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Tips ABV - What do you do with it

With the rapidly accelerating race-to-the-bottom price war on the West Coast (even before California has their first enormous legal recreational outdoor crop this coming fall), the financial incentive to save every last milligram of THC/CBD might soon become less of a determining factor as to whether or not one should save AVB for a secondary use.

I even had a conversation recently with a local MMJ patient/friend who had calculated that it was now actually more expensive to grow organically indoors at the very small scale personal/hobby level than it is to buy at current retail prices. Of course, a bottom-of-the-barrel heavily discounted retail ounce is not directly comparable to a grower's personal head stash, but nonetheless, it looks to me like we are entering into a post-black-market cannabis economy that is going to greatly increase accessibility to people who are kept out for financial reasons. (Yay!).

So, here are my questions that I have been pondering.......

If your medical cannabis was plentiful such that there was no financial incentive to save AVB, would you still save it?

And if so, what special properties do you believe it has, and how do you reprocess it into effective medicine for your medical conditions?
With the rapidly accelerating race-to-the-bottom price war on the West Coast (even before California has their first enormous legal recreational outdoor crop this coming fall), the financial incentive to save every last milligram of THC/CBD might soon become less of a determining factor as to whether or not one should save AVB for a secondary use.

I even had a conversation recently with a local MMJ patient/friend who had calculated that it was now actually more expensive to grow organically indoors at the very small scale personal/hobby level than it is to buy at current retail prices. Of course, a bottom-of-the-barrel heavily discounted retail ounce is not directly comparable to a grower's personal head stash, but nonetheless, it looks to me like we are entering into a post-black-market cannabis economy that is going to greatly increase accessibility to people who are kept out for financial reasons. (Yay!).

So, here are my questions that I have been pondering.......

If your medical cannabis was plentiful such that there was no financial incentive to save AVB, would you still save it?

And if so, what special properties do you believe it has, and how do you reprocess it into effective medicine for your medical conditions?

I probably would save my abv because of its sedative qualities. We use it in cannacaps that we take at night for sleep and pain.

Great news on the Cali prices tho! But I'd still prolly continue to grow my own. That way I know what I get.
I save it because I had a big hugging mason jar and just started dumping it in there. Its full now (2 liter I believe) so now I'm tossing it.

I have not done anything with it but am contemplating:

1. Cannabutter

2. Ethyl alcohol tincture

But I will water cure it first to get the gunk, smell and taste out.

The reason I haven't rushed to do anything with it yet is I'm not really that big a fan of edibles. I've tried them and the variability of onset/effects is not desirable to me. That and the feeling is much more 'drugged' like.....sort of wet blanket kind of thing. Much different to me than vaped flower.

Of course, maybe I will extract and then make suppositories out of them! hahaha....don't know why I'm laughing, there was a whole thread on another board about that and the people interested in making them had very valid medical reasons for doing so. I'm just an immature ass!

I save it because I had a big hugging mason jar and just started dumping it in there. Its full now (2 liter I believe) so now I'm tossing it.

I have not done anything with it but am contemplating:

1. Cannabutter

2. Ethyl alcohol tincture

But I will water cure it first to get the gunk, smell and taste out.

The reason I haven't rushed to do anything with it yet is I'm not really that big a fan of edibles. I've tried them and the variability of onset/effects is not desirable to me. That and the feeling is much more 'drugged' like.....sort of wet blanket kind of thing. Much different to me than vaped flower.

Of course, maybe I will extract and then make suppositories out of them! hahaha....don't know why I'm laughing, there was a whole thread on another board about that and the people interested in making them had very valid medical reasons for doing so. I'm just an immature ass!


I throw ABV in my garden! (Maybe it helps?)
I've been saving my abv for ages and have no idea what to do with it. I suppose I could make some caps... just never got around to it. Sometimes I'll throw a bit into the mix if I'm making cannabutter. I've tried making feco from it and haven't really liked the results.

But since we haven't had the glut of cannabis the west coast is experiencing I don't want to throw it out. I feel like I'm wasting something.

I know you can make a pain salve out of it... but have always used donated trim. Perhaps if/when that connect dries up....

In any case I can't bring myself to throw it out. Lots of goodies left in there...
@Shredder when I did something with mine, I did the same thing: capsules filled with powedered AVB for pain/sleep.

While I haven't made anything from AVB in over 2 years, I do still keep a jar of it, as it could be a handy source of decarbed flower that could be made into a powerful tincture in just a couple minutes with almost no prep work or cleanup or expense.
I've been saving my abv for ages and have no idea what to do with it. I suppose I could make some caps... just never got around to it. Sometimes I'll throw a bit into the mix if I'm making cannabutter. I've tried making feco from it and haven't really liked the results.

But since we haven't had the glut of cannabis the west coast is experiencing I don't want to throw it out. I feel like I'm wasting something.

I know you can make a pain salve out of it... but have always used donated trim. Perhaps if/when that connect dries up....

In any case I can't bring myself to throw it out. Lots of goodies left in there...
Do what is best 4 U?

Where I live it's really cheap?

Kief is $5/gram
ROSIN $20/gram

FLOWER is all over the place? $100 - $220 per OZ! The LEMON HAZE (SATIVA) $100/OZ GDP (INDICA) $120/OZ
DUTCH TREAT x BLUE DREAM = $200/OZ ver good this one? (just my assessment)

$100 per month about?

ABV I just throw is in da planter?

Maybe it's more geophysics?

I have a hard putting in my food?
@ataxian I can honestly say that if rosin was $20/gram here and costs were as low overall I probably wouldn't be saving it quite to the extent I am. I've come close to throwing all that abv out several times. And I also don't care for it in my food.

But @TheModernDayNeanderthal brings up a good point about the tincture. And I know that others have made a 'shatter' out of it when in a pinch. So I still feel like I'm being wasteful throwing it out.

Maybe it's from being raised by parents and a grandmother who went through the Depression? I was taught not to waste. Lol... my grandmother washed out and saved old baggies and plastic containers to reuse. She was the 'original recycler.' I know she'd be spinning in her grave if I wasted something like abv. :lol:

You're killing me, mate. One of my favorites, about the only strain I have tried that makes me giggle.

None to be found in MD MMJ dispensaries yet but I do know a grower who is cultivating it and I was told another 3-4 months and we will see it. I gather its not a great producer of bud and is a bit hard to grow. I dunno, I don't grow, but I would love to get some when it is harvested.

I don't see cannacaps in my future. I would water cure the AVB no matter what I did with it but eating it just makes my stomach quiver (LOL).

I'm thinking I should quit screwing around, water cure a bunch of it, and then make a ethyl alcohol tintcure from it.

Maybe it's from being raised by parents and a grandmother who went through the Depression? I

Me too...they were always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I’m an ABV hoarder. I save it for edibles and haven’t made them in awhile. ABV oil is best before bed because it’s so sedating. Top shelf flowers are still around - $200 in legal WA. You can see $100 and $150 ounces I don’t know the quality. To make butter often you need at least a couple ounces. I’ve noticed some inexpensive shake and ounces but haven’t bought any.

I must have at least a pound saved in ABV. It’s good quality ABV. It’s stored in a large bag where the light can’t get at it. I have several separate bags inside. The stuff towards the bottom is on the older side. If I make oil i will use the stuff towards the top.
You're killing me, mate. One of my favorites, about the only strain I have tried that makes me giggle.

None to be found in MD MMJ dispensaries yet but I do know a grower who is cultivating it and I was told another 3-4 months and we will see it. I gather its not a great producer of bud and is a bit hard to grow. I dunno, I don't grow, but I would love to get some when it is harvested.

I don't see cannacaps in my future. I would water cure the AVB no matter what I did with it but eating it just makes my stomach quiver (LOL).

I'm thinking I should quit screwing around, water cure a bunch of it, and then make a ethyl alcohol tintcure from it.

Me too...they were always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Small yield for some grower's?

My youngest (21) I got her CONCRETE SHOE'S = VERY SWEET & KINE STONEY

Rebuilding one of my vaporizers (portable) however I have back-up's!


@momofthegoons I sound very wasteful to some?
My wife is from FRANCE so we eat GOURMET STYLE!

She won't let me cook with CANNABIS?
LOVE makes one bent da rules!
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I can't say I've noticed rock bottom prices at the dispensery. Maybe because of the 30 % tax. Would I still save ABV if price wasn't a concern. Yes. Why wouldn't I? I prefer it "water cured", but I've used it both ways. I've made tictures, butter, flour, filled caps, sprinkled it on food, and made salve and infused honey and bubble hash with it. I prefer low temp vaping, so there is quite a bit left to use. I prefer to get maximum use from my plants. Problem is, I have too much butter, tincture, flour, etc. I can't use all I make. Now I fill mason jars with ABV, and throw them in the freezer. I'm sure I'll be glad of it one day. Good for sleep.
I can't say I've noticed rock bottom prices at the dispensery. Maybe because of the 30 % tax. Would I still save ABV if price wasn't a concern. Yes. Why wouldn't I? I prefer it "water cured", but I've used it both ways. I've made tictures, butter, flour, filled caps, sprinkled it on food, and made salve and infused honey and bubble hash with it. I prefer low temp vaping, so there is quite a bit left to use. I prefer to get maximum use from my plants. Problem is, I have too much butter, tincture, flour, etc. I can't use all I make. Now I fill mason jars with ABV, and throw them in the freezer. I'm sure I'll be glad of it one day. Good for sleep.
I have way too much ABV?
I threw it way out of school daze habit? (At first?)
Recently I started to save it?
My friend who had a mansion in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA however lost everything and is more careful!
He told me to be more thrifty?
What to do with my ABV?
Same issue?
CANNABIS is getting cheaper?
After harvest we threw out the trim into the trash can’s.
Concentrat’s came from 3rd world countries?
Dirt floor’s R not the fashion!
I have way too much ABV?
I threw it way out of school daze habit? (At first?)
Recently I started to save it?
My friend who had a mansion in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA however lost everything and is more careful!
He told me to be more thrifty?
What to do with my ABV?
Same issue?
CANNABIS is getting cheaper?
After harvest we threw out the trim into the trash can’s.
Concentrat’s came from 3rd world countries?
Dirt floor’s R not the fashion!
You haven't seen my floors.
One year, my crop will be lost or stolen. I'll be glad for the ABV then.
It’s so expensive for me to buy cannabis for making oil. Using ABV is what I use the most. It’s very sedative though. I haven’t made oil in a long time. I have a difficult time with my doses.:yikes:

I’ve given cannabis infused baked goods to a few people. I always warn them to go very slow. My banana bread is soooo good you want to eat another piece.:smilie-devil:
I save most of mine (I blow out anywhere from 1 to 3 bowls a day onto the ground/sink/toilet when I'm out and about in public and need to be quick about it), and save it for times when I just need to get a lot of sleep, like on a Friday or Saturday night after a week of insomnia or a depression spike). I often blend 12-15 grams of powdered ABV into a milkshake for these occasions.

What I need to do is make an extraction with an ounce or two of ABV with 180 proof Everclear, and reduce that into a tincture, or even something thicker that I can mix with an oil and put it in pill capsules. I haven't weighed it, but I probably have something like 2-3oz of ABV at the moment. Almost enough to take on such an experiment.
I made some canna coconut oil a couple months ago but haven't used it yet. I recently ended up with another mason jar of ABV so I infused it into the existing canna coconut oil. I'm hoping for some sedative effects but haven't tried it yet.
Has a real nice color to it... I'd bet it has some good effects. Please let us know...

I have so much abv it's getting a bit ridiculous. I think it might be time to break it out and do some experimenting.... it's either that or pitch it. And I just can't bring myself to do that.

I've made tincture and FECO from it in the past. Works fairly well for sleep. And I'll throw some in with fresh occasionally when I make butter.

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