Hand of the Queen
I am curious what vape(s) everyone uses and for what purposes. Many of us vaporists have been afflicted by VAS over the years and have lineups that change. I wanted a thread for everyone to have a place to share what vapes we use and why. I'll go first:
@Pipes Project Eraser - daily driver with numerous stems per day, amazing taste with no taste loss by the end of the bowl, temperature control, handles small (.05-.06) loads extremely well, mini-sessions that are quick but effective and enjoyable, my overall favourite vape I have used in 5 years of vaping.
Grasshopper - for use when out and about, combination of stealth and power, also used at the end of the day to sit me on my ass after the kids are in bed, the one my wife uses.
Vapcap (Blackwood Ti-Woody S) - Used at various times in the day, also used to vape kief about an hour before bed to help me sleep.
Pipes Project Shitfucker w/14mm @ddave mod - Overnight usage, fast and powerful, also supremely efficient with both herb and battery life.
Former vapes: Milaana, Evo, Herbalizer, EQ, Solo, MFLB
What is everyone else using?
@Pipes Project Eraser - daily driver with numerous stems per day, amazing taste with no taste loss by the end of the bowl, temperature control, handles small (.05-.06) loads extremely well, mini-sessions that are quick but effective and enjoyable, my overall favourite vape I have used in 5 years of vaping.
Grasshopper - for use when out and about, combination of stealth and power, also used at the end of the day to sit me on my ass after the kids are in bed, the one my wife uses.
Vapcap (Blackwood Ti-Woody S) - Used at various times in the day, also used to vape kief about an hour before bed to help me sleep.
Pipes Project Shitfucker w/14mm @ddave mod - Overnight usage, fast and powerful, also supremely efficient with both herb and battery life.
Former vapes: Milaana, Evo, Herbalizer, EQ, Solo, MFLB
What is everyone else using?