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Tips Torch vs WoodScents

Ok if say one was to actually time it a preheated WS will heat quicker.

Here is what I meant... maybe there is an issue in how I do things.
That's fine... anyways I can get fuller, heavier hits using a torch. Meaning in general the effects are felt quicker.

If what I describe doesn't sound right I'm all ears. My vaping has all been based on what I read or learned through failure on my own.

Heating with torch & depending on cap used I heat past click a bit then take a quick strong pull then immediately go back to torch for a sec or two then take a second longer pull.

My WS has not matched the vapor output I get using that method with a torch. Until now I've never given this much thought... Kind of cool stuff.

Tincandtoke, Yes
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One other thing if you take a break from using either one you will rediscover a new level of high. Say I don't use a VC in the traditional sense & only portables & my WS for a couple weeks a single cap can destroy me. Happens with nearly every vape too so good if you like to rotate your vaping devices.
@Stevenski I notice that with vaporizers and the type of weed you are using. The body or brain gets used to the same vape and product. Switch out and you will feel a better high. Before medical cannabis days I would get a whole oz of one type of weed. The next month or two I would want a different strain even if I was satisfied with what I had. My body would get accustomed to it. A different strain or a different vaporizer and my tolerance went down.
I have been on the same strain for a few years now, can still chuck a whitey if I overdo it, keep it under an Oz a week and all is good. :dog:
Oh Yes ! No Doubt ! There is such a thing as strain tolerance.

I now have it sorted... Les has to be some computer generated personality:rofl:.

Les, that amazes me that works for you. Would love to see studies done on strain tolerance.

CarolKing, I'm the same way. Though I've never considered changing vapes to help with this. Thanx for that. I have noticed most do a rotation with their vapes of different makes.​

Many, many hard core dabbers here where I'm at. No flower, Dabs of a 1/4 - 1/2 gram or more are the norm. I'm very happy doing rice to BB size dabs.... any ways, I had thought giving any of them a pull or two from my Simrell would be a waste of good flower. Couldn't have been further from the truth.

Most times this has been the case. With most claiming they have never been as high from flower. There is a generation coming up with whom flower is unique. I wish it wasn't this way.
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Always been under the impression that even small changes in product or method with devices can give you a different experience
have a mighty with the cartridges, first thing folks recommended was loading the cartridges with different strains and making a salad by vaping several strains in one session, got really high but it was different, chaotic and heavy, fun! Figured it was inexperience and low tolerance

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VGoodiez 420EDC