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Lunacy Weather

We're getting a nice dump of snow this weekend. Nothing major... just 3 inches or so today and again Monday. I love a big snow storm and we haven't had one yet this year. I was hoping for at least a foot.

Sigh... why do weather forecasters always have to build up the amount of snow we're going to get? They were saying 10" last night and I look outside this morning and we maybe got 4"? Maybe 6"? Hard to tell..... but it was no where near 10". I wanted 10". I wanted a real dump of snow this time, not some paltry dusting.

Sigh... why do weather forecasters always have to build up the amount of snow we're going to get? They were saying 10" last night and I look outside this morning and we maybe got 4"? Maybe 6"? Hard to tell..... but it was no where near 10". I wanted 10". I wanted a real dump of snow this time, not some paltry dusting.

View attachment 24544
Sucks when you're expecting 10" and only get 6"........... lolz.
Sigh... why do weather forecasters always have to build up the amount of snow we're going to get? They were saying 10" last night and I look outside this morning and we maybe got 4"? Maybe 6"? Hard to tell..... but it was no where near 10". I wanted 10". I wanted a real dump of snow this time, not some paltry dusting.

View attachment 24544
Double entendre gold, is big coat a reference to magnums!! :smug:



Stuff is crazy down here right now. Tuesday night we had 20 people over.
Folks are out of food, water, fuel and power.
Really funny how 1M and over homes never have any issues with the grid.
I have been trying to help as much as I can, I have been involved in emergency operations for quite sometime and this was a serious one.....we had to evacuate a whole nursing home with 2 vehicles....
Fuck Abbott and his big boys energy coop club.
Stuff is crazy down here right now. Tuesday night we had 20 people over.
Folks are out of food, water, fuel and power.
[...] I have been trying to help as much as I can, I have been involved in emergency operations for quite sometime and this was a serious one.....we had to evacuate a whole nursing home with 2 vehicles...
Bravo @Thedev ! The noble thing to do, real service and compassion!

Meanwhile others choose another way, saddly.


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VGoodiez 420EDC