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Lunacy Random Thoughts

I've journaled while high before. Not so much for recording ideas as working through things. I use a technique called 'automatic writing' where you just let the thoughts flow and write what comes out without thinking about it too much. I find if I think about what I'm writing it muddies the thoughts and stops the flow.
That's a good tip, and it also sounds like that would be a skill one would have to practice to get the most out of journaling.
After the fires we have had flooding and storms

I mentioned I was under evac warnings for fire the other week
Last week and last night I have been under flood evac warnings
Last night trees.uprooted everywhere and one man dead from a flying gas bottle to the head
Just like the fires are the worst and drought worst in recent history
The rainfalls are now also the biggest in recent history
It's not climate change though, it's under resourced and lack of planning....
Let's mine some more and ignore 96% of the experts around the whole world as us google scholars know better....

I'm not even sure I have random thoughts. They all seem so precise and focused. Just this morning I remembered to get my spoon before I poured milk on my cereal. That's the sort of foresight I have developed over the years. It really verges on Wisdom, I'd say. "Wise Woman avoids a soggy cereal situation" - that sort of thing. Even when I miscalculate, and sit down with my one goddam cup of coffee, and then the dogs need to go out, well, I knew it was going to happen if I just thought about it for second, because I never get a moment. That is a perfect example of foresight. Unconscious foresight, because it was slow to get to the surface. That's good, though. That means there are many deep thoughts below the surface, and they sometimes block the more practical, but not urgent, insights. Insight is there, just being patient.
Musings, yes. I muse. I've been a muse, and sometimes I even muse for myself. Plenty of speculation going on. Pondering. Reflecting. Just all sorts of thoughts. Just not random.
The One Thing I had to do yesterday was make calls and find a tree company that would drop off wood chips, so I can get the yard ready for Spring. Phone calls are one of my least favorite things, so procrastination was also on the list. Vaping helps procrastinating more than anything, except maybe needing to study for an exam, and I was at the Vape Station when the dog went nuts barking at something out of the upstairs window. I was going to toss her out of the window, when I saw a man up in the air. That sight saved the life of a little dog. There was a man in a cherry picker, in the alley, cutting branches off of trees. Experience has taught me that tree trucks have chippers. It was time to put the Vape down and beg.
There was just one problem: @Madri-Guy had the key to the back gate. The gate spans the driveway, and without being able to open the gate there would be no way and no where to dump the chips. @Madri-Guy was also at work in another town. This didn't stop me from dragging a lawn chair over to the back fence and gesturing wildly at the workers in the alley. After giving them iced coffee and paper cups, they happily agreed to dump all of the chips I wanted. Just when would be a problem with the locked gate. I did try. I tried every key in the house, including those in the junk drawer. No doubt about it. @Madri-Guy had the key. And he was gone.
But he was coming back! His shift was over. Only the tree guys were almost done. Would he make it back before the over-grown limbs ran out? Would he just miss blocking the tree guys as they tried to pull out of the alley? Were these actually tree guys, or were they cops using the cherry picker to look for stolen cars in the neighbors back yard? Or were they cops spying on me because I was vaping meds?
Sick, sick, sick, with 'flu like symptoms and bronchitis. @Madri-Guy keeps telling me I don't have Corona Virus, which I hadn't even considered. After all, it's not "here" yet. Only, oops, it is. That is, a patient and two health care workers have been confirmed and quarantined in the county. The patient hadn't traveled, and didn't get a diagnosis right away as she hadn't traveled and didn't fit the parameters. This is 15 miles away, in the town @Madri-Guy works in as a nurse. I don't think we have Corona virus, but it's too close for comfort, and @Madri-Guy is now a healthcare worker during a pandemic.
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Sick, sick, sick, with 'flu like symptoms and bronchitis. @Madri-Guy keeps telling me I don't have Corona Virus, which I hadn't even considered. After all, it's not "here" yet. Only, oops, it is. That is, a patient and two health care workers have been confirmed and quarantined in the county. The patient hadn't traveled, and didn't get a diagnosis right away as she hadn't traveled and didn't fit the parameters. This is 15 miles away, in the town @Madri-Guy works in as a nurse. I don't think we have Corona virus, but it's too close for comfort, and @Madri-Guy is now a healthcare worker during a pandemic.
Stay safe you two... .

Our current "leaders" have just been caught out allowing the mega rich to travel to and from infected countries a number of times during a travel ban
We've now had our first death in the country from it
Dollars speak louder than safety......

Thinking of you both and hoping you get better soon

We have also today had out first 2 human to human infections, and one was patient to doctor.....

Be careful out there @Madri-Guy
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I know a lot of you don't do Instagram... so I'm sharing my post from this morning. This pic was too damn funny not to share here too..

Looks like you got it covered, @momofthegoons. Lucky to find the masks. I'm glad we stocked up during the Fall Fires.
@Madri-Guy and I have Influenza B, and are miserably sick. Does this mean we aren't concerned about Corona? Heck yeah, we're worried. It's hit the County, and I was given a phone appointment with a doctor yesterday because of bronchitis. Told to avoid the hospital, if I can. Usually you call Kaiser Permanente with anything to do with breathing, and they want to in check lungs, get X-rays, etc. Got an Rx for an antibiotic out of concern for bacterial pneumonia. This didn't save @Madri-Guy from having to go over to get the prescriptions. In stores, zinc lozenges, toilet paper, hand gel, milk, etc. are sold out. @Madri-Guy is trying to get us set up in case of quarantine. We aren't expecting it, but I don't plan to be caught with no pet food or toilet paper if it happens. We didn't plan on getting the 'flu, and Surprise! so we will lay in what we can.
Anyone else prepping? Or has it not hit your area yet?

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VGoodiez 420EDC