I will take this opportunity to let all of you know my role in life.
After a 5.5 week coma I was in a rehab hospital for a couple of years.
Against all odds, I learned to walk again (with assistance of walker or canes).
Not only that, but I met the woman of my dreams! @PattyVapes
We were married, and live together very frugally. I am on SSI, while she applies for SSDI.
I felt that I owed the Universe so large a debt that I would never be able to repay it.
I began to repay my obligation to the Universe in the virtual world of Second Life.
I could not visit for long with people in person, because I would become ill and need to medicate.
In Second Life I am called Vitolo Rossini (Google the name for fun!). I built a dog park and a center for coma survivors... "Survivors of TBI".
Once Medical Marijuana was approved in my state, I was able to help other patients in person.
I will go back a step...
For 10 years I had been a BETA tester for most major Vaporizer makers, (and many minor ones).
They would send me vapes and ask my opinion on how they could be improved for people with a myriad of disabling conditions.
I then started saving pennies and buying used vapes so I could share them with the community.
A number of local Doctors heard about this, and began referring new Medical Marijuana patients to our home to learn about alternative uses of MJ.... Medibles, Tinctures, topicals, and most of all, Vaporization.
By this time I had collected about 100 Vaporizers.
Patty and I also have no debts or financial obligations, so we find it easy to share, in spite of our low income.
I had been telling of some of my greater successes on another related forum, and it was there I learned of my own selfishness. I was repaying my debt , and others wanted to be a part of this karma-lifting experience.
I began to receive donations of money for consumable goods (batteries, butane, Iso, and stems and mouthpieces.)
When I wrote posts to thank these people, others read along, and some asked if they could send their vaporizers that were no longer in rotation. Some even found great deals and sales, and bought units to send.
Some have become regular vape and parts providers.
There are stipulations for the people I will help. They are all similar to me in the 3 stipulations.
- They must have a Medical Marijuana Card.
- They must be Low Income, and they do provide the Doctors with proof prior to the Doctors sending them to me.
- Their condition must be chronic, or Terminal, OR they must be a Senior Citizen
To date, since cards were issued in May of 2011, we have gotten well over 300 Vaporizers into the hands of patients in need. Their lives have improved greatly, and my shoulders become lighter each time.. as I feel my debt to the Universe being paid. I live my life as does Patty, by the words "Paying it Forward".
It is the only tool I have to share... is my knowledge and the means to get Vaporizers into hands that need them.
There is a sad part of my work.
I get units back from Family members that have lost the patient I had been seeing and helping.
Since 2011 two dozen patients that we helped passed away.
I cry every time, and Patty soothes me, and says that "we did everything we could to make those last days fun and comfortable for the patient.".
My life has revolved around this activity for years, except during the 587 day span during which All vaporizers and tools from my home were confiscated. We were arrested for our Marijuana and Paraphernalia due to an anonymous tip.
At the end of those scary 587 days, we were released, and all charges became misdemeanors, and the police were ordered to return our vaporizers... in fact they had to return everything.
That was in Aug of 2016. and we began again immediately helping patients.
IF any readers of this post feel the urge to help some very poor people, who are terminally ill, and legal Card Hoiders, you are welcome to join my fight.
I accept donations of any vaporizers that are not being utilized.
I also accept donations to buy parts.
PM me for information about getting unwanted Vaporizers to us.
If you are in a comfortable financial spot in your life, and wish to provide humble donations for parts and consumable goods, you can touch the word "help" on the bottom line of my signature. it is a link that takes you to a donation screen for VAPOR TRAIL.
Thanks for reading.
I will post stories about successes here, that you might share in the joy I experience when we work to make lives better.
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