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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy Strange Products


I want one...I want one NOW!! LOL
Does that mean you wouldn't judge for this? :tongue:

I wouldn't judge you, but I might become a purse snatcher. LOL Now, if she had a built in vape on the other side we would be in business.
For those who like a little soap in their coffee.....how does a product like this actually get green lighted for production???

Been hard at work in the Dorkus labs to bring you this great product straight from the early 90's.

Thankyou to all the beta testers, I know many of you have made the change permanent.
Im sure it instantly provides a visual clue to those who constantly ask,

' whats up yr ass mate? '
Sure is better than having to whip out the squirrel & beat them with it.

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VGoodiez 420EDC