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Tips What Are You Vaping

Yup, it's true, you get what you pay for... in this case it was service. Done with begging single-source "caregrivers" to take my money for "budget" pricing. So yeah, I went crawling back to TopShelfCare207 and he totally hooked me up! Met before 4PM AND I only had to drive 20 minutes to the best supermarket around to meet his mom. Splurged a bit on cannabis and cheaped out on k-cups...! This should hopefully hold me over til Black Friday...:thinker:

Xmas in July!:

1/4 oz flower of ea strain: Hash Burger, Wareoz, Gold Case Gold, Fruit Stand, Cream Smoothie, Devil Driver, Bacio Gelato x Apples n Bananas, Pink Marshmallow:

1/8 oz ea strain of live resin: Rainbow Guava, Grapefruit Lime, Citrose, Candy Store, Bubble Gum Gelato, Pink Champagne, Sweet Grape, Meat Breath:

The cheapo k-cups:

Now I gotta decide where to begin....:drooling::idon'tknow::nut::headbang:
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Lol! Love those kind of hookups! :biggrin:
Ha, well, I dunno kno 'bout dat...:razz2: I mean, we do kinda "click" and she is MAYBE only a few years older..? and a transplant "Masshole", too, such as myself...:wink::buenrollo:

Started off with the glass jarred Pink Marshmallow if anyone's interested... it looks and tastes pretty good (3 bud 1/8th, very sweet) but it's a little on the dry side. I checked out a couple of other strains and they look absolutely fantastic, however... waaaaay better overall than Native Relief. I'll post pics eventually...
A few budlets from the last bud of Fruit Stand to whet my appetite for breakfast:

Back in the jar you...!:

Texas Hot Glass contoured hollow-foot Sherlock Shredder w/Goo Roo Designs 3-Piece Bubbler mouthpiece, Texas Hot Glass Shotgun Donut dry ashcatcher w/Ebay art glass stopper, $2 adapter/injector bowl and the Terp Hammer used semi-cordlessly, set to 580F:

Enjoy your day! :sun::weed:
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You guys ready for another massive over-descriptive post.... Hmmmmmm....? Well ok, you asked for it...(?)!:

The latest rig! By "Callie", an artist in the Las Vegas area. Purchased on sale from a storefront with an online shop for $90 which included another mostly useless downstem to make it female, as it's a 14mm male removable downstem in a 14mm female joint (it's too short to be of much use and I hate cheapo slitted downstems). I think they also thew in a cheapo dropdown that I summarily broke. I got a new one today at a local headshop to use with my $2 18mm adapter bowl that I love. The "3-hole diffy" on the stock downstem supplies relatively little restriction:




Milies w/flash!

No flash:

FOTD (flower of the day) is the delicious Woreoz (Warhead x Oreoz), which is perfectly cured and super JUICY:

The larger of the 2 goes back in the jar (of course!):

In the LIFT ready to be "Innovated"... ha:

Sticky-icky! :drooling::

One lab spoonful in the injector bowl, Terp Hammer in place:

After one "session" (Hammer heated to 580f and hit til cooled), the result in the jade dump bowl:

For comparison... after a few of these, there will be enough to FILL the injector bowl when combined, and that will be hit and dumped and sucked up and hit again, then dumped for good...:

This method has no "stirring"...! Just "dumping", "tossing" and "sucking" (and "scooping", "tapping", "hitting/pulling" etc...):

The typical flower routine these days.... :thumbsup::peace::weed:
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A bit of Damnesia helping the the recovery of the hand it rests in,
A little while ago....:

About half of the last bud of Devil Driver, another Michigan strain! REPRESENT

Super keify...! And I even brush-out between grinds:

Apex bub with whip in low-profile, relatively knockover-proof flower mode (one of many "modes") ready to mount the 500F injector head:

After many low temp pulls... just breath in the deliciousness comfortably, no hurry:

Coil overshoot after session:

And the first session result:

"Sativa"-type convection is my favorite...! :dancing::rofl::nod::thumbsup::peace::weed:
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Started off today (up at 2AM tho... gave myself a 3 hour head start :buenrollo: ) with about half of the last nug of Pink Marshmallow (Marshmallow OG x Strawberry Guava), the humidity pack softened it up some since purchase:

New 14mm injector bowl from Old Head:

In the (Modern/Art Nouveau?) "Callie" beaker bub at 500F:

No tamp, no stir result:

Sorry about using the same rig so soon, but I just love it!

Enjoy your day (or evening), Everyone! :peace::weed:

Edit: initial amount recombined and sucked up after being hit in 3-4 small "sessions":

Squashed down by the seated Hammer... this will provide a bit of conduction:

Result, I may not even bother stepping up and re-hitting this...:smug::

All at 500F remember...:thumbsup:

Kinda like taking 1-1.5 hours to smoke a fatty, but waaaaaay better in almost every way...:thinker::nod:
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Half of the last bud of Gold Cash Gold, I assume it's a Seinfeld ref...? Maybe? Anywho... current scene:

One small lab spoonful, shaken never stirred (or tamped!):

Not too shabby for 451F:

Results of the first session:

All will be hit at this temp, then combined and hit again at 570F and dumped and possibly hit again.

The tools:
Goo Roo Designs custom Single-Hose Hookah (changed it to 18mm exhaust and added a foot/base) with their 3-Piece Bubbler mouthpiece > Texas Hot Glass Donut Shotgun dry ash-catcher (with eBay stopper) > new cheapo 14mm male-to-18mm male gooseneck dropdown > cheapo adapter bowl > corded Terp Hammer heated to 'Fahrenheit 451' by a @710coils regular axial coil and Budget PID/controller

:thumbsup: :weed: :peace:
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One of the last 2 little nuggies of the most insane vapor producer I've had in I can't remember how long, Hash Burger. Truly impressive:

Small no stir "shots" at hi temp (580f):

Straight to the covered Chinoiserie ABV dish:

Goo Roo Designs 3-Piece Bubbler with their Hookah mouthpiece and an Old Head injector flower bowl today.

70/sunny beautiful fall Saturday on tap here... enjoy yours! :weed::thumbsup::peace:
Pretty much the same as above, but w/one of the last Cream Smoothie buds and using the Callie beaker bub, cheapo 14mm female-to-18mm female dropdown and 18mm Old Head injector flower bowl. No need for the THG Donut Shotgun carbed "kief-catcher" here. Sorry, no somewhat reliable genetics "info" this time:

A little cooler today but still sunny... dig it!

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And to keep my word, an intimate look at the last selection/bud left from July's mixed oz purchase, and another fantastic vapor producer, Bacio Gelato x Apples and Bananas:

2 lower budlets processed:

In the US made OTG 12" beaker bong (w/built-in multi-color changing LED light show!) with the stock slitted downstem replaced by the 8-hole showerhead that came with the THG wet ash-catcher... works amazingly well! Think I paid like $12 for this bong new a couple of months ago and was planning on gifting it but ended up liking it too much to give away:

Results of first small session at 480f:

Never thought I'd like a tube this much for vaping, but here we are...! bonghit:thumbsup::weed::peace:
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Never thought I'd like a tube this much for vaping, but here we are
I have always liked the look of those old style bongs...have been looking!
Got some nice blondish Cafe Racer in the Peak Pro2,

And had some nice Damnesia trichs brushed from my large CVAULT after curing on top of some mixed herb in the Ball Vape,

This was not a single-puff extraction...more like a dirty dozen. :thumbsup:
My daughter's bf's dad gave me his accumulated collection of "byproduct" from working for a fairly large commercial grower the last few months... he only smokes a few hits of flower now and then these days:

Currently consuming the upper right material whilst waiting for my guests to awaken and start their long journey home....:wave: :cry:bonghit :weed::peace:

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VGoodiez 420EDC