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Lunacy Picture This....

As always, perspective comes to the rescue. The article in which the image appears. Our Lady has had her ups and downs.

And - it's a building. It's a little like when a beloved piece glass finally shatters. Sad, but given enough time, glass inevitably breaks. The same is true of all our creations.
Not yet. Not while embers are still burning and ash still fills the air. There was irreplaceable art and history in those walls. Broken glass hurts me as well, but when it's centuries old stained glass, it's a loss for the World.
As always, perspective comes to the rescue. The article in which the image appears. Our Lady has had her ups and downs.

And - it's a building. It's a little like when a beloved glass piece finally shatters. Sad, but given enough time, glass inevitably breaks. The same is true of all our creations.
Very true. And all is not lost. There is already at least one billionaire pledging money towards rebuilding. And the artifacts that have been saved are being moved to The Louvre.
There was irreplaceable art and history in those walls. Broken glass hurts me as well, but when it's centuries old stained glass, it's a loss for the World.

No argument, it's just the best we can do. On that 2013 visit, got to hear Olivier Latry play French masterpieces on the incomparable pipe organ in that vast space. So glad for the memory.

Originally thought your image was part of @momofthegoons' post - an artist rendition of a future Notre Dame.
No argument, it's just the best we can do. On that 2013 visit, got to hear Olivier Latry play French masterpieces on the incomparable pipe organ in that vast space. So glad for the memory.

Originally thought your image was part of @momofthegoons' post - an artist rendition of a future Notre Dame.
I'm glad you have that memory to hold onto, and to share. Thank you for that moment from 2013, @Disrupt .

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