I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
I don't really have a glass "collection" or anything - I just have what I need and use what I have. Nothing fancy. But had 'em for years now and they get the job done. I would love to upgrade, but I can't justify it when I already have pieces that work just fine and are all American-made.
For low temps, in particular with my HIbrid, I have a cute little SOL Lace Perc Sidecar with lemon/lime tint on the base and mouthpiece that I purchased from a legendary member on another forum. This was maybe 2 years ago? Something like that. I'll have them know I still use it nearly every day and clean it once a week! Solid piece. Great sipper.
For higher temps (I tend to not do much above what I'm guessing is in the 400 - 410 F range) I like my SSFG recycler. It sure as shit ain't the flashiest recycler out there, but it does exactly what it was meant to do and is purdy enough for me. Nice tight whirlpool, heavy enough base to hold my logs, and a traditional flared mouthpiece. Wouldn't mind a bigger one to go with it but I'm not sure if SSFG is even in the pipe business anymore.
Then there is the all-around piece - the SSFG gridded inline. A classic piece! Low temps, medium, high. Morning hits, afternoon and night. Does a great job of balancing filtration and taste and size. I bought this and the recycler as a set over 3 years ago and they're still in great shape.
I tend to baby my glass! I already got enough bills-a-plenty, anyhow.
So what glass are y'all using?