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Lunacy Random Thoughts

I was reading about New Jersey deciding who would be deemed high or not in the workplace. They are having legal weed in their state. They are worried people will be high all the time while working. Some folks are obvious when high. If you are high all the time, they wouldn’t know the difference right? If you are reserved anyways and have slightly red eyes plus you do a great job doing what you do. Who knows?

I laughed to think about how they are going to decide. I can tell who’s high or not and I’m high! I walk into a weed store and can spot the stoned budtender. How about someone under the influence of weed and they are at the grocery store making a snack run. It takes one to know one.
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Sometimes you have to think out of the box. I had a large bottle of Diet Pepsi and couldn’t open it. I tried several times until my hand was sore. When my brother was over I was going to have him open it. I forgot. Last night I punctured the bottle with a knife and poured it in another container with a lid. Problem solved!

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VGoodiez 420EDC