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VGoodiez 420EDC
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I tried it without the carb hole and didn't care for it as much. I feel like I do better feathering it . hasn't tried it threw water yet I usually use my tera for that. I'm trying to only use my dynavap this week to really give it a run threw.
When using it natively I feather the carb, too, which means the Omni would be useful for us because we could set the open carb amount instead of feathering it
The omni is good
The difference is a cooler body and vape
Longer air path and Ti

Is it that much different to an M considering price ? Not sure on this one
I got my omni 2nd hand so saved

I would say Ti tips are generally better
And I like my glass stem indoors

I am keen on a @phattpiggie stem soon too

I would almost say ppl could be better off just buying a tip/cap Ti from DV and an aftermarket stem...
No Omni for me...yet.
I don't like how you cannot close the carb completely on the Omni so I just kept upgrading my M to the point there is no M left! First I got a XL condenser and Ti mouthpiece, then a Ti tip and finally an Omni body/midsection.:rofl:
Mini bubbler.jpg
I would not bother with the bong, joke material really.:lol:
@Squiby's abalone stem is pretty spectacular, I'm looking forward to seeing yours! And who knows what you'll get with the twist! Wow, the anticipation must be driving you nuts!

I'm planning on two stems, too--one for my wife and one for me. I love the woods, not sure what I want yet. I just paid off my car, going to work on my credit card next so I've got a couple months to figure it out. Soon, though.
I feel like my M is getting me higher than my other Electronical vapes...might be in my head. New toy and all...lol :nut:
It's not your imagination, it's real. Vapcaps are super efficient with your bud and they release you from the tether of electrical cords and batteries. Who wants a battery up near your face anyway? All that money you save on weed will fund more Vapcap stems and paraphernalia.
It's not your imagination, it's real. Vapcaps are super efficient with your bud and they release you from the tether of electrical cords and batteries. Who wants a battery up near your face anyway? All that money you save on weed will fund more Vapcap stems and paraphernalia.
Yeah this thing seems to be pretty awesome I'm just waiting to see what 420 sale they have. I already have a titanium spinning mouth piece and and XL condensers sitting in my cart..
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Yeah, I was thinking about the 4/20 sale today. I'm thinking XLS darkwood nonavong with darkwood mp, Ti tip and pick up a Dynacoil. I'll replace my Shadow stem with the nonavong, replace my wife's chipped darkwood mp and dented condenser and use the Ti tip with the Dynacoil. And using the Dynabuilder saves $5.

Dang, these Dynavaps are fun!
All you good people who have eyes on a stem or two please feel free to get in touch anytime, I can't promise any kind of time frame but at least we've started the conversation.
And as I've said to everyone 'pester' me. I struggle to keep up with all the 'conversations' going on so squeaky wheels squeak.

Dynacoil porn for a Friday morning.

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VGoodiez 420EDC