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Lunacy Random Thoughts

I was watching the video of the person that left the pipe bombs by the two political party’s headquarters. This happened around Jan. 6. The police are looking for the person so they can be charged. The video is being shown in case someone recognizes something about the person. You can tell a lot by the way someone walks. You can’t see the face but the person walks like a woman. I will be curious if it turns out to be a woman.
I was watching the video of the person that left the pipe bombs by the two political party’s headquarters. This happened around Jan. 6. The police are looking for the person so they can be charged. The video is being shown in case someone recognizes something about the person. You can tell a lot by the way someone walks. You can’t see the face but the person walks like a woman. I will be curious if it turns out to be a woman.
I thought the same........time will not tell on this one is my bet though.
Never been a big fan of bleach, but with having to kill cooties on scrubs made me paranoid enough to buy a bottle. Could have been all the dope I vaped causing the paranoia, because I was also paranoid about the bleach. Turns out, it was with good reason.
My lungs were still recovering from a bout of pneumonia, but M-G was out of quarantine and headed back to work. A celebratory load of wash was thrown in, and the washing machine got in the spirit with a vigorous spin cycle, and tossed the full bottle onto the floor. The bleach bottle, unable to contain itself, landed on it's cap, which broke off spilling the contents on the floor.
I felt the bleach as fast as I smelled it, and I grabbed a roll of paper towels. There was no good way to deal with this one. My lungs were roasted by the time I was done. I couldn't get under the machine, but I did open every window in the house as a rain storm hit, and put a pet gate up to keep the dogs from the area. The cats removed themselves.
My lungs have never burned so bad. I clipped on a Pulse Ox, and spent the next ten hours checking my O2 sats, and focusing on getting enough air in. M-G got home near midnight, and moved the washer and dryer, and got the rest of the spilled bleach up. I had to up my dose of Horrible Lung Meds, and haven't been sleeping from the side effects, but my breathing is easier, and bleach has been permanently banished from the house.
I feel really, really, lazy right now. My lack of motivation is actually impressive.
Never been a big fan of bleach, but with having to kill cooties on scrubs made me paranoid enough to buy a bottle. Could have been all the dope I vaped causing the paranoia, because I was also paranoid about the bleach. Turns out, it was with good reason.
My lungs were still recovering from a bout of pneumonia, but M-G was out of quarantine and headed back to work. A celebratory load of wash was thrown in, and the washing machine got in the spirit with a vigorous spin cycle, and tossed the full bottle onto the floor. The bleach bottle, unable to contain itself, landed on it's cap, which broke off spilling the contents on the floor.
I felt the bleach as fast as I smelled it, and I grabbed a roll of paper towels. There was no good way to deal with this one. My lungs were roasted by the time I was done. I couldn't get under the machine, but I did open every window in the house as a rain storm hit, and put a pet gate up to keep the dogs from the area. The cats removed themselves.
My lungs have never burned so bad. I clipped on a Pulse Ox, and spent the next ten hours checking my O2 sats, and focusing on getting enough air in. M-G got home near midnight, and moved the washer and dryer, and got the rest of the spilled bleach up. I had to up my dose of Horrible Lung Meds, and haven't been sleeping from the side effects, but my breathing is easier, and bleach has been permanently banished from the house.
I feel really, really, lazy right now. My lack of motivation is actually impressive.
Well.........least you don't need to do the laundry room floor?
Well.........least you don't need to do the laundry room floor?
OMG, LOL. I was just in the laundry room folding clothes, and thinking how spotless the floor looks. :rofl:
I am now convinced that housework is dangerous, and should be left to professionals. An amateur such as myself, no matter how experienced, is no match for the caustic and toxic products required to banish dust and stuff. Even the less toxic cleaners aren't without peril. I I once squeezed lemons with a scratch on my hand, and it really hurt.
OMG, LOL. I was just in the laundry room folding clothes, and thinking how spotless the floor looks. :rofl:
I am now convinced that housework is dangerous, and should be left to professionals. An amateur such as myself, no matter how experienced, is no match for the caustic and toxic products required to banish dust and stuff. Even the less toxic cleaners aren't without peril. I I once squeezed lemons with a scratch on my hand, and it really hurt.
Vinegar..........white vinegar.
Mrs.arb has serious chemical allergies so we are free and clear ,no perfumes or dyes.
Hot water,vinegar and elbow grease time tested and Roman approved.
Vinegar..........white vinegar.
Mrs.arb has serious chemical allergies so we are free and clear ,no perfumes or dyes.
Hot water,vinegar and elbow grease time tested and Roman approved.
I buy vinegar by the gallon, but it isn't recommended for my washing machine ( damages seals and hoses). Detergent and hot water will have to do. I switch to gray water from the wash for watering trees about now anyway.
Could I be more boring? Geesh.
I've got very clear memories as a young child being shown by my Mother how to wash clothes in the bathtub, in case a washer breaks, etc. Wringing out, hanging to dry, ironing and making starch from potatoes was also covered. I've always felt oddly secure that I was shown this, and showed my children what I was taught. I remember Pepsi bottles with sprinkle caps for ironing. I'm guessing we didn't have a steam iron. I'd iron every day if I had a Sprinkle Top Pepsi Bottle. Now I mostly boycott ironing as a protest against the lack of this item.
311 livestream concert tonight! You can still get tickets I believe.
Show starts at 6 PM PST, which is perfect ‘cause I’m off at work at 5:30
Gonna get stoned to the bone

Also, it looks like I can’t use any emoji‘s, not sure what’s going on there... actually none of the functions seem to be working
Try chrome... they stopped working for me on FF the other day... :dancing:
I just noticed a seed in my ABV.... vaped and everything. How cool (or sad) is that, fully 'processed' and none-the-wiser..? What strange, Bizarro World-type times we live in...:


(a few very minor 'combustion' events checking out the new IH, M, Captive cap, 4:20 cap, Ti tip, single and 2-flame torchers, propane pencil torch etc and every possible combination there of... as well, terrible light and super lazy all around effort. Nothing to concern yourself with, folks, please move along...)
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I just noticed a seed in my ABV.... vaped and everything. How cool (or sad) is that, fully 'processed' and none-the-wiser..? What strange, Bizarro World-type times we live in...:

View attachment 25137

(a few very minor 'combustion' events checking out the new IH, M, Captive cap, 4:20 cap, Ti tip, single and 2-flame torchers, propane pencil torch etc and every possible combination there of... as well, terrible light and super lazy all around effort. Nothing to concern yourself with, folks, please move along...)
I bet that tasted good.

You should look into sensimilla. Maybe they have it out there? :weed: :rofl: :weed:

Not that there's anything wrong with seedy weedy. :razz:

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VGoodiez 420EDC