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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

I've got a case of 'puppy blues' this morning. Max has been such a handful lately. And his new thing is getting up super early and then falling back to sleep on my feet while I'm drinking coffee. Something wrong with this picture.....

On the mend
Blood work was good but slightly elevated WBC
May have got in the garbage when I pulled it from the container
Won't eat the expensive, mother nature condoned, interplanetary approved, universally accepted, free range cat food
But will drink the water in the tub after a shower
F*ck me!
But will drink the water in the tub after a shower
F*ck me!
Pickles loves to lap up fertilized water from the jug I use when I water my house plants. I have to watch him like a hawk or he'll get into it if it's at all accessible. Then he drapes himself over something and emulates what looks like a tummy ache. Why does he drink that water? He has fresh water available at all times.

Made a friend.. been feeding him many worms.. he is old and has no fear of humans.. been following me about for 2 days now...


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