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Lunacy Random Thoughts

I think it would be better to cut my tongue out than give up sugar, caffeine and alcohol...:smilie-devil:
I’ve kind of cut alcohol out after realizing I feel much better the next day when I just vape than when I mix the two. It’s not permanent, but seems like a good fit for the moment.

Sugar is way harder. It’s in everything! A few years ago I did the paleo thing for a while, and may give that a go soonish. Basically cut carbs and processed foods, and increase healthy fats and proteins.
Sigh.... well my first two days didn't go so well. I managed to get through Monday okay... but I caved yesterday. My problem is that I just can't have anything in the house. And we still have a few things left around the house. I caved yesterday and had a small piece of chocolate.

Could have been much worse... but still...

I have been a pretty good boy & much like mom if it is not in the house I am OK. The other issue is I live within seconds of the shops so that is easily fixed.....
Not in the house, eh?

1 cup honey/maple syrup/corn syrup
1 1/2 cup milk choco chips
1 cup peanut butter

Bring the first 3 ingredients to a barely boil in a large pan. It'll be thick, but it will bubble, like lava.
While it's getting to boil grease a loaf pan.

Remove from heat. Add:
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup salted peants (or whatever you have. I had pistachios)
1 1/2 cups rice crispies
(this is also a good spot to add tincture, rosin or whatever you have on hand)

Mix until well combined, pour into greased loaf pan, even the mix with the back of a spoon. Don't press down - keep it fluffy. Cool in fridge for a few minutes, until firm enoigh to slice into bars.

Loosen from pan (soak in hot water), unless you lined your loaf pan with parchment paper, in which case just lift it out and put on cutting board.
Slice and wrap in plastic wrap.
Enjoy homemade Eatmore bars

Did anything important happen in the meeting? I was working at the same time doing some product testing......... Call it a workplace hazard if you will :dog:.
Receiving a compliment can really alter ones days vibe :smile:. Minding my business waiting for lunch I was approached by a rather attractive Indian lady who said "Please don't think this is weird but I just had to let you know your moustache is incredibly impressive". This was not a pick up line but a genuine compliment & left me feeling rather pleased my myself for the rest of the day.

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VGoodiez 420EDC