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Lunacy Picture This....

How Straya rates fire danger.

Be a good 'How high are you right now' scale, save Catastrophic for dabs.:smoke:
What about too many edibles?
Never had edibles that did any good for me, no reaction at all, other people eating the same cake or biccies giggling and carrying on and I am like wtf, tolerance plus shit butter maybe? I should probably make some of my own with my decent gear and give those people a try...and probably watch them freak out.:smilie-devil:
So i went to Harrys cafe de wheels for a Pie yesterday & on the wall of celebrities one stood out to me. The one & only Colonel Sanders smashing a pie.

This is beyond heartbreaking. 1000 years up in smoke. What do you even say about something like this?

Yes indeed sad, I was fortunate to see it a few times, How does 800 yr Rare Oak go up in flames that quick? hmm.. loads of questions madri. :tinfoil:

There is already at least one billionaire pledging money towards rebuilding.

Ask the everyday Parisian Yellow Vests what they think about it. Look up "Yellow Vest Fever" online. Decent doc
sorry to divert from the pic thread

Yellow Beach Flinders Is. Tas. Not too much development going on around here.:thumbsup:

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VGoodiez 420EDC