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Lunacy Random Thoughts

Good to hear from you again @BD9 . Love can help with the healing especially traumatic surgeries like you have had. Stay safe mate & pop past whenever.
Head on collision...totaled my car :rip:, and broke my glasses when the airbag smashed me in the face. The store where I purchased my glasses has been closed because of COVID, so I'm forced to use two pair of cheap readers/cheaters...one pair for distance, the other for reading. It just keeps getting better and better!! :scream:
All that aside, I'm glad to be back! :aaaaa:

Anyone miss me?
Head on collision...totaled my car :rip:, and broke my glasses when the airbag smashed me in the face. The store where I purchased my glasses has been closed because of COVID
@Vital. I'm glad you're OK. What an upsetting ordeal! That in fact is one of my worries... Getting in an accident during this wierd time. What was the process with the police and tow trucks like with social distancing?

I've been thinking a lot about all the Twilight Zone episodes of my youth and I'm reminded of this one.
Thanks for all the replies and well wishes!! It's very much appreciated.

Had a minor setback, but I'm doing much better now.

Hope you ALL are well.
Our beautiful Florida Keys had a barrel floating in shallow waters. When the curious person opened the container it contained 90 pounds of marijuana. This is nothing new, in the 1970's and 80's pot regularly floated to shore. The joke locally is that it's been floating around for 5o years, because when they opened it, it looks like old brick weed. Anyway, the reason we even know about it is. They called the cops.:uhoh:
@Vital. I'm glad you're OK. What an upsetting ordeal! That in fact is one of my worries... Getting in an accident during this wierd time. What was the process with the police and tow trucks like with social distancing?

I've been thinking a lot about all the Twilight Zone episodes of my youth and I'm reminded of this one.

That is far and away one of my favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone. All the time in the world to read, and no glasses! That's how I feel right now...

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VGoodiez 420EDC