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Lunacy The GIFS Thread

@Stevenski .... ^^^ you'd think they were at K-Mart. :dog:

Whoa...I think if this clip extended a bit, you would see a helicopter crash.

When in Bahamas, at the land strip on this little cay, there was a Beechcraft twin engine King Air with the wing clearly replaced. Turned out this guy was taxing to the end of the runway for take off, didn't pay attention, and started mowing down the palmettos on the side of runway...well, until he hit a coconut tree.

I will NEVER fly with Fred (guy who has more money than piloting sense).
@Disrupt I think we both deleted one at the same time lol.... I've restored one of your posts.

To post images here you have several options. You can upload directly from your PC, etc. with the 'Upload a File' tab next to your Reply button. Or you can drag it into the reply box itself.

If you want to go through an image hosting site, you use the drop down up in the tool bar. Some links can be directly posted into the reply box without doing that. If you want to practice it a bit, there's a thread for that as well. Let me know if you have any trouble. I'd be happy to walk you through it.
Thanks. Can you get the same result as image hosting, but using the forum as host? Expected a button in the drop down.
If you upload to the media gallery then you can use VA like an image host. The media gallery adds urls that you could use to post on other forums.

If you upload directly to a post we are storing the image but not acting as an image host (where you could reuse the image).

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VGoodiez 420EDC