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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

Not a truly happy camper, Dusty had surgery today to remove a tumor on his tail.

He is doing OK, but the collar must remain for 10 days, and he can barely get through the thin doorways.
I'm doing a lot of helping him get around, and will do so for until my buddy can have the stiches removed.

Since Tuesday afternoon
Now they're just f*cking with me
Put the bed out hoping they would go for that instead of the carrier
If you wonder why I just don't get them out then you do not own a cat
The vet opens the door and tips it upside down and shakes them onto a pillow
They are loveable but stubborn when they do not want to move
11 years and not one scratch or bite in anger
Only a few scratches while playing
We cut their nails with no towels or gloves
Just a bit of squirming

The thoughts of Jiminy cricket ground up for dogfood
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VGoodiez 420EDC