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Lunacy Wine and Spirits

While I used to drink more red wine than I do now, I still appreciate a good vintage varietal once in a blue moon. As a californian at heart my favorite has been barberra, but a a good petite syrah will easily arouse my taste buds and there's others like zinfandels that are more dependent on food pairings. I will cook with white wine, usually a simple chablis and don't mind the dry ones with certain foods but I don't seek them out. Lately I've been partaking in a nice dry blend of organic red 'table wine', it's from frey vineyards called natural red. It's consistently pretty good, for my tastes.

Lately gin & tonics are my occasional cocktail; I have discovered that tanqueray #10 is preferable to bombay sapphire for my tastes, and that I like the better tonic waters; fever tree is my go-to lately. As a former bartender I can appreciate many spirits; from dark spiced rum to a lighter mojito, to a south american pisco sour, or even some ouzo, or absinthe melted over a sugar cube I love the variety of booze. I like craft bourbons like maker's mark and especially woodford's is so smooth. While a good 100% blue agave tequila that's been aged for a few years is also wonderful for sipping, a cointreau margarita on the rocks with salt can be quite an experience as well; like a good mescal can be, just different lol.

My most recent cocktail foray was last week when I brought a bottle of dutch ketel one vodka and green some olives over to some friends that I was visiting from out of town, it's very good but I also want to try grey goose. I can appreciate a mild single-malt scotch, glenfiddich is my go-to even if I have an unopened bottle of 12yo glenlivet laying around atm. I also have a nice bottle of templeton rye that needs to be opened, but for some reason I've been thinking about my favorite blended scotch, pinch, which makes me want to try another one I've read about recently called monkey shoulder. Of course now I really want to try jura superstition and bunnahabhain lol, so much booze so little time for drinking these days.


Has anybody tried both of these please compare & contrast :partyhat:
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I'm totally with you on the tonic front @grokit - I love Fever Tree too - their elderberry and aromatic varieties are just lovely. Fentemans tonics are also good - I really enjoy their pink grapefruit variety. Lavender is another favourite - but I find it difficult to source that locally.

These are the gins I tend to stock up on:





The Brecon gin is made just a few miles away from where I live - and is great value, and so very refreshing. I tend to prefer floral gins - I have lots more to try before I decide which I truly love best - terrible job I know, but someone has to do it!
:nusenuse::partyhat: :beer-toast1:

Oh, and Monkey Shoulder is a fantastic value, and great tasting blended Malt. I drink it alone - and also use it as a mixer. I haven't yet tried Dimple Pinch, to provide you with a comparison @grokit - but I think @David Brent may be able to help on that front!?
Oh, and Monkey Shoulder is a fantastic value

I concur, I managed to get a sip of my crimbo bottle before the rest of my family glugged down the rest.

I drink it alone

Awww @Seren, there's no need to drink alone we are all here to drink with you :razz:

That 'Bloom' looks like nice stuff, man I'm starting to miss alcohol....

I'm jonesing for some SAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEEEEE after watching 'The Last Samurai':


This vodka is made locally with non GMO ingredients. Then they run it through carbon filters to get rid of the fusel oils to create an amazingly pure product.

Did someone say gin? It's the gin I'm in! I am the original gin hound from Ginsylvania. :wave:

My favorite gin, right now, is St. Georges Botanivore. Using a whopping 19 different botanicals, this gin is herbaceous, fresh, and elegant. St. George keeps no secrets to their recipes as they proudly boast them all: angelica root, bay laurel, bergamot peel, black peppercorn, caraway, cardamom, cilantro, cinnamon, citra hops, coriander, dill seed, fennel seed, ginger, juniper berries, lemon peel, lime peel, orris root, Seville orange peel, & star anise! The juniper berries, fresh cilantro & bay laurel are placed in the botanical basket for vapor-distilled integration.

It makes great martinis and G&Ts. It really shines in a Negroni.


:beer-toast1:I love me some G&T's as well.

Lately, I've been using Jack Rudy Classic Tonic Syrup mixed with Perrier as my tonic water. A little silly, but really tasty.

Would be nice to just carbonate some distilled water at home.

For gin, I have been using Prairie gin because it's made in Minnesota, where I was born, and it's also organic. I also like Mother Earth gin, because it's organic and made just a few hours from me, and the distillery runs mostly on solar power. I know many people think it's ridiculous to take that into account, but I do so anyway. I'm just a brave rebel like that. No big deal. You don't have to celebrate me or anything unless you really want to.

Death's Door gin is fucking badass.

Vodka-wise, I have been using Prairie vodka lately for the same reasons listed above. I also like Tito's. Ketel One is good. Grey Goose I like but it's really a douchey vodka to buy - so overpriced.

For flavored vodka, I tend to go with Absolut because they tend to be a decent blend of quality and value and good for mixing. Although it bothers me to buy something from so far away - all the miles of gasoline used to get it there.

Although if it's something basic like orange or lemon vodka, I'll go Ketel One or Hangar Bay since my store has them available.

I live in a small town, so options are limited. Except for bourbon. The "Wall O'Bourbon" at my government-run store (Almost all states in the Deep South only have government-owned liquor stores. Fucking ridiculous. So there is zero competition. You pay what the government makes you pay.) is really quite something. But it's nothing compared to what you find in Kentucky!

I enjoy moonshine as much as the next guy, but.... have you seen what conditions the "next guy" keeps his private distillery in? Yeah. No thanks. Unless I really really know the person.

@grokit I would choose Monkey Shoulder most times, unless you're just wanting to go all-out Heisenberg. Monkey is so much more lively and enjoyable, and works quite well in cocktails too. Plus it's cheaper. Just an all around better value, IMO. Though Dimple has that really cool bottle.

Now.... there's a Tom Collins with my name on it waiting for me... :beer-toast1:
People tend to think G&T's are boring. I have had bartenders roll their eyes and mumble something as they walk away.
I like to do a rinse for something a little different in a G&T. A quick rinse with Cointreau or what ever triple sec I have on hand. I've also used St.Germaine.
I like St. Georges but Brokers is good for an everyday pour. It doesn't have that alcohol burn on the nose like other gins. All the flavors come through and it's affordable.

I wasn't a fan of the Prairie Gin. I may have to revisit it. I love the Prairie Vodka though. Both the regular and cucumber.

My favorite Vodka, right now, is Reyka. It reminds of a German spring water. Crisp, clean and has a nice slightly sweet flavor. A nice pour over a large ice cub and that's it.

For flavored Vodka I like Stoli. They don't taste artificial to me. Charbay is another good one.

I agree with the comments on Monkey Shoulder. As far blends I like Chivas Regal 12 as well
I stopped getting drunk off of alcohol years ago. I only tend to have one or two drinks if that, and this will be of drinks that I like the taste of (a few selected single malt whiskeys, some wines and craft beers etc on the very rare occasion).

Drunk is not a state that I enjoy at all. Not even 'tipsy'.

I have only used mind altering substances with the intentions of altering my mental state for medical reasons for many years now. Aside from cannabis, I ain't takin' anything that wasn't prescribed by my Dr. - which is a negligibly short list :rofl:. Cannabis does the trick for me:weed: :peace:
I brought my work home with me.........Again

Love Block Sauvignon Blanc.

Love Block is Kim Crawford's winery. He has nothing to do Kim Crawford wines

Crisp, Citrusy and a little earthy funk. Delicious.

...wow never heard of it....brandy and Cointreau ?
...wow never heard of it....brandy and Cointreau ?


I prefer to use Grand Marnier in this cocktail, but I'm running a bit low. Cointreau works just as well, though doesn't have the sweetness of the Marnier.

Most recipes call for general Triple Sec - I like to use the more top shelf stuff. :cool:

If you're going to poison your body, you may as well spoil it at the same time. :beer-toast1:
...with you on that man.....I substitute Cointreau for triple sec myself...as ataxian would say....."it's civilized"...
When I'm making drinks at home ... I don't give a flying fuck about presentation.

Moscow Mule - David Brent Style :cool:



No copper mug these days. I like glass.

And I like mint.

Don't leave the orange and lime slices dangling suicidal style off the edge of my glass. Just drown the fuckers and be done with it.

I usually use Reed's Ginger Beer, but thought I'd give this Oskar Blues stuff a try. Nice change of pace. I'd use it again.

Hot Toddy



Sink the fruit and you're good to go.

These babies never went out of style in my house. This is Southern style tea I'm drinking here!

It'll cure what ails ya'. :myday:
When I'm making drinks at home ... I don't give a flying fuck about presentation.

Moscow Mule - David Brent Style :cool:



No copper mug these days. I like glass.

And I like mint.

Don't leave the orange and lime slices dangling suicidal style off the edge of my glass. Just drown the fuckers and be done with it.

I usually use Reed's Ginger Beer, but thought I'd give this Oskar Blues stuff a try. Nice change of pace. I'd use it again.

Hot Toddy



Sink the fruit and you're good to go.

These babies never went out of style in my house. This is Southern style tea I'm drinking here!

It'll cure what ails ya'. :myday:

Very nice! I love a good mule and most variations of mules. Looks good with mint and grapefruit vodka. I'll have give that a try. Thanks.

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VGoodiez 420EDC