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Lunacy We all gotta eat, right? (Food Porn)

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Friday night dinner with the girls:hungry:

Going down right now....thats it..we don't eat many carbs...
In juxtaposition....
All veggies lol....
Eggplant parm with a salad...

we don't eat many carbs
Im normally full paleo keto..
Xmas period fucked me... i ate many bad things...
Getting my body to use fat for energy again instead of carbs is noticable...

Im past the worst... never eating shit again...
Im normally full paleo keto..
Xmas period fucked me... i ate many bad things...
Getting my body to use fat for energy again instead of carbs is noticable...

Im past the worst... never eating shit again...
Yeah. I AGREE 1000k %....burning fat is so much cleaner .....the inflammation fighting properties of ketogenic/low glycimic can very beneficial. Also, you get higher for cheaper. There is now a health and beauty thread, where we can expand on this awesome topics.
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Yeah. I AGREE 1000k %....burning fat is so much cleaner .....the inflammation fighting properties of ketogenic/low glycimic can very beneficial. Also, you get higher for cheaper. There is now a health and beauty thread, where we can expand on this awesome topics.
I went there....

And this below is from toast but i think it belongs here...........

Over xmas i ate bad... i also ate bread.. but not wanting to go full bad i tried to get the least processed bread i could...

I found sourdough... and omg its fucking amazing..
Bought a few different types over xmas period, all unbleached organic of course...
Really want to make my own but im currently not eating bread again....

Anyway it makes awesome toast......
Anyone make it...????
If so could a paleo version be made with coconut flour or something??
I went there....

And this below is from toast but i think it belongs here...........

Over xmas i ate bad... i also ate bread.. but not wanting to go full bad i tried to get the least processed bread i could...

I found sourdough... and omg its fucking amazing..
Bought a few different types over xmas period, all unbleached organic of course...
Really want to make my own but im currently not eating bread again....

Anyway it makes awesome toast......
Anyone make it...????
If so could a paleo version be made with coconut flour or something??

I have been eating these lately, warm it up in a frying pan like a tortilla, they are amazing. They have zero vegetable oils too(Olive oil-based)
Sometimes I make wraps for her with ABV Guacamole, pico de gallo, and chicken breast (She sleeps like a baby after it)


OMAD (One meal a day), I keep my meal schedules irregular to stimulate my metabolism...cave man did not eat at the same time everyday.Lol

Sirloin, avocado and organic thin mints GSC(made in the great lonestar state Lol)
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cave man did not eat at the same time everyday.Lol
Exactly.... nor did he wake up every morning with breakfast ready to go...
He used the stored glycogen in his liver to fuel the mornings hunting/foraging ......
We all obsess about eating all the time and never being hungry...
Hunger is natural and and important body process...

I jus wish i could be full caveman... farm my own food.. live off land... i hate the system...
My cheat meal for the week...
Potato isnt paleo and too high on gi... Yorkshire a definate no no... bacon ok as long as only salt preserved.. the rest is all good.. even gravey if done right...


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VGoodiez 420EDC