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Lunacy Random Thoughts

Watching Troy and Jerry think dank
It was titled as Arizer XQ2

They are actually using a Rio matte

I'm so f*cked up I did not notice it was a different vape for about 15 minutes

Did a volcano comparison with another vape that had to have a second installment because they never got around to comparing the vapes
So today was weird.

As a bit of a joke and a mockery, I've been filling out restaurant applications because with my resume I could get hired at pretty much any Michelin Star restaurant I'd like. I'm not bragging about it or sucking myself off about it - it's just the way it is. After 20 years in the industry, I should put a bullet in my brain if I couldn't.

So I get bored and apply with the worst applications possible because I'm a dick just to see what happens. The last application I sent it ended with "Make me a serious offer of fuck the fuck off!!!"

They messaged me back asking me to come in for an interview.

I have no interest in working in a kitchen again. But I went with Jacob and Sierra as a joke to see what would happen.

Well as it turns out, this woman's husband had died, and her staff had all quit on her because she couldn't afford to pay for them and her kitchen is so small that she can't keep up and FOH is all brewery staff who don't give a fuck.

So yeah. We all felt like shit.

We cooked and cleaned and served today and made sure everyone we knew knows this cool little place wants to serve real food that is not factory farm poisons.

I still feel like a piece of shit though. But the smoked pork I made for the tacos maybe made up for it. You could smell it for a mile around. Over the seafood restaurant.

Still feel like shit though.

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VGoodiez 420EDC