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I have faith we will all have faces again. Short term hassle is worth the long term gain. I want everything back again too. Some folks have never worn masks and distance themselves and maybe they are fine. Others it hasn’t worked out so well. It’s worth it to me to error on the side of safety. Americans are blessed with a lot of freedoms other countries don’t have. There should have been mandatory rules and regulations set in place for the whole country but that didn’t happen. Just my opinion when I think of places like S. Korea i wish we could have had that here.
I’m excited for Israel, they are getting back to somewhat normal due to vaccinations - hurray for them. Hopefully they aren’t discriminating with their vaccines.
A land Without Faces.
I did not expect to see anything of value, because the source lifesitenews.com is one of "opinion" and not news, but I found this revelation by Peter Wehner from the article posted by @Helios to be sensible and based in clear logic:
Columnist Peter Wehner chimed in that there are “cost/benefits” to reopening the economy, but there are no arguments—“none”— against wearing a mask. He says taking off the Mask is nothing more than “a lethal form of virtue signaling.” Lethal.
This singular comment is a wonderful summation, and caused me to "like" the post!
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Just my opinion when I think of places like S. Korea i wish we could have had that here.
While I agree with your view of erring on the side of safety...or out of an abundance of caution if that suits better...I certainly do not view S Korea culture and society as a model for us to emulate.

Have you ever been in Korea.....worked there, dealt with Koreans on other than a tourist basis?

If so, I believe that you will find much of our view of the importance of individuality and freedom to not be valued in Korean in any manner we would find familiar or attractive.

"He says taking off the Mask is nothing more than “a lethal form of virtue signaling.” Lethal."

Oh, certainly no hyperbole there at all....and frankly, I could give shit less what a "journalist" thinks about anything these days as they are all advocates of one or the other political and societal views.

As for virtue signaling....how do you feel about the idiots in their own car...by themselves....driving with fucking mask on and fogged up glasses.

I for one do NOT favor mandatory requirements and feel that they are the slippery slope to totalitarianism. Masks today, guns tomorrow, your freedoms after that.

how do you feel about the idiots in their own car...by themselves....driving with fucking mask on...
I feel VERY good about them.
When I leave the house, I wear a mask in the car.... Almost everyone in Tucson that I see when I am on the road is wearing a mask. I wear eye protection also... no fog issue, the safety glasses clip down on the nose bridge of the mask.
Yesterday I was forced to be out a good part of the day for Dental restoration.
Out of 6 hours on the road, I saw maybe 2 unmasked drivers.
When I go to Phoenix, I do not see this.. I do not see many masks on the road there at all.
I fully believe that is the difference in positivity rates.
Phoenix this morning still had a positivity rate of 10%
Here where I see all drivers on the road driving masked, we are at 3%
If you don't like wearing a mask when driving, don't.
No reason to call cautious individuals "idiots", @Baron23
I could give shit less what a "journalist" thinks about anything these days as they are all advocates of one or the other political and societal views.
I give a shit what he thinks... ESPECIALLY because he is an advocate for societal views, when these views are about safe practices.
I for one do NOT favor mandatory requirements
That is obvious. You are fortunate then, that you were not "forced" to comply with Societal norms, and get Vaccinated with the rest of the world during TB, Polio, and Smallpox.
There should have been mandatory rules and regulations set in place for the whole country but that didn’t happen.
Amen. You speak with clarity of mind that is positive. You are intelligent, and do not equate "rules" with lack of freedom.
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You never said what?
You just edited your post, and removed the statements you had made. I watched as your post changed.
I altered nothing. I replied directly to each quote.. by highlighting your actual words.
Any admin or mod could easily verify this, as they have record of all of your changes.
You must be really high.
First of all you didn’t quote me...you used the mention feature.
Secondly all I posted was “Lol” with no edits.
First of all you didn’t quote me.
You are correct. I was quoting @Baron23
All of the quotes say his name on them. I accidentally put your name down after I quoted all of his posts.
I addressed you with this without cause.
I'm sorry. Please accept my apology.
@Baron23 i have never been to S. Korea. I’m not equalizing our freedoms with South Korea. It is a deadly pandemic, maybe some temp exceptions if it means the cost of keeping people safe and alive. I respect the rights of others.

All the men in my family have served with the military, even my extended family. My dad was in Korea during the war. My dad and brother retired from the military after 30 Yrs. I have a close friend that’s a woman that served in the military for 8 yrs. Then she became a teacher. it’s because of folks like that, that we have our freedoms. I don’t take our freedom haphazardly.
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I’m excited for Israel, they are getting back to somewhat normal due to vaccinations - hurray for them. Hopefully they aren’t discriminating with their vaccines
That's debatable,
an independent legal body that calls itself the Civilian Probe (CP)* published its finding regarding the catastrophic impact of the Pfizer vaccine on the nation
In the link is a pdf of their findings.

Vaccinated with the rest of the world during TB, Polio, and Smallpox.
Those were DNA vaccines, CV19 is an experimental MRNA gene therapy injection (not a Vax) with unknown side effects, and whose animal test studies have never been publicly published, why? Because all or most of them died during those trials. huge red flags. We are still in trials with this so called Vax, YOU are the Guinea pigs for these grossly neglegent, corrupt and immoral pharma Companies.
You are aware these companies are FREE OF LIABILITY for any injury sustained to the customer due to side effects or worse.

Look where CV is in comparison.. The fear porn surrounding "Big Covid" is astounding.
Fwiw TB still killed more folks last year than the Rona.

Masks today, guns tomorrow, your freedoms after that.
They are coming in hot already @Baron23.

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...what temporary exceptions were put into place after 911 that have been revoked? I understand this is not the same but my point is nothing temporary is temporary. Especially when it comes to controling a population.
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VGoodiez 420EDC