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@LesPlenty how many people do you know where Lockdowns helped? I don't know any here in the states, where is the statistical evidence proving they work? Friends of mine in the restaurant industry are struggling to pay mortgages, rents, can't feed their kids, the health inspectors who come by and demand restaurant shutdowns they can pay their bills, feed their kids, the cops who come by and maintain order the same. How has it helped children who can't see their grandparents, uncles, Aunts?, my GF can't see her grandmother in the nursing home a year now, it's all zoom meetings, I see zero benefits les.whats happening in Victoria is appealing imo

@LesPlenty how many people do you know where Lockdowns helped? I don't know any here in the states, where is the statistical evidence proving they work? Friends of mine in the restaurant industry are struggling to pay mortgages, rents, can't feed their kids, the health inspectors who come by and demand restaurant shutdowns they can pay their bills, feed their kids, the cops who come by and maintain order the same. How has it helped children who can't see their grandparents, uncles, Aunts?, my GF can't see her grandmother in the nursing home a year now, it's all zoom meetings, I see zero benefits les.whats happening in Victoria is appealing imo

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For lockdowns to help - the public have to adhere to them
Not rant and rave and run around storming their own parliament house
They helped in Ausland coz ummm ppl for the most part (asides from the north shore privileged ppl who thought going to church in multiple areas outside their own and spreading the virus in other towns creating outbreaks) actually isolated instead of thinking they know better

And the best example of it working was in tazzy where they actually did so and cut border crossings from the ignorant mainlanders who some pockets did what they thought was better than medical advice or had protests


Back to the popcorn

:volcano: :popcorn:
Burnie Tasmania (near me) @Helios, one person died and the hospital had a hot spot of healthcare workers, full lockdown except for necessities...no deaths since near me and only 13 for Tas total.
Burnie Tasmania (near me) @Helios, one person died and the hospital had a hot spot of healthcare workers, full lockdown except for necessities...no deaths since near me and only 13 for Tas total.

How have restaurant workers fared overall? Better or worse than in any given US state?
... mean while in Ontario their warning of a "third more deadly" wave in April and they just postponed march break to April 12 :mental:

... lets put fear in the public but not do anything until it happens :rofl:

... just like 2020 schools will not go back after march April break :mental:
Weird how when there was an attempt to shut down USA borders the same people now claiming it should have been done like Aus.(A island) were then screaming it was a racist and xenophobic thing to do?
Call me confused and given the trump was the cause of all the problems........he is gone.
I see the new regime expanding the ice facilities, sending troops back into harms way and where is that check?
You know the $2,000 check that the entire Democratic establishment promised you for your vote,the one they were gonna cut day one?
Where is the impeachment for direct lies to you?
Easy to see who in this thread actually produces and who mooches.
Poking people with a cane.....if you are SO afraid stay home.
Quit trying to play the moral virtue card when you are the issue.
You are in danger you stay home.
Cowards,fascists,idiots and the lazy are down with covid lockdowns.

Mom note: This was your one free pass arb. No politics........
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I think the cries of racism were that it was only directed at Chinese not just shut the borders to all....
I'm not in USA so I am not an expert on your politics or lives

Same happened here in the beginning though
The Gov put all Chinese ppl flying back from anywhere in a detention centre for a few weeks - Australian citezens even some born here
And not one of them had Rona

Yet the people on a luxury cruise ship were let free in the city and spread it everywhere and business ppl - flying from everywhere including China (but weren't Chinese ethnicity) were able to fly home still and some (not all) helped spread Rona

It should have just been shut the borders down to all equally at the start and it would have saved much spreading and strain on the healthcare system AND the business sector and no issues with ppl crying racist

In Tazzy as @LesPlenty stated it is pretty clean sailing
Compared to even mainland Ausland
Maybe the evidence is there?

I don't think tarring ppl lazy or fascist or cowards is productive nor indicative of this thread let alone such a blanket statement full stop

I really don't think this is all one big conspiracy to control us all worldwide
Do I trust most governments not to try and hold on to certain controlling/privacy intruding laws they are putting in place once it's over? NO

Doesn't mean this shit isn't real
It is easy to see worldwide the death tolls in different places and how that country dealt with the pandemic

I really don't think all these different countries that hate each other are in cahoots and making up the death or reasons etc etc - if it was fake one place somewhere would stand up and say so just to be the one to kill the conspiracy

I can't be bothered searching for the evidence now it's late here and I was happily stoned not having a debate going in circles- but
There is a few studies and evidence out there now that herd immunity simply won't and wouldn't have worked with this virus anyway
It isn't a viable option to dealing with it

And even if you have had it it isn't a full immunity for life
In 6 to 12 months you are able to catch it again
Given that it affects some ppls organs long after getting better I think repeat bouts would be deadly for the young and healthy too
Besides the fact it is already mutating

I cbf typing out the rest of the story
It will be accepted by some and fall on deaf ears for others so it's pointless

The thread has been going in circles for a while already

I'll go back to the vapes and pop corn now and let you all have at it

Just wasn't gonna be called a moocher or any of the others when no one knows what I have and haven't done for work and otherwise in my life

Plenty of differing opinions on this thread and I agree with some points from different ppl on opposite ends to one another
I don't label and name call the ones that I disagree with or even the ones I think say laughable things

Actually have mostly stayed out of this one and read instead
I should/shall do so again now methinks

Back to the vapes and popcorn
:volcano: :popcorn:
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like Aus.(A island)
According to Britannica, an island is a mass of land that is both “entirely surrounded by water” and also “smaller than a continent.” By that definition, Australia can't be an island because it's already a continent.
Tassie is an island and the mainland states closed their borders to each other as hotspots dictated. :twocents:
Folks...... let me remind......

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Thank you to those who have shown restraint and the ability to use the report button.
What good reason should I or any other be vaccinated.
  1. To help stop the spread of the virus.
  2. So that you (or any other) can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
how many people do you know where Lockdowns helped?
Dozens upon dozens.
The lockdowns moved Pima County's positivity rate from 29.6% to 18.1% in just a couple of weeks.
The closest long term care facility went during the lockdown from 33% to 14% positivity within those same 2 weeks.
Actually have mostly stayed out of this one and read instead
I should/shall do so again now methinks
Clear thinking for this thread!
plenty of material to argue over.
Funny.. A forum is generally not a place to argue, but rather to post thoughts and opinions, while those in disagreement simply post their
thoughts and opinions and move on! Forums are rarely intended for argument based discussion, although a study was done on the practicality of concept
in 2014. (Argument Based Discussion for User Forum)
A forum is an online discussion board where people can:
1-ask questions
2-share their experiences
3-discuss topics of mutual interest.
All 3 of the above apply to our Vapor Asylum's Vaporizer and medication discussions for example.
Forums are an excellent way to create social connections and a sense of community.
They can also help you to cultivate an interest group about a particular subject (Vaporizers for example)
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... even if one of these are true whats the point?


edit: ... also i would bet if you look at the "infected" numbers it would be close to the normal percentage of people sick this time of year (cold & flu season)
You might not die from Covid.
... fortunately for me im healthy and my chances of survival are extremely high... and "might" not die dosnt sound promising either... just my opinion
You forgot to post the source when you posted your "chart".
It looks like a smart phone message.
... yes, a friend sent it to me from facebook... i don't think the source for this matters as much because i can verify by other sources(like local news etc...) that the majority of those points are actual fact in my area at least. anyone for that matter can fact check these points for their area quite easily... i never presented this as FACT... i simply stated, "even if one of these are true whats the point?" i didnt even state any were but i do know a few are true at least... :cheers:
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