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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

I shared Jenga dog before
God you sure did.... and just the other day. :doh: Well my excuse is that it was right after my surgery and I was loopy.

A good friend of mine has a pair of large German Shepards, with long black hair. I can get them both "singing". I howl, and they join me. My friend is less than thrilled, lol.

Since I've moved I don't see them a lot, maybe 4 times a year, but when those dogs see me, they're all over me, lol.

Love it!

My first dog would sing... but he was the only dog I've owned that would. We lived on an ambulance route.. and every time an ambulance drove by with sirens on he would throw his head back and rock like Stevie Wonder; singing away. It was great.... :biggrin:
i grew up with a lovely dalmatian girl, and one vacation we dropped her off at my aunts. her house was full of cats then, maybe 12?, a lot in any case. when we came back to fetch her after two weeks or so, she was so happy, she was purring. or attempting to. it was hilarious. and very very sweet.

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