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Misc. Your top vaporizers as of today


reaching maximum velocity...
Hey all,

Thought this would be a fun thread to check back on in 6 months, or for some a few weeks, to see how your tastes have changed!
I know i rotate a lot of vapes and get fixated on some for a while and then switch it all up again...

So as of today, what are your favorite vaporizers to medicate with?
Portable, desktop or custom built are all welcome! Post pics or video if possible!

My go to vapes as of right now are in no order:

NewVape FlowerPot with Quartz dish
Herborizer Ti
Stainless Steel Grasshopper

The first two are in testing and are awesome top tier vapes!! I will be doing a review of them in a few weeks and will have pics and videos then.

The Grasshopper is my go to, quick hitting vape! Bought in February of 2017 and no issues so far!

Here was a quick and dirty video i did for a friend to see what a micro load looks like in the Flower Pot!

What you got???
I went through a huge pile of vapes, and stopped when I got to Milaana. It's the simplest one of the bunch - block of wood, replaceable battery, on/off switch, and glass airpath. After breaking a couple of glass MPs I got a couple of wooden ones from Alan@HI, and now nothing breaks.

MiniVAP is still on the desk, but Milaana fits in shirt pocket and goes pretty much everywhere I do...
D-nail Sapphire Halo (honorable mention to SiC halo which is my travel/torch nail)
Dynavap Vapcap M/Omnivap (both)

Between these vapes, I barely use anything else. I own a few other high end vapes including an evo but don't use them. Also have a liger 30mm but I am still waiting on replacements for a large number of faulty/QC failed parts which were shipped to me initially after a substantial delay and can't really recommend purchasing a liger to anybody until that situation (which is not limited to me) is resolved. It does seem that the liger manufacturing situation may be resolved soon, however :)
Now, MFLB, LSV and Nano.
Six months ago Nano, LSV and MFLB
If I feel like I have fully exploited a vape and its not meeting my needs I am real happy to replace it. However I am all so a simple guy (and cheap) so good enough works for me too.
Wow, top vapes....at least in terms of how often they get used: Enano, EVO, Mighty.
I've been in a position the last few weeks where I've added a few new vapes to hte lineup so it's hard to say what my 'top' vapes are at the moment.

The vapes I'm using heavily right now are the WoodScents, Solo, Dynavap M and the Mistvape Touch. My SSV hasn't had much use lately and I've been sort of 'off' my wax pens. For dabbing I use the D-Nail with a quartz nail.
I try & keep things simple & uncomplicated these days. All my needs are met by my Wood Scent & various VapCaps with the WS doing 95% of the vape work since there is not much point in heating a cap when I have a heater already plugged in sitting right next to it. Seems like this forum has attracted a more discerning vaper from what is in folks holsters round these parts.

Seems like this forum has attracted a more discerning vaper from what is in folks holsters round these parts.
That was my hope. I don't think we need to talk about ALL the vapes. Just the best ones. And maybe which ones to avoid. :thumbsup:

And I'm still drooling over your WoodScents..... it might just be my favorite of all the WS I've seen.
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That was my hope. I don't think we need to talk about ALL the vapes. Just the best ones. And maybe which ones to avoid. :thumbsup:

And I'm still drooling over your WoodScents..... it might just be my favorite of all the WS I've seen.

When I was young I drank whatever bourbon was on special as the goal was to get legless. Now if I drank I would choose a better quality bourbon but still drink to get drunk most likely :beer-toast1:. The point is I would be drinking better booze & whilst drunk I would be CIVILISED. My WS is a dual purpose drooler Mom. I look at it & salivate, I hit it & I salivate. All good :babeando:. You should get another one but make it a custom because well, you know :nusenuse:.
I've added a dabber ghost pen with a globe/small bubbler, and a hybrid enail with a flat coil and sic dish to my rotation lately. For flowers vapcaps with induction heaters are getting a lot of use but also milaana, and ssv albeit in frankenstein direct draw form with lsv accessories. My grasshopper has come on strong since it's been back from repair. I have more vapes than I need for sure, but they all work well for me which is unusual in that I actually enjoy using all of them.
Well let me give this here a go. As of this exact moment in time, here's my list:

Top "all day vape": Ed's WoodScents/Underdog (I had to put these both here because I love both of my logs equally and they both get a fair amount of use throughout the day)

Top vape for a waterpipe: Omnivap

Top portable: Minivap

Top heavy hitter: Herbalizer
I've added a dabber ghost pen with a globe/small bubbler, and a hybrid enail with a flat coil and sic dish to my rotation lately. For flowers vapcaps with induction heaters are getting a lot of use but also milaana, and ssv albeit in frankenstein direct draw form with lsv accessories. My grasshopper has come on strong since it's been back from repair. I have more vapes than I need for sure, but they all work well for me which is unusual in that I actually enjoy using all of them.
I don't worship a VAPORIZER.

8088 - 286 - 386sx - 386 - 486 now even more.
Digitial watches were $500 when they first came out?
$5 - $10 = today?

$700 for a hair dryer?
VAPORIZER's will be less than $90.00 one day soon!
FORTUNE 500 companies will buy all the small vaporizer companies.

I like CANNABIS more than any vaporizer.
NANO EVO SOLO and lot's of WP's.
MODS for wax.
I have a bunch actually.

CIVILIZED is not a bad thing.
The FLOWER POT give's me VAS.
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Well... while I am still dabbing daily, I have changed up my rotation of vapes. The WoodScents is still my go to desktop vape (although my SSV was taken out several times in the last few weeks as well). But my portable home use has shifted primarily to the Dynavap custom stem from @phattpiggie with the Skeletor induction heater from @Pipes. The thing I like most about the Dynavap setup I have is that I can micro dose easily with it during the day without getting so blasted that I can't drive or do other necessary chores. While getting blasted is fun and all... it's really not what I want to do on a daily basis. Nor does it really help me as well medicinally. I tend to over medicate; which can be counter productive. So with this new set up I've been able to not only medicate well, but my usage has gone down dramatically. And thereby my tolerance. Winner winner chicken dinner. :thumbsup:
I try & keep things simple & uncomplicated these days. All my needs are met by my Wood Scent & various VapCaps with the WS doing 95% of the vape work since there is not much point in heating a cap when I have a heater already plugged in sitting right next to it. Seems like this forum has attracted a more discerning vaper from what is in folks holsters round these parts.


So that's a gen 2, 3, and 4 there right...???
Nearly got the set... I only have gen 2 and 4 tips..
My top vapes are..
  1. Evo...
  2. Vapcaps...
  3. Solo...
Gotta say though.. I'm intrigued by the woodscents.. need to investigate more, unless anyone fancies giving me a rough idea of what its all about here...???

I think the evo is the solo of desktops, and will stay "up there" for a few more years...

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All I've been using recently is the Flowerpot. :nusenuse:

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