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Lunacy Random Thoughts

Theres a major problem in the local school districts as well. Not enough teachers or para educators to fill the positions.
Too many rednecks/pollies (all grifters stirring shit for views and money) calling teachers groomers forcing people out of the field, is not worth the hassle for the shit money educators get in the US. Teachers in Australia are pretty well paid and are respected as important parts of society, not political punching bags.
What is it about 'aging' men shaving their faces clean in place of growing a full on bush? On the one hand i get it, you wanna look younger, the job dictates yada yada said professionalism. Is it easier to let that shit grow and keep it maintained or is it easier to clean shave it off every 3/4 dayz? curious?
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VGoodiez 420EDC