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Lunacy Random Thoughts

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Doing tincture reductions and recovering from the snow shoveling
I have been feeling very lazy, and mostly sick. I come to VA, manage to like a few comments, then get overwhelmed with the thought of posting. Symptoms have progressed, and I am getting a covid test today. My cough is pretty bad, and I haven't forgotten anyone, or VA, but I just need to rest. @Madri-Guy will be tested before going back to work. I'm expecting to hear from my doctor to let me know where to test, and figure out treatment.
Hopefully, I will be well soon, and able to more fully contribute to VA soon.
I have been feeling very lazy, and mostly sick. I come to VA, manage to like a few comments, then get overwhelmed with the thought of posting. Symptoms have progressed, and I am getting a covid test today. My cough is pretty bad, and I haven't forgotten anyone, or VA, but I just need to rest. @Madri-Guy will be tested before going back to work. I'm expecting to hear from my doctor to let me know where to test, and figure out treatment.
Hopefully, I will be well soon, and able to more fully contribute to VA soon.
Hope you and Madri-guy have negative tests
I have been feeling very lazy, and mostly sick. I come to VA, manage to like a few comments, then get overwhelmed with the thought of posting. Symptoms have progressed, and I am getting a covid test today. My cough is pretty bad, and I haven't forgotten anyone, or VA, but I just need to rest. @Madri-Guy will be tested before going back to work. I'm expecting to hear from my doctor to let me know where to test, and figure out treatment.
Hopefully, I will be well soon, and able to more fully contribute to VA soon.
We are just happy to know you are around
Focus your energy on healing and don't worry about how much you contribute
We haven't forgotten you either :)
I was just able to Ignore @momofthegoons...on FC :whipit: just for fun, saw her avatar on a thread Fun Music to Vape to Part 2.

Aren't boats fun...I just noticed a pool of fuel under mine and the gauge says E...ffs:sherlock:
Aluminium bowrider (raised casting deck in the front), Quintrex with an 80HP Yammie 4 stroke and electric (trawling for trout) outboards.
Starting to feel more human. Just pneumonia, not Covid this time. Both M-G and I were tested, and both negative. M-G had to let work know there were symptoms in the house, but M-G still has to quarantine until next week. For whatever reason, it takes longer for hospice nurses to be able to return. It's been nice having M-G home, but it feels like a weird stay-cation where I'm sick.
View attachment 24644

A lion made this kill and mrs.arb and the dogs flushed it off it on their morning walk the deer weighed more than she does so she got super excited about it.
We are about 40 miles west of yellowstone park with nothing but wild in between us.
I have seen wolves out my bedroom window also 4 of them moving north and flowing across the ground...........very nice here.
Today was snowing and looked like this here out the living room windows.
View attachment 24645

Should call up these 2 cuties and have that kitty dealt with proper!:

Seriously tho, @arb, I love your pics (MOAR!) and they look almost exactly like I had pictured in my mind...!

EDIT: and @Madri-Gal, honestly, not to sound creepy or anything (which ALWAYS sounds creepy), I was a little worried and wondered where you went (disappeared in the DV/IH thread) and hadn't seen this one.... (ask @momofthegoons, she'll tell you...)

Anyway, glad to hear you're on the mend!
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Not sure this is at all "random" buuuut it's hard to avoid as the end of my dabs near:
"Why even bother looking, Bologna, if you have absolutely zero intention on buying anything, hmmm?"
(cuz: "No Delivery on Tuesdays or Wednesdays", that's why and cuz he's carrying HAZY HILL FARM now, holy CRAP, one of Maine's top craft producers!!)

Italian GIF - Find on GIFER
(the GIFt that keeps on giving!!)
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Leg day.............lolz.
Purty sure I ain't up to it today think I am gonna eat a handful of pills do some dabs and see what happens.
I like to get fucked up and do fucked up shit most days.
Seems like as good a use of my life as any other these days.
Leg day.............lolz.
Purty sure I ain't up to it today think I am gonna eat a handful of pills do some dabs and see what happens.
I like to get fucked up and do fucked up shit most days.
Seems like as good a use of my life as any other these days.

You should move around a little
Already out of my medical boot and should be injuring something else any day now!
You should move around a little
Already out of my medical boot and should be injuring something else any day now!
I took the day off so...........trimmed,cleaned up,emptied the wheelbarrow, up potted into flower,cleaned and sanitized the cloner,swept shop and living room and made some dough for tomorrow nights dinner rolls.
Prolly should get up and do...........another dab!
,cleaned and sanitized the cloner
I took some clones Monday and now my thumb looks like a chihuahua mauled it from cutting the 45 degree stems that go in the rockwool...was pretty bent when doing it so I did not feel a thing...on a nice even 6 and about to do some more dabs and wire in a new bilge pump in my water feature...3rd time lucky!

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