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Vape WoodScents Titanium AromaLog Diffuser - Eds TnT

Hmm. Just did a search on enails. Very interesting. I always expected 'rigs' to appear like 'crazy' looking glass pieces that require big torches. Tried dabs once on two rigs like that a while ago. But what I'm seeing is portable and torch free? More enticing

Think I'll do some more research
Now I wonder if @Ed's TnT has serpentine tips and could send me one of those instead of the ti?

I would not waste my time on the S/S tips with the WS. Why downgrade? You have IMO the best log vape on the market. It deserves the Ti.
I would not waste my time on the S/S tips with the WS. Why downgrade? You have IMO the best log vape on the market. It deserves the Ti.
Lol... now, now... there are folk who prefer the SS tip. I know @phattpiggie is one; although he hasn't weighed in on which tip he prefers with the WS. And now that he has one he can. :biggrin:

Personally, I really don't like one over the other. They both work very well.
Ed's tnt stem on the way :headbang: it's too bad that WS is not a dab monster at the same time. That's ok, must experiment for myself first.

Yes, as @momofthegoons said, it's not so much that it does not work for concentrates, it does the job well
But as I have two enail type options, in comparison I prefer them over using my WS for dabs

WS handles the job well, an enail just gives a better hit imo
If I only had the WS I would still be rosineering away

I too use either rosin or bubble hash :)

I have one Ti tip and one shadow SS tip I use with my WS
Both are quality and depending on the weed the taste is better in either

I have a third Ti tip that I use in a glass stem with a cap and IH

SS tip in gog is as good as Ti imo
Just different flavours, and depending on weed one is better than the other


I am also interested in seeing people's response to the new SS tip and it's airflow design
Stainless tips are good for concentrates as they heat longer but I will take Ti any day of the week for buds.

When I first got a ti tip it was still freezing out. Alot of vaping at the time was outdoors. I couldn't see the difference because they took relatively a similar time to heat up. I also couldn't discern any noticeable difference in taste... I remember the first time I used a torch it was cold out, (PSM died on me for the first time) but I was getting clicks n hits so quick it was a great time, cool experience. I didn't realize it was the ti tip... It wasn't until recently I started retesting the ti, I've been using ss exclusively. More experienced with my shadow tips it was easy to see how different the reaction time is between the 2 tips. Ambient temperature can have a big effect on experience... I spent about a week with the ti then went back to the ss... I prefer it. Whether I get 2 heat cycles or 3, I like the 2-3 nice draws between clicks, vs one long draw/or 2 short draws n click...

Naturally, no one can be wrong on this matter as it's personal preference. I'm still inexperienced though. I'm eager to see how I feel between the two tips while using my WS and no cap?
When I first got a ti tip it was still freezing out. Alot of vaping at the time was outdoors. I couldn't see the difference because they took relatively a similar time to heat up. I also couldn't discern any noticeable difference in taste... I remember the first time I used a torch it was cold out, (PSM died on me for the first time) but I was getting clicks n hits so quick it was a great time, cool experience. I didn't realize it was the ti tip... It wasn't until recently I started retesting the ti, I've been using ss exclusively. More experienced with my shadow tips it was easy to see how different the reaction time is between the 2 tips. Ambient temperature can have a big effect on experience... I spent about a week with the ti then went back to the ss... I prefer it. Whether I get 2 heat cycles or 3, I like the 2-3 nice draws between clicks, vs one long draw/or 2 short draws n click...

Naturally, no one can be wrong on this matter as it's personal preference. I'm still inexperienced though. I'm eager to see how I feel between the two tips while using my WS and no cap?
See, for me, with a cap and psm I prefer Ti

But with WS as stated above they both work, but depending on weed one beats the other slightly
I just like having two up anyway so having one of each just after the other I get best of both

Can get quite buzzed trying to determine which you like most though....lol
So @Ed's TnT ...... you get a chicken? :tongue:

Hello everyone, what a past few weeks its been. Was slammed like always but more so as I was trying to clear my plate of all work before I left for Spain and did so. Got everything out with only a couple hiccups but have that square now since getting back. Did 6 days gone, 2 for traveling, 3 for the show and 1 as a tourist. TBH I had one of the best times ever, like @phattpiggie said it best, was such a blast to be among others in the industry with like minds and getting to hear and understand their sides of it and also share my own. All the people I went with I had know for years and was finally neat to do time with them in person and enjoy the laughs and smiles. I can honestly say there never was a negative moment. Every single minute was positive. You all know I am an early bird and phatts gave me hell saying "Youll be in bed before dark" but spent each night staying up talking til way after midnight. There was so much to hear and say and enjoy. Had a couple more guys show up to share the BnB with before we left for the tradeshow @duff was one of em. Another solid I have known for quite some time but never met.


First day at the show was a like any other tradeshow be it CHAMPS but knew at this one there were alot of heavy hitters I have dealt with in the past and finally be great to put a face with the name and meet in person. Went right over to the VapoShop booth and met George from DV, what a trip George is a great guy and the same in person as he has always been on the phone and in conversation with. First day was really spent walking through and eyeing all the new stuff out there and the stuff you already know. Alot of seed companies there. I am not sure how many of you know of Everett from deverdamper or know of him but I have been for a while now there at IG and seeing him in person and saying hello was quite a highlight for me. Made it to a DynaVap live broadcast where we were part of the live studio audience. Pernov from DV was asking questions from the visitors on youtube where Phatts and I got a shout out about who was the best griller lol, what a trip. Thats the only things we were missing from our BnB was a grill and I sure hate it. That will be a must next time. Was thinking how neat it would be to do a live stream of Phatts and I manning the grill, how many of you would like that idea? Bout 7 or 8 of us hit this Spanish restaurant for Tapas. Were small plates of shrimp, octopus, croquettes, calamari and oh the best fried taters with this spicy sauce over the top RRRR.



I had never had calamari or squid, I didnt know how I would like it but did very much. Met the guys from the Tubo @funkyjunky & his wife as well as Paddy who was one of the guys sharing a room with us. Was a great time getting to know you both FJ. I really enjoyed our times, thanks.

The first morning I woke up, my guy @Aezhenn had made it, hes been my brother for many years and we would say one day we will meet and will do time, well a couple days came, was so good to see you thank you. Phatts did the bacon and I did the eggs, was a great meal for starting the day. My first IG post from Barcelona was breakfast


and FlipFlops haha if you all follow me at IG then you understand how I roll. @Dan Morrison had to comment that I go all the way round the world and thats my first post lol, cause I am a true FlipFlopWarrior woot woot you cant slow me down!!! Always good to hear from you Dan, looking forward to what you are thinking we can do.

Second day was all alot of biz talking to this guy sharing with that guy meeting these people talking bout WS all day and night jeez I love what I do but talking bout biz from start to stop is quite draining and thankful that day was over. Got to meet @Hogni who like me was his first time there at Spannibis too. I saw a guy there that day that had the biggest spliff Id ever seen, had to have a couple O's in it, madness lol. Got to meet Eric @Boundless Vape Technology and take a couple pics. BTW bro, got something special done for ya yesterday and anxious to get it in your hands.

3rd day I did a prerecorded video with George from DV about the WS and such. Glad it wasnt live as he said they can go back and edit it where I may have gotten stuck in an explanation or forgot a word lol. Was fun to do and appreciate the opportunity @VapCap was a blast doing time with you and the DV crew, I appreciate it. Ran into Randall from Focus vapes and talked a little bout what I had done and what he was thinking ahead. I think we shut down about 4pm the last day and thats when I let my brain rest and quit talking biz. Thats when I put on the tourist hat woot woot. Went back to the BnB and had the the DV team meet us there where we left for dinner. Went to a small place tucked away down a narrow street where it was more of the wonderful Spanish cuisine. I think it may have been 12 of us this night and I believe we must have had everything on the menu. George kept it coming all night with the food, what a great time that was with all the guys.


Had beef cheeks, Phatts recommended them and wow were great, made me think of slow cooked roast. Was another long night back at the BnB later with everyone. @ukweedlover showed up last day of it and grabbed a couch at the digs, was a pleasure meeting you as well bro and getting to know you. I enjoyed talking family with you and hope its not the last time we are together. Still dont know how I wound up on the other couch later that night, my bad bro hehee.

4th day I was just a simple tourist. We went to that famous cathedral that still has not been finished, was neat to look at and see the detail put into it.


We did some time at the boardwalk by the mediteranian, I had to walk down put my feet in it and take another pic for the #flipfloplife. I didnt think anything about being able to see it nor was it on my list of things to do but there I was and wow was the beautiful blue water amazing.


We were grabbing lunch there were a couple ladies speaking Phatts mentioned I think those ladies are speaking southern Ed, sure enough they were and I said Mississippi, they were like howd ya know, no I am from there and they say we are too, only a couple hours away from where I live and half way round the world that particular weekend lol. Had a big Tuna steak RRRRRR. One by one from early that last day we were a man down til there were only 3. I knew the time had to end and soon enough it did, the last 3 of us went to the airport together and off we were in 3 different direction. Its been a long long time since I did something like this that I enjoyed so much that while it was ending I was already missing it. Even now I miss the guys and cant wait to do it again thinking back getting a grin or even a chuckle. Yall know who you are, thanks for the good times guys.

Since getting back I have found myself buried, had a few dealers get with me just before I left waiting to the last minute to reup for their 420 sales so have been freaking cranking to get them out cause I got to have a 420 sale too right. I had hoped to have the stands available by now but is looking more like end of next week. I do have the shirts available and you can grab en here


I did a piece for the Lotus before I left, not having the top plate in hand it was off but the user I sent it to for testing is quite the mod kinda person and worked it into a really neat piece and great idea for me. I am excited to work in a slightly different path but still along the same road. I am anxious to see what I can do and what you all think of where this path takes me.

I will be offering these soon enough in XL size to fir the WS stems also


Got alot going on and alot to come.

@arb Bro I would be happy to do that Afzelia for ya and do enjoy that species very much. I have some of still but have just this one blank for the WS that is outa sight loaded with burl. I have only seen it like this a handful of times. That BE you got is a sure fire stunner and you are right BE is such a surprising wood species. I had no idea it was as soft as it is and light weight. I can remember not wanting to work it in the beginning and still to this day dont like making stems from it. I am glad you were able to tighten up the ext. cable just by lifting that tab. Oh its a fun experience the FM. I like the straight draw with the tip too, maybe its the heavy wall glass but I feel like I get a little more draw power from it, maybe its all in my head. Omgosh I am so glad you see it too, I guess folks may think I am outa my head when I post up at IG and mention the plum hues and tones that I can see but is so hard to show in a pic. Thats really a stunning piece and am glad you are showing it off. Total score on the 420 too right. The SS tips will retain more heat than the Ti thats probably why you are enjoying it more so.

@mysassygrass Glad you found that an easy fix too. TBH as far as a face melt goes, I believe that for me I can get that by setting my dial at 9-10 and slowing down and lengthening my draw speed and time. I am from the old school and passing J's they would say if you aint choking you toking so will rip one off more than i can handle and freaking eyes will blur and turn beat red I am coughing and its like blast off woot woot.

@momofthegoons Hey hey, I hope all is well up you way. I have heard draw speed and explained that to a new user. Do you feel that if you slow it down and up the temp some you can get the kinda rips I am talking about? Great advise always!

@felvapes Sounds like you know your WS really well and is good to hear. Thanks for stepping up with all the advise and input bro.

@Stevenski Nice pic bro, thats what it feels like for real. How do you like the carbed adapter for the most part? I have been seeing that and thinking about asking my glass guy if he could add those to the WPA I offer with the WS. Is it worth it? #29 and almost 2 years how stinking cool is that. Keep it rocking bro!

@Whisper I have heard this about the Jhook but never have gotten one.

@pxl_jockey @CarolKing rules.

@bizwaxzion Beautiful piece, I havent seen one of those in the wild in some time. I just turned some more Thuya the other day. Its been out of stock for a while, got an old block from my guy he said it had been harvested more than 30 years ago is by far some of the most loaded and figured I have ever worked. Thats a trip the Nano stem fits it and works well with it?

@Chandler Hope to be hearing what you think any day now. I am sorry the tips you get with the WS are the only kind I have bro. Youre getting alot of good tips and suggestions here, VA is a great place for it. @momofthegoons is right, you cant say what it is or isnt cause to each his own. There is alot going on with the WS and every person has their own technique, once you learn what works for you it will open up and allow you to do things you hadnt due to your technique.

@phattpiggie Thats one hella rip there my man. Is that flower or is that your cotton plugs? Glad you are enjoying that rig my man, I should have gotten you one long long ago.

Haha @momofthegoons You know me all too well, even with the bet you made with the guys as to how Id be flying, for the WIN!

Sorry again yall for such a long absence. I know I have been saying this for years that I am always looking for time but seems like I out of time before I can look for it these days. All is good and my fam is healthy and happy. I am buried not just slammed so aint half bad. I wish you all the best, get at me anytime you like. hit me with a PM or an email heck give me a shout if ya like I have my # posted below. Take care everyone.
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I have been playing around with my S/S tip on the WS and tried a S/S mesh screen instead of the Dynavap CCD screen and found it to be more free flowing, why haven't we tried that before:doh:
As a bonus it also stays cleaner for longer, I usually ultrasonic clean my standard CCD screen every 2 days as it soon blocks with my fairly heavy use.:smoke:
Following is a picture of my bowl after 3 days;

I just used scissors to cut down one of the spare screens Ed sent with my WS...at least I think that is where it came from, just use a fairly stiff one as it will hold in place better than a flimsy one. I am looking for a hole punch to make the job easier.
I might look into those Newvape mesh screens I have heard are great to try in my Ti tips too.:thumbsup:

Edit: A 5/16" hole punch I had does the filter mesh size great, an 8mm would probably work just fine too.
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I have been playing around with my S/S tip on the WS and tried a S/S mesh screen instead of the Dynavap CCD screen and found it to be more free flowing, why haven't we tried that before:doh:
As a bonus it also stays cleaner for longer, I usually ultrasonic clean my standard CCD screen every 2 days as it soon blocks with my fairly heavy use.:smoke:
Following is a picture of my bowl after 3 days;
View attachment 8074
I just used scissors to cut down one of the spare screens Ed sent with my WS...at least I think that is where it came from, just use a fairly stiff one as it will hold in place better than a flimsy one. I am looking for a hole punch to make the job easier.
I might look into those Newvape mesh screens I have heard are great to try in my Ti tips too.:thumbsup:

Edit: A 5/16" hole punch I had does the filter mesh size great, an 8mm would probably work just fine too.
What a great idea
Why haven't we tried this yet
We have done so with most of our other vapes and achieved better air flow/results
Well done mate and cheers for the "tip"
Will have to give this a go for sure
@Stevenski Nice pic bro, thats what it feels like for real. How do you like the carbed adapter for the most part? I have been seeing that and thinking about asking my glass guy if he could add those to the WPA I offer with the WS. Is it worth it? #29 and almost 2 years how stinking cool is that. Keep it rocking bro!

Carbed adapters work well when using the WS as most loads give two good rips. When using the cap you need to heat it each time so it's not so necessary as you remove it to clear the piece anyway. I find with the cap on I get one big rip per heat cycle but it would be convenient for the WS.

why haven't we tried that before:doh:

Been there, done that years ago in the OG days when it came with a ceramic screen. I eventually found the 8mm Ti bowl screens & started using them. After that the S/S CCD came out & ultimately the Ti one. Personally I like the S/S CCD best. Mesh is OK but more of a pain to use I found.
Mesh is OK but more of a pain to use I found.
I found I have to clean my CCD every second day or it gets clogged and restricts airflow, I am now into day 4 and my WS is still more free-flowing than a clean/new CCD. The only pain was if I jammed it too hard onto my debowler the mesh could come out, I have fixed that problem by jamming the debowler Tee to the side of the bowl before spinning and using a better fit mesh screen (hole punched seems to clip in nicely)
Just another way to enjoy a Vapcap/WS, almost endless possibilities.
I quite often have kief on bud bowls, so maybe that is why mine clogs so often, I always debowl, blow out then S&B brush after each bowl and just heating with the WS would not clear it, torching it might but I have an ultrasonic cleaner and 3 tips in GonG adapters to rotate. It just seems like better airflow and less maintenance for me. It will be interesting to see how many days this one will go until I need to deep clean it again.:thumbsup:
The trick is to debowl when the tip is still warm. Arizer have a great little star tool for their Air that is my mainstay for the WS. Realistically I clean my tips every 2-3 months & I only have three in my rotation.

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VGoodiez 420EDC