delighted with the performance of many units of this Genre
The XMax V2 Pro seems to be a preferred form factor, and is self enclosed and easy to clean.
The Vivant Alternate has impressed me also.
The Xmax V2 Pro has the most bang for it's buck, and so it would be my humblest item on the wish list, at $80 for a new unit.

Now I do have an immediate wish list of parts to get all units here working and ready for placement.
That would be:
  • 3 Log vape transformers
  • 2 18650 batteries
  • 2 USB cables to charge units that use 18650 batteries
Vito... Do you have a 'wish list' of vapes you would love to get?
Thanks for asking!

I REALLY had success with my placements of Zephyr Ion, and of course the Volcano, but of course people hang on to those.... and who could blame them!
Give them a nicer car, and they will walk with a straighter gait as they go to their ride....
... and in their feeling of luxury they will surely pay it forward to others.

So it is with vaporizers.
All I used to be able to provide was old used EZ Vapes, and it was always appreciated.
Now I hand a patient a Pax or a new XMax Pro, and they walk away a bit taller.

A couple very low income patients have contacted me from near Phoenix.
We are shy to have patients from so far away at our home.
They wanted to know where we would meet, and I had no place set up.
We will use the back gate of our '95 Explorer and meet at a parking lot and do the instructing and physical display there, then will continue on Skype later on.
Thank God that these two have internet access!
They asked if we could meet at a local "420 Social Club", but there are always tie dye clad patients marching up and down on the street in front of the place that boasts a "dab bar" and more.... and of course there are always cops watching from under 100 feet away.
I had to reject the idea, and decided to meet these strangers in a public area.

That is OK... It works, and it was how we met all patients during the 587 days of terror, so this will be acceptable.
We have been visiting patients at their homes, except for those that we have worked with before.
Talk soon all!

This is completely irrelevant but I remember a conversation I had with a friend about Playboy magazine and how part of its appeal was that reading it, the way it looked, the articles and general presentation, made the reader feel "rich."
Today was special.
First off thanks go out to an anonymous donor
We received the care package of portable vapes, and sundry MMJ items, along with the wax atomizers, and dry herb carts, Batteries, and other vaporization tools that I could not do justice in this simple post.
What you sent was immense! The new Prima Unit was requested by many patients!
Not just this member, but others... many of you requested anonimity
About today and Matt
We have not seen our friend... a patient named Matt in a long while. (almost 2 years).
Matt is (please forgive my language) One Fuck of a Survivor!
Declared terminal 5 years ago, we have seen Matt on a regular Basis until the raid.
We did not just visit friends... We were afraid of exposing friends and patients to being seen with us.
Matt found himself a used Solid Valve Volcano.
We were in touch last night as, in our new found freedom, I began contacting those dear to us.
Matt had a wish list.
He has been clear of any cancer (I won't grace the beast with a capital letter), for almost 2 years now.
We have seen Matt at a variety of weights so severe that one would not recognize him. We have seen him completely bald a half dozen times.
He wrestled with Chemo a dozen times.
God Bless him... he fought hard and won!
Today Matt wore his shoulder length hair in a pony tail. I tried not to let the tears of joy show.
Matt, since we "clammed up" and stopped helping folks had stuck with a Volcano he found at a good price. A solid Valve.
He loves his unit, but during our talk, he expressed dismay that he was always tied to the wall, and could only walk off a short way with a bag in hand (a short little bag at that).
He read in the vapor trail patient forum, that I wanted members to not be shy, and let me please know their vaping needs.... and he trusted and contacted me.
Today, thanks to the pure desire to help of members, Matt walked away with a few items... You know who you are that has helped Matt today, and he knows who each of you are. You each know what you did!
Matt left today with:
a full roll of Official Volcano Bag material (to make bigger bags!)
A Solo with a new glass stem ( so he could go outside, or into his Bedroom to medicate near his wife).
A brand new Xmax V2 Pro so he could vaporize when traveling away from home..
Now... I need to thank all of you responsible for letting me see a smile on Matt's face.
Matt with a full head of hair, and at fighting weight.... still going in monthly for re-evaluation, because such success with his cancer and chemo was never expected.
Next came Rachel (Chemo patient still going to sessions, and still seeking remission). Not done with Chemo yet, she received a new Battery set in holder for threaded enjoyment of wax... and with it she received a brand new Cerum, along with two new Cerum spare atomizers.
I have had trouble with the Elo Vape... people seemed to just not find it effective.
My findings were no different.
The herb came out toasted brown, and I got a tiny buzz, but not much visible Vapor.
Rachel being a wax user does not use Herbal vaporizers, but I asked if she would be interested in doing a study for me, and accept some plant matter and the Elo, and test it until she found a sweet spot.... a way to enjoy the Elo.
She accepted the challenge (and to be honest I was relieved, because the Elo was a great deal of work for me). When she finishes the learning curve on the Elo, she and I together will surprise her boyfriend (a spinal injury patient) with the Elo for his birthday. They already use a Puffit that was donated right here!....
and when her boyfriend's Elo day comes, he will get a Dry herb artomizer and battery with it.... because the Puffit is really not that heavy duty of a device.
A big day for Patty and I.
Two patients served, and then a package replacing what was handed out....
And in the next two weeks we have 3 more appointments with patients that we have not been able to help for almost two years.
We be catchin' up!
I would like to extend a gracious and humble thanks to you members.... You each know what you gave to Matt and Rachel today, and I do not need to specify.
The next weeks have a man that was paralyzed when he fell off a girder at work.
He works no more, but sits in pain. He was referred by a local Doctor, and will be getting THREE items from us... A Desktop, Vapor Brothers unit, a portable Flower vape (Flowermate), and a wax pen.
Hell if we are going to help, then this man needs a desktop and a portable, due to tri-weekly visits to physical and occupational therapy... and a way to use concentrates to boot!
I want him comfortable at home and on his way to and from therapy.

One day:
  • a roll of Volcano OEM bag material (enough for a number of bags)
  • a Solo and New stem
  • An Xmax V2 Pro
  • 18650 Battery/charger/ push button device for Battery
  • Cerum with 2 spare atomizers
  • an Elo
  • Dry herb atomizer (divine tribe)
AND..... an incoming package of new stuff to move forward
YOU ALL made today a success.
I know it was a success because I am bushed!
All set for next week, I look forward to seeing patients, and bit by bit, losing our fear of having visitors.. (the cops messed our minds up badly... but we are forging forward to healing!)
Members. and visitors to this thread....
We did this together!.
We ( Forum Members and us) picked up the slack, and got REAL patients in discomfort ways (not just a way.... but plural ways)
to medicate effectively and also in a fashion that would make our creator proud....
We have a way to use his gift to us, in a more safe manner with greater results and effects.
Thanks for reading along.
The visits can be lengthy, and my stamina is not what it was two years ago, but I build up a stronger resolve daily, and Patty helps me.
We could not do this without you.
Vito and Patty
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Hey @Vitolo , I have a couple of Indica's if you can use them. I've never liked them and maybe used them once or twice. They did send an extra because I said they had a bad taste , wasn't patient enough to ride it out. Will take a week or so to get to the P.O. but PM me your addy again.
The eagle has landed, and I was most impressed. So many odds and ends and great pieces.
They will be shared, and the recipients (most have no computers, but they look at mine when here) will be shown who you are.
I will tell about where the stuff that gets sent in goes!
I am grateful to have you all on the team.
Making a person of limited means feel that they are wealthy in tools makes me feel great about life.

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VGoodiez 420EDC