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Vape Volcano


So here is another problem with the Volcano hybrid
The plastic issue is obvious
The fluted cap causes big problems with taste as material builds up and continuously gets reheated
The black material builds up around the screen so you have to clean after a couple of uses
This is a full clean with 99% iso
In the classic model you heated up the filling chamber and gave it a wipe with a paper towel along with the mesh pieces
An iso bath every couple of months not days

Still trying to find a glass blower

Never tried this
Thought of creating a vacuum and having water backwash into the volcano put me off
Don't cough into your water pipe

Think it is relatively safe, may elevate the Volcano a bit and possibly shorten the whip
I tried the setup a bit more and the water gets pretty agitated and there is a difference in the vape as opposed to using the bag and mouthpiece exclusively
Probably ditch the bag if I can figure out how to use the classic bag set up to modify for use on the hybrid

Any glass blowers out there?
Believe it or not but though I have own the volcano hybrid for some time already, I have still never really tried to have a vape session with inhalation through the tube kit rather than through the valve balloon.
It is also true that - before my last harvest :dancing: :weed: https://vaporasylum.com/threads/second-grow.1597/page-6#post-94631 -
I never really had enough :weed: for that nice spacious chamber.

Anyway, I have always used only the balloon.
I tried the tube kit but it did not seem to work well. I'd better start to use it properly and test it, once and for all.

But I would be interested in learning about your vaping experience with the tube kit of the volcano hybrid. Are you of the opinion that it works well?
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Believe it or not but though I have own the volcano hybrid for some time already, I have still never really tried to have a vape session with inhalation through the tube kit rather than through the valve balloon.
It is also true that - before my last harvest :dancing: :weed: https://vaporasylum.com/threads/second-grow.1597/page-6#post-94631 -
I never really had enough :weed: for that nice spacious chamber.

Anyway, I have always used only the balloon.
I tried the tube kit but it did not seem to work well. I'd better start to use it properly and test it, once and for all.

But I would be interested in learning about your vaping experience with the tube kit of the volcano hybrid. Are you of the opinion that it works well?

I use the Volcano strictly for sipping while in the chair
I don't screw the filling chamber on all the way and only fill it half full
You can use the forced air to do power hits but that requires tightening the filling chamber and it will give you a lung buster

I do double deckers with my B2 and quartz banger with a ruby for the concentrate
One hit quick session

The Volcano is decent but the filling chamber is a disaster and keeps the Volcano in a subordinate role
Fix it S&B!
I use the Volcano strictly for sipping while in the chair

I am still a beginner with the Volcano. As I said, I am still using only the balloons.
But if the sipping with the tube kit works well, then I imagine, it can be fun.
How do you proceed? Do you live the chamber on the volcano for a while to allow the chamber to get warm and then you start sipping?

I don't screw the filling chamber on all the way and only fill it half full
You can use the forced air to do power hits but that requires tightening the filling chamber and it will give you a lung buster

Well I could not imagine a different way then simply "tightening the filling chamber" onto the Volcano device. I might have misunderstood this passage...:thinker:

I do double deckers with my B2 and quartz banger with a ruby for the concentrate
One hit quick session
I am not sure if I can follow :thinker: .....Still so much to learn. so many unknown terms and procedures.....
:weed:It's a lot of fun:dancing:

The Volcano is decent but the filling chamber is a disaster and keeps the Volcano in a subordinate role
Fix it S&B!

What exactly do you mean by that?
And....how do I fix it?:eyebrow::lol:
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There is still some concern about the plastic wearing down when screwed tightly into place
Then there is the possibility of a melt if you are sipping and forget to take the filling chamber off the heat source

They tried to have a device that you can leave on and hit when you want
They missed

Basically I have the tube hooked up to a 90° adapter that goes into the water pipe
Place the filling chamber on and give it a slight turn, take a few sips and then remove the chamber to avoid overheating and softening the plastic
The wear that would occur if you were tightening and loosening after every sip
Really cannot leave the chamber on while it is powered on
There is still some concern about the plastic wearing down when screwed tightly into place
Then there is the possibility of a melt if you are sipping and forget to take the filling chamber off the heat source

They tried to have a device that you can leave on and hit when you want
They missed

Basically I have the tube hooked up to a 90° adapter that goes into the water pipe
Place the filling chamber on and give it a slight turn, take a few sips and then remove the chamber to avoid overheating and softening the plastic
The wear that would occur if you were tightening and loosening after every sip
Really cannot leave the chamber on while it is powered on

Correct me if I am mistaken, I think to understand that the volcano hybrid flaws in its tube kit because in order to use it, you obviously need to leave the chamber on while the Volcano is powered on. But according to your experience the chamber cannot be left on for long time otherwise it will melt.
I cannot judge on this for I have used the Volcano only with the balloons so far, and always removed the chamber after filling up the balloon.

But it sounds like a serious problem. I wonder if Storz & Bickel is still not aware of this issue!?
Correct me if I am mistaken, I think to understand that the volcano hybrid flaws in its tube kit because in order to use it, you obviously need to leave the chamber on while the Volcano is powered on. But according to your experience the chamber cannot be left on for long time otherwise it will melt.
I cannot judge on this for I have used the Volcano only with the balloons so far, and always removed the chamber after filling up the balloon.

But it sounds like a serious problem. I wonder if Storz & Bickel is still not aware of this issue!?

They are
The ceramic dish that sits in your filling chamber was their quick fix
They claim this resolves the melting issue and that the rest of the plastic doesn't heat up to a melting point but what about off gassing of fumes
Then there is the issue of creating micro dust from twisting the filling chamber on and off
A simple glass adapter and going back to the old filling chambers would solve the problem and improve the overall performance
I've use Volcanos for almost 20 years and can vouch for their extraction effectiveness but they need to get a refund from the folks that designed the filling chamber for the hybrid
Another thing to be aware of is the chamber needs thorough cleaning every couple of days
Particularly around the ridges where the screen sits
Material builds up and then continuously cooks through multiple uses

These are great devices but the filling chamber is a fatal flaw and S&B sold out so there is no customer service
They are
The ceramic dish that sits in your filling chamber was their quick fix
They claim this resolves the melting issue and that the rest of the plastic doesn't heat up to a melting point but what about off gassing of fumes
Then there is the issue of creating micro dust from twisting the filling chamber on and off
A simple glass adapter and going back to the old filling chambers would solve the problem and improve the overall performance
I've use Volcanos for almost 20 years and can vouch for their extraction effectiveness but they need to get a refund from the folks that designed the filling chamber for the hybrid
Another thing to be aware of is the chamber needs thorough cleaning every couple of days
Particularly around the ridges where the screen sits
Material builds up and then continuously cooks through multiple uses

You are definitely not satisfied with the chamber of the hybrid, are you!?
Wow, 20 years experience with the Volcano!

Is there anyone else here who owns the Volcano hybrid and has been experiencing the same fatal issue with the chamber melting when left on the device while cosy sipping at the tube kit? :uhh:

As for the issue regarding the micro dust - which I take it that you are referring to the aluminium-dust issue- there was a safety recall and the replacement part as a reaction from S&B:

In fact, I had just bought the VH as I learnt about this matter so I immediately contacted them and they sent me the part to Japan within a couple of days.

These are great devices but the filling chamber is a fatal flaw and S&B sold out so there is no customer service

They sold out and there is no customer service any longer!? :watchout:
The last time I contacted them ( around four months ago), they responded immediately.
Well, I contacted them in Germany directly.

Oral Surgery last night has left me swollen.
Luckily the Volcano was among the few units I brought home a week early.
It allows "bag squeeze & Inhalation ease" without causing suction to the mouth.

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VGoodiez 420EDC