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Lunacy Random Thoughts

Well, crap. So I fell and put my hand out to break the fall. It hurt. Of course it hurt. I fell on it. Why wouldn't it hurt? Only it didn't stop hurting, and the pages were flying off the calender like in the old movies. I figured I'd call my doctor because I wanted to complain to someone who had to listen. People get tired of fussing and whining, and I'd gone through the volunteers, and needed to move on to paid professionals that had to hear the litany of complaints. My need for attention demands the best, after all. I wanted to say, My hand hurts! Ouch! That sort of thing. Needed to get it out there. Needed someone with many years of education to tell me how much Tylenol to take in a 24 hour period. Needed someone in a white coat to tell me to ice and elevate. The first few days I handled things in a quiet and dignified manner, but it was time to whimper.
Looks what they gave me for my trouble.

Next time I stay home.
We have some protesting in our town. Just a little rioting, thank goodness not much. I live in the capital city in our state of WA. We are used to protesters. Folks generally don’t destroy too much. We have the Evergreen State College here so a lot of social issues to debate. We are a pretty liberal area. We are between Seattle and Portland OR.
I worry that COVID cases will go up with all the bodies by each other. Most folks are wearing masks at least.

My dentist had a son, he wasn’t black. He was a chef at a fancy restaurant in Seattle. A Seattle police officer thought he was a suspect and started running after this young man probably yelling and asking him to stop. The young man was afraid and ran from the policeman. When the officer caught up with this man he hit him so hard that he hit his head on the wall or building behind him. You can see from the news video the young man immediately slumped down and slid to the ground. Long story short this young 27 year old son of my dentist was left brain disabled and needed 24 hour care. The family sued the Seattle police dept and won. This young chef died 6 years later from his fragile condition. This police officer kept his job. Makes me want to cry.
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This is terrible.
My lady and I have discussed how today's cops don't know the neighborhoods they police as in the past, Copland film director said it right.
We can explore and go down the rabbit hole of how the police in America have increasingly become militarized over the decades, but that may b a bit heavy for this thread.
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Lawn needs mowing, missus wants some rocks from the beach for the garden, my main grow plants need the nutrient reservoirs filled...I might just press some hash (down to a couple of days worth) and not worry about chores...after another cuppa and a few more dabs!

The council has just taken the Closed due to Covid19 signs at the beach here...that will make the penguins happy!
We get the 'Little Penguin' here, they are cute,

Lawn needs mowing, missus wants some rocks from the beach for the garden, my main grow plants need the nutrient reservoirs filled...I might just press some hash (down to a couple of days worth) and not worry about chores...after another cuppa and a few more dabs!

The council has just taken the Closed due to Covid19 signs at the beach here...that will make the penguins happy!
We get the 'Little Penguin' here, they are cute,

View attachment 18966
Awwww...That is the cutest thing ever!
Sometimes I feel like I need to live in my own little universe. Keep my rose colored glasses on. Trying to live well and be positive, hopeful. Things will have to get better in the country. Thinking too much of the negative can be harmful to my karma. That includes negative people. Reality is in the eye of the beholder. Who feels like burying our heads in the sand? Time for a session.
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Sean Monterrosa
Had to Google that one...just out for a stroll with a hammer jammed down his pants for fun, some people just look for trouble and in a country where so many people have guns it is no wonder he got shot, police would have to treat everyone as being armed. I am glad I live where I do, if you see anybody with a gun here it usually means hunting for free-range organic food.
It is no wonder you are stressed out @Madri-Gal , the US does sound like a third world country the way you describe living there lately, not a beacon of hope and prosperity like it used to be...
It is what it is Les. Everything has to be so extreme. Where is the middle ground? Where is the fucking balance?

The world is laughing at & crying with America all at once & it is real fucked up to see. Back to my bubble of gratitude I go.
When there is a class war disguised as race war, banks were again bailed out, corporations too, with the feds 4. 25 trillion dollars! Billionaire class thrived during this whole mess, main Street small biz all but vanished as Joe shmo maybe received his $1200 crumbs. There is a massive enequality of wealth here. Automation is inevitable. Younger gen. Don't know or don't want to work hard (I doubt work boots were looted).. Lee camp said it right

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VGoodiez 420EDC