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Lunacy Random Thoughts

You might think differently if you'd met my grandmother lol....

I'm half Danish... but the other half is Romanian. My grandmother came from a small village in the Transylvania area. And she was extremely superstitious. And immensely clairvoyant. And I saw her do some pretty bizarre things. She once cured a wart on my thumb (when I was about 4) by swinging a cat around my head. And believe it or not.... the fucking wart went away. Poor cat.... :lol:

And I'm just saying... I wouldn't want to be the person she cursed.... :uhoh:

Well, we have two cats, now if I could get a certain politician...............
@Diggy Smalls
Just a word about couples counseling.
One of the arguments my ex and I had was, that he never took any responsibility for anything.

During sleep one evening, he must have bit the side of his cheek ( inside mouth ).
He blamed me for it. I never could figure that one out, but, in counseling it was
brought up. The counselor said it was possible that I had caused it.
I had an infant, if I was going to spend my nights awake, it damn sure wasn't going to be
figuring out ways for my ex to bite his cheek.
I never went back to that counselor.
Love on the rocks.. the end.
The point is~ that was 27 years ago.
It gets better.
Couples counseling hasn't been all bust. A lot of the problems come down to misunderstanding. For instance, people show affection in different ways, and one way I do it is by doing menial house chores like dishes and cleaning ou preparing awesome meals everyday. When I live in my own I don't mind a mess and I don't cook awesome meals, cause I don't mind eating basic shit everyday. But I know she loves eating stuffed French toast and homemade pizza and the like.
So it has been somewhat helpful to have a mediator when talking about ito differences because I'm like an alien to her lol
Last thought on it. My partner was frustrated because the counselor said it sounded like a relationship most would be grateful for lol
I still have mine (cone) that was made from an oxy tip, machined by a friend, rarely used cause I always looked like:smoke:
I still have mine (cone) that was made from an oxy tip, machined by a friend, rarely used cause I always looked like:smoke:
Nice sounding cone piece

Would have got lots of use here lol

I rarely used joints or spliffs

Cone head me

I still have a metal stem and brass cone or two as well

I'd never use them though....if I did smoke again I reckon I would break out the roor and glass cone it....

What was nice when I tried was a proper blunt in an empty out cigar skin....tasty as

Pretty sure that is a can of Bundy & cola too :dog:
You forgot the Blu Tack seal, brings back memories...all good ones.:cheers:
Old Orchy bottles were better
Better plastic
No need for Blu tac
Pop it straight through perfect seal
Flavoured milk bottles are the go these days

Imagine the plastic we inhaled from hoses etc
Who's worried bout carcinogens from smoking then...lol

I moved up to a metal stem in the last days of my combustion days

Still a plastic bottle though....lol

Any ultrasonic cleaning tips?

Mine is noisy
What settings do you usually use and times heats etc
Shampoo bottle a pen and a socket...........bong.
Unscrew the end off pen and invert it is a cone piece too

Apple's and pens have made bongs in past too

I'm MacGyver when we needed to make a Billy....lol

Soo many poor ppl going to hose their gardens and no water comes out coz some bastard cut a section of hose out in the night....hahaa
Old Orchy bottles were better
Better plastic
No need for Blu tac
Pop it straight through perfect seal
Flavoured milk bottles are the go these days

Yup. We all know "that one" who could never be trusted to make the bong. Hose too high or too low, better yet fucking up the hose punching was the biggest sin.

Those 500ml Orchys were the best though.

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VGoodiez 420EDC