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VGoodiez 420EDC
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Lunacy How high are you right now? 0-10

I am at a 5. I took a very small amount of AAA (strain) RSO. It's an indica leaning strain and it's calming without being too sedating. I like it a lot.

These syringes will last a long time. Totally different experience. With my others I have to use a blob to get anything. I used less than a "grain of rice" swipe and I feel great.

Nice and mellow 8 on some good ol Sunday driver , stay open minded
I wish I could say I was higher now than I have been before . . . but . .. . my VB2.5 Multi Converter has been, and always will be, the most devastating vape on the face of the planet. I miss it dearly . .. . since its departure things have never been the same.
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Hey folks, I didn't mean to be a downer because I lost the VB2.5 Multi Converter . . . I was fondly remembering how freakin' awesome it was . . . I mean they only made like about a dozen of those, iirc, since the medical grade sodium nitride (?) heater they used was so expensive (you could safely, medically vape ANY pure concentrate, or hash, right off the heater itself) and I was lucky enough to get a free upgrade on my VB2.0 to beta test it, so I can't complain. I think for a while when I was speaking with Linus at Vapor Brothers, they were going through some hard times, but seemed to me they have been coming back. I'm not sure because I have lost touch with almost everyone I knew in the business but I hope they are all well and prospering.
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I hope they are all well and prospering.
They are... they have moved and opened up shop again elsewhere.
I thank the Universe that my VB2 is working well.
VaporBrothers is great, and Linus is wonderful.

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VGoodiez 420EDC