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Glass The Glass You Use

I have seen homemade versions of the above with mason jars, pipes, and bits and pieces, after a lot of fucking around it worked...sort of. You get a lot of refinement by buying something that has machined parts built for a specific job as opposed to duck tape and hot glue gun.
It was US$599 from the original US seller, now under 200 so getting down to a more appropriate price now and should hopefully get cheaper as more sellers get them.
Supply & want perhap’s?




Custom wand (50% larger bowl as per @Vitolo idea)
also a small duff jar filter
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Grabbed this from zodaglass on Dhgate.
19mm stemless with fume work a typical crooked perc with a medallion that's supposed to have a holographic star of David.
I got nice fume work and excellent function with a clear and hollow medallion that holds water............sigh.
Paid $56 American so gonna squawk about the medallion as that's the main reason I got it.

Got these two recyclers on the right in from Dhgate and the quality is extremely high.
Mrs.arb has used that rig on the left for years and has snubbed every other offering until that yellow one.
Says she loves it and she wants more,she had 5 of the other one.
Gonna try another piece or two from them and see if the quality stays as good.

Got these two recyclers on the right in from Dhgate and the quality is extremely high.
Mrs.arb has used that rig on the left for years and has snubbed every other offering until that yellow one.
Says she loves it and she wants more,she had 5 of the other one.
Gonna try another piece or two from them and see if the quality stays as good.
Which seller was it?
So none of you guys have had any issues with your credit card being compromised after buying on the Gate?

I thought the same thing. Boggles my mind how cheap they can sell these worked pieces for. This seller has some real nice ones.
Twice now...........whats your point its glass!
I call the bank they send a new card and that's the worst of it for us.
The bigger issue is quality control and patience.
You never actually know what if anything will arrive and the mediation process can be slow but it does work.
Good work is good and bad work is bad no matter the country of origin.
Thinking if Mrs arb does not like her new rig @arb may take a shine to it?


I am umming & aahing over a new rig I don't need. I have several what I consider perfect vaping pieces but I haven't bought a rig in a few years. Decisions decisions......

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VGoodiez 420EDC