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Lunacy Picture This....



A picture I took on my walk in the forrest today...
Happy Halloween to all the inmates here at the asylum.....


And a blast from the past of mom with her goons.......This was such a fun Halloween. The neighborhood kids were so scared of me. And the best part was the terrified reaction when I tried to convince one of the little boys that it was 'just me' and pulled my fake nose off....

Ah.... good times.

It's been a good night for the kids.....

It is just like a fairy tale. At first I thought it wasn't real. Absolutely magical.

No one trick or treats door to out here. It's too remote.

When I lived in Ottawa, the kids weren't allowed out by themselves. They all went to a community hall chaperoned by adults.

It's sad that the joy we had as kids, freely going door to door, filling up an old pillow case with goodies, only to come home for a quick hot chocolate and to dump the treasures and then off we'd go again. Those times are only memories now and our children will never experience the magic of Halloween the way we did.
Omg... it's like the perfect Halloween setting

It's great that everyone gets involved, it's brilliant... the atmosphere is amazing, everyone is friendly and happy, or scary but that's ok..
I suppose our little British houses help with the gothic theme..

It's sad that the joy we had as kids, freely going door to door, filling up an old pillow case with goodies, only to come home for a quick hot chocolate and to dump the treasures and then off we'd go again. Those times are only memories now and our children will never experience the magic of Halloween the way we did.

I'm really happy that's not the case for my children... if anything, Halloween is getting bigger here now...
We are emulating what you guys have been doing for so long... I love the old nostalgic halloween films like hocus pocus...
I always wished it was like that here when I was a kid... but now for my kids, it is....

I imagined it's still far better over your end... America does do everything bigger...

And it's still safe enough here where I live, to let the kids roam about a little, I live in a small town where we all know eachother, so theres always people who know people seeing the kids, its all very safe...
It's a shame if you have lost some of the magic due to having to worry and protect the children....
But safety first eh....

Token pic...

I hope you all had a great evening...
My daughter is reluctant to give up the witch costume now....
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it's still safe enough here where I live, to let the kids roam about a little,
I think that, in most neighborhoods, parents now escort their kids while trick or treating. They let the kids run the street but they are there in the background 'just in case.'

I imagined it's still far better over your end... America does do everything bigger...
Depends on what you mean by 'bigger and better.' It's become quite commercialized here. I really liked the atmosphere in your pic.... And while people decorate here, that's something you wont find in my end of town.


Some more of my photography...

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VGoodiez 420EDC