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VGoodiez 420EDC
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All you good people who have eyes on a stem or two please feel free to get in touch anytime, I can't promise any kind of time frame but at least we've started the conversation.
And as I've said to everyone 'pester' me. I struggle to keep up with all the 'conversations' going on so squeaky wheels squeak.

Dynacoil porn for a Friday morning.

Message received. I'll message you this weekend. Thanks!
M getting some love camping, white widow whole flower, gonna take it fishing tomorrow

Here's what I did to my oring. I didn't completely move it past the carb hole I left a tiny crack..and it works GREAT! I didn't like it completely shut off but this mimics my feathering pretty good. I imagine this is basically what the omni does.

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We've got 3 M's and all are fully blocked. I added the third O-ring so it's just a bit past the carb hole to make sure it's fully blocked. Hers actually works better than mine. I still get a bit of air leakage, I can hear a little POP when I block and unblock the carb. Hers is totally blocked.

top - backup M with SS Shadow tip
middle - mine, Shadow M, Ti spinning mouthpiece, Ti tip
bottom - hers, Shadow M, darkwood spinning mouthpiece

gonna take it fishing tomorrow
Take the tip off, run a trace through the body and attach a treble hook, doomsday prepper vape/lure!

Filed my stainless tips
I did that, then regretted it as it made it too much like my Ti tips and was no longer as good for mouth-pulls...it worked out OK as I swapped mine with a friends unmolested tip.:thumbsup:

I just had déjà vu:smoke:
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Filed my stainless tips stuck a condenser in the glass stem and viola........works much better.
I filed my stainless...found it better
I haven't tried the condenser in glass though...glass is the only one I use no condenser
I might have to give it a try.... interesting

I did that, then regretted it as it made it too much like my Ti tips and was no longer as good for mouth-pulls...it worked out OK as I swapped mine with a friends unmolested tip.:thumbsup:

I just had déjà vu:smoke:
I filed my shadow ss
Found I get better clouds now
Haven't got a plain ss to compare though
I ended buying the silo xl by interplanetary development I wanted somthing little more guaranteed 30% already going on on their site by the way
If you were wanting absolutely no smell, you've probably made a wise choice. The Dynastash is a nice little accessory but it's basically a dug out and it isn't air tight. So some smell is going to come out. The only thing that Dynavap has that would be smell proof for carrying herb is their tubes.
If you were wanting absolutely no smell, you've probably made a wise choice. The Dynastash is a nice little accessory but it's basically a dug out and it isn't air tight. So some smell is going to come out. The only thing that Dynavap has that would be smell proof for carrying herb is their tubes.
Actually the silo has a herb chamber also.. I made sure first

New tubes leak. Shook mine with ISO, hand full of alcohol. Doc
Do you that the new ssn one or the old black style? I would contact them
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VGoodiez 420EDC