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Anyone who has a retirement fund benefits from the stock market as well. I know mine has gone up substantially over the last few years more so the last 6 months. Not just the rich benefit.

Theres been a rise in covid among children ages 10 - 19 in Michigan. Children under 10 aren’t as contagious. The younger the child the less likelihood of covid.

@Vitolo congrads one step closer to being bulletproof.

CDC changed the distance for schools, not sure if that was a good thing. They changed the rules to 3ft but there are strict regulations with 3 ft distance, for one they need their masks on. Kids have to take their masks off to eat which creates a problem with distance. Children still will need to be 6 ft apart if their masks are off. So eating lunch poses a problem. Too wet in these parts to have students eat outside. We stay with hybrid schools here.
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So eating lunch poses a problem. Too wet in these parts to have students eat outside. We stay with hybrid schools here.
I "loved" your post because it was so supportive, but I also :thinker: it.
After reading your post, I tried to read about it.
While it sounds progressive, I am not sure if the time is right for this.
Thanks for bringing this concept/educational "move" to our attention.
Anyone who has a retirement fund benefits from the stock market as well. I know mine has gone up substantially over the last few years more so the last 6 months. Not just the rich benefit.

Well thats great for people that already have money and savings.. but for people starting out and trying to get somewhere in life, this has been a massive hit..
Iv lost lots of money due to this.. been struggling ever since it started..
So its nice that people who already have money have gained more... but for most we have been shat on completely and wasted over a year of our money earning lifes...
I didn’t mean to sound unconcerned about others. I know a lot of folks have lost jobs and are behind in bills or have lost their homes. The people that were struggling before are struggling way worse now. The cost of living where I live is very expensive even though it’s not a large city. I’m 64 years old so my retirement fund is important since I am supporting myself these days. I’m not a rich person. I don’t want to be dependent upon strictly social security when I retire like my parents.

The amounts of folks living in RVs and tents over the last 5 yrs is through the roof In my town.
All the was written in the Medical report was :

// acute and Inversible supra ventricular Tachycardia post medical intervention for lower airway // complications related to COVID 19

I wish I had more, he died in a small town in Florida’s coast, where his boat was . He lived full time in it .

-68 non smoker (ocasional joints with us)
-He liked his whiskey
-World class sailor
-had slightly elevated blood pressure but great overall health
-Moderate body mass
- NKDA or other pre existing conditions


My Daughter and him,Southern Brazil, circa 1995 .
RIP :cry:
I will be forever thankful for all he did for us.
He was a good dude.

Like Vitolo I am a person of 70 years and very thankful that my wife and I along with my 92 year old mother in law, my 2 children and their spouses have all had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. On the other hand my sister her husband and my brother refused the vaccine and all 3 ended up in the hospital with serious covid complications. Sisters husband is still in a rehab nursing home with long term outlook unknown. Just my 2 cents.
2,831,375 souls lost worldwide so far and that is with global intervention and it’s not over yet. Nothing amusing about that.

Microscopic, and sometimes larger, particles of soot, smoke and dust that spew out of gas-guzzling factories, ships, cars and aircraft are responsible for 18% of total global deaths in 2018—that equals more than 8 million people, a new study found.

Word...........none of us are getting out of here alive.
Feb 11, 2021
2020 In the U.S Covid 19 was the third cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. With over 550,000 people dead it’s really sad. One in 3 Americans has a friend or a loved one that has passed away from covid. I don’t know of anyone personally that has died but know of several people that have had covid.
Even though this subject is in the lunacy category its a serious issue for the whole world. I tend to treat covid seriously, not much to laugh about.

Pollution is serious as well and everyone should treat it that way. Both could be less worrisome if treated differently.

Sounds like football players may need to think about getting vaccinated. It might make a difference in their football careers. I heard a little something about that the other day. Once the FDA OKs the covid vaccines ( more than just for emergency use) any private employer can decide they want their employee vaccinated.
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2020 In the U.S Covid 19 was the third cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. With over 550,000 people dead it’s really sad. One in 3 Americans has a friend or a loved one that has passed away from covid. I don’t know of anyone personally that has died but know of several people that have had covid.
Even though this subject is in the lunacy category its a serious issue for the whole world. I tend to treat covid seriously, not much to laugh about.

Pollution is serious as well and everyone should treat it that way. Both could be less worrisome if treated differently.

Sounds like football players may need to think about getting vaccinated. It might make a difference in their football careers. I heard a little something about that the other day. Once the FDA OKs the covid vaccines ( more than just for emergency use) any private employer can decide they want their employee vaccinated.
Here comes medical apartheid creating yet another under class to be abused.
Nothing amusing about that.

not much to laugh about.

Your right none of this is funny or amusing.. what we are doing is devastating the human race, possibly damaging the whole race and future generations beyond repair..
The damage to the environment from all these unnecessary masks is not funny or amusing..
We fucked the world already yet we thing we get to carry on fucking it over..
The financial damage to most ordinary people isnt funny or amusing..
Wear a mask if needed for where you are...just dispose of it responsibly, not hard to do that for the off chance of saving your own health or others around you :twocents:
Apr 1, 2020 · Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with at least 2.8 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Once associated with high-income countries, obesity is now ..

That is from the who website.
I saw they suggested cutting off the ties on the masks. Just use a washable mask. Not hard to get and inexpensive.

Yes, somebody should start a pollution and waste of energy thread. New energy solutions like windmills. I wish battery operated cars weren’t so expensive. I would buy one.

I teach or work at a school the students keep their masks on. Even the little ones. Not that difficult for a few more months.
All of the food additives contribute so much to the obesity epidemic. Just look at the Ajinomoto website - they manufacture MSG and other flavor enhancers. They can tweak not only how savory food is but also the mouth feel and more. I have nothing against MSG at all but when it’s combined with other enhancers it just leads to overeating. I think it’s almost impossible to avoid. Look at what happens when people go to chain restaurants... it’s so easy to over eat. I’ve cooked with MSG in the past and I know what food tastes like when it’s added. These chain restaurants just pile it on.
Thank goodness for rules and regulations about stating and labeling what’s in our food. Quite a few of our lawmakers didn’t want that. There have been tightened up laws just within the last 10 yrs. Plenty folks I know strictly cook from scratch, no boxed stuff unless it’s rice or pasta and only natural.
I live in northwestern Washington state we have quite a few restaurants that serve vegetarian and natural based ingredients in their dishes, I will have to say since the pandemic MCDonalds always has long lines of cars also the coffee shops. I’ve never seen so many cars waiting.

I don’t believe people should be in the situation where they have to have the vaccine to keep their jobs.
I as a mother and grandmother wouldn’t have my children in any kind of vaccine trials. Let alone any child under the age of 12.
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Looks like Dr. FAusTuS is attempting to get ahead of the NEWS, hmmm?
This article is, IMO, a massively slanted....to the point of intentionally twisted.... view of what Fauci said to Chuck Todd. I would suggest carefully reading the actual quotes and ignoring everything else in this atrocious article.

Now, please do understand that I personally find the only consistent in Fauci's pronouncements is the utter lack of consistency. Couple that with his new rock star, talking head, status and he's been very busy making the talk show circuit rounds and dropping predictions and pronouncements far beyond that supported by available data and analytical techniques. He shoots from the hip constantly and acts like he's the Oracle of Delphi with a direct pipe into Mount Olympus. And he is not. But he is getting a lot of air time so..... :BangHead:

But, IMO, this article is a total hack job and a complete misinterpretation of both the facts and what he said.

"So, in short, we don't know if this vaccine is safe, but we're going to pump it into children anyways."

No. What he said, and what are the facts, are that children and pregnant women are vulnerable in ways that other adults are not. Also, drugs often behave VERY differently when administered to children vs adults. Hence, initial safety trials were done on an "an adult, normal population" and NOT fucking preggers and kids.

WTF else would someone suggest we do....maybe run the very first trials on geriatric, metastasized cancer patients, FFS (now, Carol...I know that you now know what FFS means! ;-) haha)

And, just exactly how does this genius (cause I'm pretty sure its only one guy) at the Washington Gazette think pediatric drug trials are conducted. Oh yeah...that's right...on a small sample population of....wait for it...children. That's any and all drugs that are being trialed for pediatric or for pediatric and adult drugs.

As far as representation in initial trials....these are volunteers....so, you get what you get. I believe I'm correct in that the drug companies are continuing to collect a great deal of safety info from a MUCH wider swath of the population as this vaccine is administered.

Don't want to take it....don't fucking take it. But this truly is a contemptible excuse for journalism and smacks of absolute advocacy to me.

Now here is one for you....there is no such newspaper as The Washington Gazette...or at least hasn't been for over 100 years.

There seems to be a website, but no staff other this fella John Paluska. Other articles are all reprints from various advocacy think tanks/PACs.
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