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Lunacy We all gotta eat, right? (Food Porn)

Braised chicken legs in sweet chili sauce :thumbsup: .



Always thought steak was over rated.. until i tried a rib eye...

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love a good Rib Eye nice!
whats the price per pound there now? curious
This one was 10 uk pounds for 40 grams... well worth it...
wow! yea enjoy it, cuz those prices are just gonna go up up and away (goes for everything there)
Sorry 400 grams... 40 grams is nothing..
Fresh batch of cannabutter. I made pineapple, mango, and lemon cookies. These are strong, I use a combination of hemp, and cannabis for a more varied cannabinoid profile. I would say most commercial edibles being sold today are made using THC distillate. Nothing close to a Full spectrum effect.

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Tried a veal rib eye steak for the first time last night.. forgot to take pics.. i was soooo tender and tasty... veal is good...
Strawberry, lemon, sugar cookies, the leaded variety :thumbsup: . Very tasty if I do say so, ( completely unbiased ) :yawn: . 105 mg THC per cookie, CBD was hard to calculate as I lost my test analysis, but I'm guessing 12%. Very minimal weed taste, next time more freeze dried strawberries, about 30 grams for that extra punch. I ate two. We'll check back later.

I am half Danish and as such celebrate Midsommar. We had our big 'event' yesterday, complete with flower crowns that we made.... :biggrin:


As a lot of Scandinavian food is... this meal was very 'dill forward' :lol:

Salmon with roasted carrots and radishes:


Baby potatoes with dill and arugula and spinach:


Quick pickled cucumbers:


DIL made a foccacia... which is not Scandinavian... but what the hell? Why not?



We served the salmon with a dill sauce and there was also pork tenderloin.... and shrimp salad.


All served with Danish beer and Akavavit. We never made it to dessert LOL... which was a strawberry/rhubarb galette. Perhaps that will be breakfast this morning......

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VGoodiez 420EDC