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Lunacy The Garden Thread

My pots of Aloe Vera , this stuff will take over your yard real quick if not confined by border slats :thumbsup:. Beautiful day, the cactus are getting ready to bloom, spring is in the air :razz: .


Anyone got a boobie cactus ???
Just ordered one....


They grow huge and bloom once tall enough...
Here's mine. It's not as defined as yours though. It's a lovely spine free cactus.

View attachment 33878
Well thats what i have ordered.. we shall see what it looks like when i actually get it..

Since adding grow light at xmas, all our plants have gone crazy with new growth kicking off..
Well worth having grow lights through winter...
Loving the boobies...
Really happy with them...

So for valentines day i bought lego flowers...


Im pretty anti real flowers.. i come from a family of florists too..
But they cost an absolute fortune, and to me just symbolise death... you jus watch them die..
So lego flowers cost about same as a good bouquet (45 quid)... but last forever...
For the lego botanical range, they are trialing plant based plastic.. they hope to make all lego like this by 2030...
So for valentines day i bought lego flowers...

View attachment 34068

Im pretty anti real flowers.. i come from a family of florists too..
But they cost an absolute fortune, and to me just symbolise death... you jus watch them die..
So lego flowers cost about same as a good bouquet (45 quid)... but last forever...
For the lego botanical range, they are trialing plant based plastic.. they hope to make all lego like this by 2030...
I love your post!
The mild temps we've had over the last two days have me thinking pansies..... I'm ready for the cold to be over and to get my hands in the dirt. And even though I did see some daffodils starting to peek out of the ground, it's still too early. So one has to make do and get the next best thing.

Took a walk around the yard to inspect the 'deer damage' yesterday. Ugh.... They have really done a number again this year.

But... as I was out there I noticed the daffodils are sprouting up. Saw some snowdrops blooming on a neighbor's lawn. We've had warm temps the last few days (got up to 72℉ on Thursday) but last night the temps dropped and we had rain and a few snow showers. I'm just hoping we don't get real warm again for a bit. Always tricks the trees and flowers into trying to bloom before it's 'safe.' And then we get a freeze and lose all the blooms.

They have really done a number again this year.

Venison ??? I know it sounds mean but id definately be picking them off every now and then...
Hunting is the kindest way to aquire meat in my opinion.. they get to live a natural life, not tortured for a year then killed, probably horribly... and the meat isnt tainted with antibiotics and god knows what...

Spŕing has fully sprung here for a while now, been glorious sunshine and 20 degrees for the last week...
But next week its predicted to be less than 20 degrees and possible snow...
Im sure it never used to be like this...
Venison ??? I know it sounds mean but id definately be picking them off every now and then...
Believe me.... if it were legal I'd be getting rid of them lol... But no hunting in my area. It's too built up. And the deer are a definite problem. I literally have a herd walk through my property daily (6 - 8 deer). They cause auto accidents regularly; jumping out into traffic to cross the roads. They tried hiring sharp shooters but there was such a public outcry about it they had to stop. Ridiculous....

Im sure it never used to be like this...
Weather has definitely gotten more extreme than it used to be.
This happens every stinking year!!! We had lovely weather a few days ago... around 80℉ and sunny for a couple days. Then it got down into the 20's at night with a high around 33℉. My beautiful Magnolia was just getting ready to pop.... and now look at it.... all the flowers have been frozen and are brown! :BangHead:

My Redbud tree finally bloomed! This is the first time I've had full blooms on this tree since I planted it.


A few more things that are in bloom... not much going on yet. I've had to move and replant my entire garden due to construction.



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VGoodiez 420EDC