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Discontinued The Grasshopper

Vapes no longer in production
Hi @Baron23
This pic is looking down the GH where the battery sits. It was plastic with a metal piece in the middle and there was blue underneath which looked like plastic as well in my GH that I sent into Hopper Labs. This looks all metal and a copper color as you see, the battery sits over the copper metal bottom. The darker color around the edge looks like some kind of charcoal colored filter. Maybe so cannabis dust doesn't fowl the area where the battery sits? Just a quess on my part,

I told HL that I wanted a detailed description of what the problem was and how they fixed it. That didn't happen. I was just thankful to have a working hopper back at this point.

HI Carol - yeah...it ain't easy to get a good clear pic of that circuit board (which it is/was in addition to being a battery terminal) but it seems that they are continuing to cut in changes and make improvements but with little to no transparency or organization as revision releases to the community.

Mine is still one of the first shipment units and is still working great. I think Hopper does themselves a disservice by not being more open about what exactly they have done for reliability improvements. Possibly because they might expect a clamor from existing units for warranty upgrade. But on the other hand, without this info I still can't recommend this device to new vaporists. I don't know at what point, in these incremental changes, that the design has become stable. Its just a constantly moving target with owners on boards like this trying to divine what changes were made...sort of like reading tea leaves...sigh.

Shame, if it is indeed reliable, robust, and testable these days....they should trumpet that as the GH, when working, is a terrific device. Love mine, not as in love with the company.
Hopper Lab was in too big of a hurry to get this unit out the door. It needed a couple years before it was ever released. Maybe more Beta units to get the bugs out? They asked for money up front so many people were anxious and put a lot of pressure on the company through social media to release the Grasshopper.

It should have all been done differently even if it would have been the old fashioned way by getting a new business loan from a bank. I don't know they probably did that too. It's expensive to make a new product then sell it. Hoping that it will all work out and the product will work as expected. Plus trying to make a profit.

They haven't been upfront with potential customers from day one. It's not using good business principals promising and not fulfilling many promises. Folks are still waiting for a free leather sleeve that was promised. Yet they are selling them on their website.

They have a great vaporizer they need to build on and make this unit even better. They are selling various accessories that are way overpriced. They may need to do this to infuse more money into their company. Fixing vaporizers that people send in takes away from profits.
Hi Carol - I generally agree with everything you wrote. Love the vape, don't care for the company.

As for:

Hopper Lab was in too big of a hurry to get this unit out the door. It needed a couple years before it was ever released. Maybe more Beta units to get the bugs out? They asked for money up front so many people were anxious and put a lot of pressure on the company through social media to release the Grasshopper.

Yep, but let's keep in mind that they never delivered on those pre-orders for what....over two years....was it over three??

I don't think you can get a business loan for a vape if its at all MJ related, but perhaps there are ways to get funding. I'm not saying its easy, but they still are spinning their asses off, I agree about the accessories (come one, a couple of years to design a SS tube?!!), and they are completely opaque about what and when design changes are cut in, with no revision level indications, so none of us really know what we have in comparison to current production.

For these reasons, Hopper Labs just doesn't make the Christmas card list this year.

Cheers and I'm glad you got yours back and that its working well.
Here's a better pic than my previous one showing the area that was replaced when my unit was repaired. This is looking into the area where the battery sits.

It's been 3 weeks and my GH is still going strong after being repaired by Hopper Labs.
Recently heard that Hoooer Labs have redesigned the hoooer on the inside, this is to help the reliability. They have been busy fixing units and have just started sending them out. Hopefully Hopper Labs have figured out where the problems existed before. Folks need reliability when it comes to a vaporizer

My unit that I had repaired in Oct seems to be doing well so far. I haven’t seen any cop lights yet.. I don’t use mine every day though.:zplayita:
Recently heard that Hoooer Labs have redesigned the hoooer on the inside, this is to help the reliability. They have been busy fixing units and have just started sending them out. Hopefully Hopper Labs have figured out where the problems existed before. Folks need reliability when it comes to a vaporizer

My unit that I had repaired in Oct seems to be doing well so far. I haven’t seen any cop lights yet.. I don’t use mine every day though.:zplayita:
I also used my GH somewhat sparingly (not daily driver of multiple loads) and took a lot of care to keep it clean and running.

Well, after 18 months or so I got cop lights and just sent it back to Hopper a few days ago...should arrive today or tomorrow.

So, it was good news when I saw the Hopper email that their labs and production lines revisions were done and they are back to repair and shipping.

Now the test will be how reliable the new configurations are in the wild. If they have not dramatically improved the GH reliability and testability after all this, then I believe that many will just give up on them...including me, I suppose.
This is kind of a historical pastiche of other posts that I tried to paste together to form a narrative. You may find some awkward language in there are a result.

I received my GH back from Hopper about two weeks ago. The damn thing ran cold. I had to put it all the way up to 5 to get any vapor and my AVB is fully green when no more vapor is coming from the device. Put the AVB into my EVO and got a nice huge cloud. Just the one but this is an EVO and it was a really big cloud. Enough that I would be pissed if I had to toss it as spent in the GH.

Before its failure I thought my GH temps were perfect. I would run at 4.2 on the dial and get thick hot vapor and still have up to level 5 to finish off a load if I wanted. AVB was nicely browned.

I, and I believe most other GH fans, love the device because its a hard hitting, can't over power it, vapor engine. I sure as fuck don't need a GH that's a light sipper with green AVB.

THIS ^^ is what took them 13 weeks? sigh

So,this is what I just sent to Hopper about my inadequately repaired GH that runs cold. I'm getting kind of sick of all of the excuses and caveats. These guys are just fucking up, and I don't care how nice and sincere their neighbor thinks they are. This is business and business is about execution.

Dear Hopper Labs CS – I recently received my GH back from a long and languishing RMA process a few days ago and I can hardly express my disappointment in quality of the repair and with Hopper Labs.

This is GH serial number GT001671, and RMA reference number 54514675.

Please understand, I moderate one popular vape forum, curate a sub-forum on another, and am a respected and active member on a third one. Further, I have almost a dozen vapes of all sorts. My point is that I know vapes and I know what should be the expected performance. I also know how to properly dry, prepare, and load my herb and I used the exact same herb that I have very successfully used in my GH before it failed and which I use in all sorts of other vapes. What I’m trying to say here is that lack of knowledge or a bad payload is not the issue here.

Previous to its failure, I would run my GH at slightly over 4 on the temp dial. I could even go down to mid-3’s and get decent vapor but I used it mostly with water and 4-4.2 gave me thick vapor and very nice ABV. Also, this temp setting still gave me head room in case I wanted to push a load very hard by increasing the temp to 5 on the dial. My AVB came out nice and evenly dark brown (not charred, just nice even brown) and the loads were fully extracted as demonstrated by putting the AVB into a desktop like the EVO and finding there was nothing useful there.

NOW, however, with my repaired GH that supposedly came out of your retooled production and test line with your new parts runs VERY cool. Unacceptably cool. I have to turn the temps all the way to 5, anything less and I get absolutely nothing. However, even on temp 5 the performance is substandard and not at all acceptable in a GH or any other vape. What I get with my repaired GH is nothing at all on the first draw (prior to failure I would milk on first draw), slight wisp on second draw, middling vapor on the third draw (meh), and nothing thereafter. And this is with long draws through a water tool which gives the best opportunity for thick vapor.

The resulting AVB was still very green…alarmingly green. I have attached a picture of it but it’s not a good color representation. Between the camera, compression, and monitor display differences the picture looks a lot darker than in actuality. In person, it’s very green. But, I am sending it to you in the spirit of full and honest communication.

Putting that AVB into an EVO resulted in a huge thick draw of visible vapor. As you know, the average load for a GH is about .1 - .12 g and my repaired GH left at least half of the goodness still in the AVB while pushing the unit at its max temp.

I cannot understand how this unit got out of your door with your supposedly improved test lab and processes. This repair is a clear and utter miss and, from looking over the boards, I’m not the only one getting RMA’d GH’s back with disappointing performance. I’m speechless that after all of the delay you put your customer base through for your re-engineering, you still put out a defective product. At this point, Hopper has very little reserve of goodwill among its customer base and even less trust and confidence. With your long history of reliability and testability shortfalls and extraordinary delays, IMO Hopper cannot afford to be sending back GH’s that are not adequately repaired.

I would like to return my GH and have it fixed correctly this time.

I paid to send it to you last time. I think that since this lack of performance is a result of Hopper’s inadequate repair, that Hopper should send me a pre-paid shipping label.

Also, since this is a return of a recently shipped RMA, I do not think I should go back to the end of your RMA queue and have to wait another few months to get it back.

Please reply and let me know what Hopper’s position is on the above and how we should proceed from there.​

Oh, by the by.....I may have overstated my bona fides just a bit? Especially the "respected member" part! haha

I received this from Hopper. IMO, polite and responsive. No need to brutalize Drew, he's just trying to do his job and I can't ask more from him. I just want a well functioning GH back.

From Hopper:We sincerely apologize for the trouble with your Hopper. Our upgrade has been a move to start producing the heating element in house as apposed to outsourcing. We admittedly do not catch every issue out of the door, but we are working and developing to improve this phenomena. I will attach a return label so you will not have to pay for shipping again. You will just need to print this out. We will get this fixed up and shipped back to you within several days of its return to us.

USPS shipping label link was here

Thank you,
Hopper Labs​

My reply (no use yelling at the guy, right....won't help).
Thank you, Drew. Your response was polite, humble and responsive and I can't ask for anything more (well, except a well functioning GH back, of course).

I recently retired from a long career as a Program Manager in tech. Mostly very high end telecom core network equipment and a LOT of software. I am aware of how hard it is to build in testibility and fault isolation ability and how difficult it can be to find all faults and failures. in a production run. But I also know, from long experience, that doing just that is absolutely essential to success.

Please do ensure my GH comes back with some spring in its step. As I said, it runs very cool even at temp 5. I would FAR prefer it to run hot as I can always roll the temp down. But with it cool at temp 5, there was no place to go up.

Also, when I turn it on, red goes to solid blue as expected but the blue light flickers when I actually draw. I the past that would indicated to me that time to change battery was imminent. I don't know if this is now expected behavior or indicative of the issue with my GH.

My OG GH did indeed work perfectly for almost 18 months. Milk on the first draw at 4.2 through a water pipe and very nicely even AVB after the session.

Not used as a daily driver and definitely babied and kept in the house, but it was a vapor producing machine and was everything a GH should be. I would love to have it back with that type of performance. :-)

Thanks again and try to keep an even strain out there. But I do really hope you guys can get your production and test issues worked out as a reliable and repairable GH would be a killer in the market place.

Please do reach out if you have any questions of me or any confusion/issues once my GH arrives.

And thank you for the shipping label and the promise of a fast turn-around time. I appreciate your fulfilling my requests in those areas.​

From Hopper Labs, instead of my sending the whole unit back, they want to now send me a new body (by the by, via very slow USPS but what the hell...they did ship me one)
Thanks for the detailed response. It sounds like we need to replace the body of your unit. Perhaps there is a poor connection in there that came loose during the transit process. We do extensive testing on every unit and I can assure you it was working well when it was here. We have shipped over 1000 of our new units and have not seen many problems. We cannot control every variably but we will do our best to make this right for you.

We will send out a new body for the unit to remedy the problem .


From Drew at Hopper:

I'm sorry. That was a communication mess up on our part. We will be sending you a replacement body. You will not need to worry about sending in the whole Hopper. I will be voiding the label that I originally sent you and your body should be shipping out soon.

My Reply - to Hopper on the new body I received to fix my failed Ti Bronze RMA. No need to comment, I believe. Its self-explanatory. :bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:​

Drew - I received the new body today in the mail against this RMA.

As is clearly shown in the list of my registered GH, both are "Ti Bronze" and certainly the GH we are dealing with in this RMA is a "Ti Bronze".

Beyond all belief, Hopper sent me a "SS body". I'm flabbergasted.

To review the bidding, My GH failed and was received by Hopper under RMA on 1 Mar '18. ON 8 June it was shipped back to me.

Upon receipt, this "repaired" RMA'd GH was in fact found to still defective and runs VERY cold...unacceptably cold....to the point of non-functional cold.

So, I reopened the RMA and after a bit of communications confusion (with some caused by me), Hopper decided that the issue was the body and that rather than return the entire GH for repair, Hopper would send me a body...a body for my "Ti Bronze".

And you ended up shipping me a "SS body"!!

I'm speechless about this, disappointed in Hopper beyond words, and I cannot understand how this happened. You have the registration info on what type of GH it was, after all.

I have NOT used this new SS body, will gladly return it to you (please send me a shipping label if you want it back) but this "SS body" is NOT an acceptable warranty repair and I hope you would agree that what I deserve is a properly operating "Ti Bronze" body with which to restore my GH.

Drew...brother...this is getting silly.

Please advise as how you would like to proceed.
Well, after three days without a reply from Hopper, I was about to call in the F-35's with cluster bomb unit munitions (or maybe napalm) when an email from Hopper popped up at 8 pm alerting me to an update in my RMA ticket.

They must have heard me talking to the forward air controller and they got to me just in the nick of time.

Here is what they replied

Drew (Hopper Labs)
I'm sorry for the continued trouble. In the miscommunication that the owner and I had a Titanium body was sent to you instead of a Bronze. I just want to confirm that the new body fixed your issue and the only problem is that you received the wrong color. I will be sending you a bronze body immediately. You are welcome to wait to send us the wrong body at a later date with you broken one.

My Reply
Hi Drew - I don't know if the silvery looking body (I thought it was SS but you say its Ti) has fixed the issue as I haven't used it in anticipation of needing to send it back in exchange for a Ti Bronze and I assumed you would want it back in "new" condition.

I understand that you will immediately send the Ti Bronze body to me but that you want me to try the silver body to ensure that fixes the issue.

Tonight, I will try the silver Ti body and see if it resolves the issue and I will advise further.
Ok, further to the saga, I just posted this communications to the RMA ticket:

HI Drew - I just tested with the silver Ti body and my GH is now running well and acceptable. Vapor on first draw through a WP and at the end a nicely extracted AVB.

Maybe a bit cooler than my OG body, but perfectly acceptable and a good performer.

I'm very glad to have a working GH in my hands again. :-)

With this data in hand, I would like to keep this body until I receive the Ti Bronze that you are sending me (PLEASE make sure its a good hot body, yeah...please? haha).

When I receive the new Bronze body, if it works correctly, I will inform you and if you will send me a mailing label then I will return the silver Ti and the poorly performing Ti Bronze body that came back with the initial return of the RMA.

Sound good to you?

Keep an even strain, my friend.​
I ran a .1 g load of G6 (Jet Fuel, yeah...same maybe) and pretty much sucked it up through an FC-188 in three draws at 4.25. I took another clean up at 4.25 then tried again at 5.0 and got a bit. My AVB looked just right.

This body does still run a bit cooler than my OG, but its perfectly acceptable.

Wow, I don't do Sativa very much and that one load had me zooming. haha

So, like many/most of us...I'm torn. The GH is so great to have in the house working but its really tottering on the edge of if all of this crap is worth it. I slotted an SB Jr into my GH's role for middle of the night meds and it works great every time! haha

So, I now have a working, is somewhat mismatched, GH and I'm awaiting the proper body to arrive (and hopefully work). Its hard to beleive that they are still in business with this type of execution as all of these back and forths cost money...more than most people thing...it really adds up and my story is not atypical.


Here is the most recent from HL.
Thanks for taking a minute to read about our latest progress and developments. In July we successfully sustained a combine 200 units a week of assembly and warranty. Our new heating component assembly line is operating smoothly paving the way for higher volumes in the coming months, and the addition of more automation is making the whole process faster.

Our primary goal for the coming months is to increase the throughput to service warranties and new orders more quickly. We already succeeded in ramping up production of the new in-house processes to a base level. We now are pushing to add 5-10% to that capacity every two weeks. There are easy gains by having the existing machines operate for more hours each day and complex ones including the addition of further automation.


Over the last nine months, we have scaled up our efforts to automate the process. We have drastically reduced manufacturing errors and increased throughput without adding overhead cost. Two current projects involve using custom vision systems to detect part orientation and then perform a task on them and advance to the next part. We now have machines operating that handle much of the testing and sub-assembly.

There has been a delay with machined parts coming in. We currently hold a sizable inventory of 98% of the metal parts required to assemble the unit but have been waiting on two small items necessary to finish assembly of some devices. If you are waiting on an order, this is the holdup. We have been pressuring the, and these parts are expected to arrive in 20-30 days. Until that time we have a small supply source that is providing components resulting in slower assembly times.

The rate at which the backlog of warranty is being serviced is primarily limited to the number of techs we can afford to employ. We are working to make the process faster and ensure they have the available parts needed to fix units. To be fair to everyone we always try to service units in the order they were received. We know this can be frustrating which is why we have made thebody component of the device available for purchase. If you need help determining if a new body can help with your hopper issue, please contact support. Although the intro price is now over, we are offering 15% off these through the weekend to allow anyone who needs one to get it for a discount.

Use code: body15
Here is a quick breakdown of what devices are shipping now.

Stainless Hoppers - Currently servicing March-April Orders due to the parts supply shortage. Expect to be moving faster on these units in the next 30 days.
Titanium Hoppers - Almost entirely caught up.
Color Hoppers - Depends on the color. Generally serving April-Current.
HT Hoppers - 2 to 3 days ship time when available.

Accessories - We are currently only out of Bronze and Blue PFEs which are expected soon.

Stainless Case and External Charger - Current estimations are October and/or the end of the year. Design and development are complete we are working on production and packaging for these products. Priority of labor is still being given to warranty and assembly speed.

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Boulder, CO
I got my GH Ti 2nd hand from classifieds on another site
At first it was not so impressive
After cleaning and blowing through body a number of times it is now great and as advertised
I noticed if I change the battery it does not always work and has had every single issue including hot body cool air cop lights etc
I intermittently would have it work well after a clean

I checked if it was different batteries but no

The biggest thing I can see is that if it is clean and blown through the body AND then I have to find the orrect position for the battery/battery cap to be screwed in
A tiny move tightening or loosen could maybe be the change that stops it working

Maybe the battery shorts on something in a certain position?

Anyway, if I had not done all these things at random and played till I found out I was about to send it back in

Now I currently have a great working GH.....only scared to change the battery...lol

I wonder how many others could be fixed with this solution and if this is the ongoing issue GH has with the bodies?
Possibly some sought of short or somethig

I dont know yet
will let you all know next time I do have to change batteries, for now I have just been charging the same one in body while it is working great...

I recently got a HR Fury2, it is not as flavourful nor quite as powerful as a working hopper, but it is a hell of a great little back up in conjunction with your GH or while it is in repair....
so yesterday using a q-tip dripped iso in the air intake holes near the lights

then blew through the body with battery out and hand over end

I then with dry qtip wiped up a heap of brown stuff tht blew out the holes
I repeated this for about half hour at least until no more brown iso came out

I usually when cleaning use a piece of wire dipped in iso and poke through the holes and blow through them

But this is first time I did as described

The fact that it took so many times and so long to get clean iso coming out shows that this area gets very clogged and dirty and we never get to it to clean properly.....

I think this def adds to bodies getting hot and lack of vape getting through
Poss the short outs too

Anyway, just adding more to the mystery of the GH and my unconventional but seemingly effective at least for now remedies to keep mine going....

PS, I changed batteries during this process and found the hopper worked, I did screw it up to same spot as when working though
I think if too tight or loose it will not work
After a few weeks of killer hoppering uninterupted just earlier my GH decided to give in again
It worked this afternoon
Just now it is giving the wispy clouds and not heating up enough at the element
I hope the ghosts leave later when I can be bothered checking and looking at it again
I will look later I have been playing with my Plenty in the meantime to ease the pain....
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I put in my first warranty claim yesterday
I told them in email they should send me a body with my PFE and battery they are supposed to be sending this week and I will send this body to them
The email reply was yes they can arrange something like this but I need to open a warranty claim
I did so and am now awaiting a reply....
Will see what happens

I wonder if it is my body or back end that needed replacing though...

These things are great when working.....the time and money in between is $#%@&d

I have no way to tell which part is faulty....

Thank dog for my HRF2
I had my GH fixed last October. Hopper Labs had it a month. I havent used mine a lot until recently. This unit works so well with a water tube. I have the Pinnacle Pro Microshower WT. it feels as though it was made for the GH. It’s probably a matter of time before the GH starts to screw up. I see that Hopper Labs have had some folks units in warranty in no man’s land for 3 or 4 months, maybe more.:angel2:
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I had my GH fixed last October. Hopper Labs had it a month. I havent used mine a lot until recently. This unit works so well with a water tube. I have the Pinnacle Pro Microshower WT. it feels as though it was made for the GH. It’s probably a matter of time before the GH starts to screw up. I see that Hopper Labs have had some folks units in warranty in no man’s land for 3 or 4 months, maybe more.:angel2:
Some ppl have been in for 6+ months....and had continuous issues

I am hoping the new body gets mine bak to life so I do not need to send the whole unit back into the abyss
Have owned my ti hopper for about 4 months now. So not very long however it's still hopping along. I get flicker blue lights and backend heat usually when the battery is below 3.8v

Besides a Lil Bud from Vapwood and an original fury that's all I have after the 40 or so vapes I've owned. GH over everything but never natively, LB is the sipper (although I'd love a regulated version) and fury for out on the town.. vas subsided for now. If GH goes I'd be super bummed .. hoping it's hopping till the good folks at HL get the warranty process smoothed out. Ideally I'm thinking a week tops to get warranty in fixed and back out the door. 7 biz days is plenty of time right :nut:

Have owned my ti hopper for about 4 months now. So not very long however it's still hopping along. I get flicker blue lights and backend heat usually when the battery is below 3.8v

Besides a Lil Bud from Vapwood and an original fury that's all I have after the 40 or so vapes I've owned. GH over everything but never natively, LB is the sipper (although I'd love a regulated version) and fury for out on the town.. vas subsided for now. If GH goes I'd be super bummed .. hoping it's hopping till the good folks at HL get the warranty process smoothed out. Ideally I'm thinking a week tops to get warranty in fixed and back out the door. 7 biz days is plenty of time right :nut:

good luck and wish you well
I got a few months out of mine too
It was 2nd hand and about a year old before I got it....

Sending good vibes your way
I currently envy you and miss my hopper
So HL had told me half of my accessories order was in the mail and a new body about 2 or 3 weeks ago

I had not received my tracking email and messaged them to inquire

They then said that nothing had been sent and my body would take another week or so before they sent it out

I then sent a heavy handed email explaining they had stated otherwise and I have all our communication and that I would be happy to spread the word through my networks that they have a crap product and CS

All of a sudden they respond QUICKLY with a sorry and we made a mistake your body and parts are in the mail and then I did get a tracking number

So to get something sent I had to reduce myself to threats and I got some action

Now lets hope my charger is sent before the end of the year as they have now said....

And lets hope that my body arrives and returns my hopper back to it's former glory...

Fingers crossed
So HL had told me half of my accessories order was in the mail and a new body about 2 or 3 weeks ago

I had not received my tracking email and messaged them to inquire

They then said that nothing had been sent and my body would take another week or so before they sent it out

I then sent a heavy handed email explaining they had stated otherwise and I have all our communication and that I would be happy to spread the word through my networks that they have a crap product and CS

All of a sudden they respond QUICKLY with a sorry and we made a mistake your body and parts are in the mail and then I did get a tracking number

So to get something sent I had to reduce myself to threats and I got some action

Now lets hope my charger is sent before the end of the year as they have now said....

And lets hope that my body arrives and returns my hopper back to it's former glory...

Fingers crossed
Hopper Labs sucks as a business....I'm done with them, personally.

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