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Lunacy Picture This....

Found this sucker coming out for some sun this morning. She lives in a small garden bed next to my house & keeps the bug population down.

@Stevenski good lord..... :uhoh: do they bite? Are they one of the many things that can kill you over there? :biggrin:

Nope. They are completely harmless but can get up to 16 inches in length. If you have one in your garden you are quite lucky really as they eat plants & insects. Lets just say we have no snail problems here in the garden & with a bit of luck she will hang around for the next 20 odd years :smile:.

Here is where she lives. Quite a narrow little space but it has plenty of cover from aerial predators & a nice insect rich soil to feed her.


I have seen plenty of deadly animals in the wild wandering around Sydney but I was most terrified when I encountered a big four foot plus Goanna. He was just chilling in the middle of the track & going nowhere but saw me & hissed. They aren't going to kill you but a bite will fuck you up for quite a while. They also climb trees to hunt prey & kill & eat snakes. A very important spirit animal to Aboriginal Dreamtime & allegedly very good eating.

Don't worry @momofthegoons I backed up & bush bashed to do a big loop around him. That is his turf & I am just a visitor.

Caught a nice cloud during sunset yesterday. Don't know about anyone else but it looks like an eagle swooping for the kill. Kinda fitting considering how much I love my Sea Eagles & they have been in the media for all the wrong reasons that day.


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