Well-Known Member
I was born in COMPTON, CALIFORNIA (south central LOS ANGLES, CA)
Grew up poor then not so poor?
My vinyl record’thems were my life or babysitting device? (Wish I kept them)
My brother has Them? most likely?
Comic book’s,, classic book’s,, baseball card’s, surf board’s, old videos and wood tool’s (hand as well as plug-in’s)
Should of saved them?
Work was my babysitter
Just turned thirteen when I landed a job busing tables 30 hours a week downtown
Took a trolley home on Thursdays at 11:30 at night after a high mass at the Arch Street Church that let out at 9 or 9:30
Pewter Pot muffin house if I recall correctly
I was never in danger because everyone had a Saturday night special
.38 snub nose