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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

This is what happens when people treat wild animals like pets...


Actually, I have ALWAYS referred to my kids as wild animals, as a means to warn strangers.

The "Penis Snake" (Atretochoana eiselti. It is a large, presumably aquatic, caecilian amphibian with a broad, flat head and a fleshy dorsal fin on the body.):

My DOG ROSIE (named by my daughter)
She is really loving?
12 years old and full of life.
As my wife makes $$$ she "ROSIE" watch's everything I do.
I call her: "LOVE BUCKET"!
My surfer friends think she's funny?
I have her washed once a week!
What a little sweetie! I think it's wonderful that you love Rosie so much. :biggrin:

Well.. I'm a sucker for dogs. I just love them. And my little guy has me wrapped around his paw. Totally runs the household. Sorry @Vitolo...... I did my best. :lol:

When I first got my latest dog, I had a heck of a time with him barking at the neighbor kids at the fence among other behavioral issues (like eating rocks). Knowing that Vito knows his dogs, I asked him for help. He had me send him a list describing the dog. So the next day, we talk and he starts asking me a bunch of questions about myself. And I'm going along and agreeing and explaining. Took me about half way through the list to figure out that what he was asking me about myself was the list I had sent him describing my dog. If I remember correctly; it was when he asked me if 'I was full of beans.' :lol:

But the dog no longer eats rocks, he does his business on command, is completely devoted and wont run away, is a total lovey.... and still barks like a fool at everything. :smile:

The barking i can sympathise with, i've two adoptees of late, since my faithful companion of 14 years went over the rainbow bridge last year and one of them goes off at the slightest provocation.
Luckily it's quite an endearing bark and not that loud.
Here are the two doing a bit of playful 'roughhousing'.

Ps Not sure if it's visible with the current privacy setting, if not please let me know, i'll change it.

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VGoodiez 420EDC